Hi everyone! First I would like to say that I really appreciate working with Phaser, definitely a great framework! The documentation is awesome and the support quite amazing! =) I have found that when a sprite body collides with something, its velocity is immediatly reduced to zero. I can totaly figure out why and think that it's pretty handy, but I have encountered a frustrating situation that would gladly bypass this behavior. When my character is stuck against a wall, and I want him to jump over it, then I press the LEFT and UP arrow simultaneously. But as my character is against a wall, its x velocity is put to zero immediatly, thus he jumps and falls where he was, without moving horizontaly. For my case I coded a workaround, but I just wanted to know if there is a property or a method I have missed that could prevent this behavior. My workaround implies a line of code in the update() method, which I would like to keep, for performance purposes, as short as can be. Thank you for your help!