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  1. noticing lately that certain .png assets for my game are appearing somewhat blurry in google chrome. i think it began in chrome version 93. what i'm doing now is downgrading to version 92 in order to test play, but every time chrome opens it wants to automatically upgrade to a newer version (ver 93 or 94 as of this posting). my index.html uses some image sharpening css, which i suspect may have something to do with it. they look something like this: <style> * { cursor: none; cursor: url(), auto; image-rendering: crisp-edges; image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges; image-rendering: -o-crisp-edges; image-rendering: optimize-contrast; image-rendering: -webkit-optimize-contrast; image-rendering: optimizeSpeed; image-rendering: pixelated; -ms-interpolation-mode: nearest-neighbor; margin: 0; transform: translateZ(0); } </style> any advice on how to unblur things would be appreciated. i'm sure it has nothing to do with any new lines i've added, because i haven't added any, and am also test playing a version of my game which looked sharp in ver 92 and older.
  2. When using Android 4 and the Chrome browser, the index.html page for the Phaser 2 examples will not scroll past the 2 section heading/title lines of text for the animation examples. The farthest I can view is the title lines 'Animation' and '15 examples'. On the device native browser I can scroll the full list of 436 examples but examples like 'Click on an Image' in the 'Basics' section require several browser refreshes/reloads before they will work. Chrome runs 'Click an Image' immediately with no browser refresh required but I can't scroll down to see more examples other than Basics and Games. What fixes or work arounds can I use to handle these two browser problems with Phaser 2 example code?
  3. Hi all, I'm doing my first project in Phaser 3 (3.22.0) and am running into a strange issue in browsers other than Firefox (so far Chrome and Safari). Occasionally, when I reload the page, either when running on a local server or on a web server, the game loads as a blank, black screen. Even after allowing the page to load for minutes, the screen remains black. There are no errors in the console, and I'm not able to reproduce the problem consistently. Sometimes, refreshing from the black screen loads the game normally, and sometimes it reloads into the black screen. Screenshots of normal load and black screen load attached. I'm guessing that this has something to do with the browser cache, as I've never had this issue when loading in a new browser for the first time or immediately after clearing the cache. However, I'm not sure of this. Is there a way to force the browser not to pull from cache? Why would this not be happening in Firefox? It may or may not be relevant to know that the project includes a number of videos (total around 150MB). My code is posted below. I apologize for the disorganization and length. Please let me know if you have any insight into what might be going wrong here, or if I can provide additional information about my situation that would be helpful. Thanks in advance for your help! <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>Storm Smart - Prototype</title> <link rel='shortcut icon' href='assets/sprites/favicon.ico'> <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Nunito+Sans&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"> <script src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/phaser.js"></script> <style type="text/css"> body { margin: 0; } </style> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> var config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, width: 1280, height: 720, scene: { preload: preload, create: create, update: update } }; var game = new Phaser.Game(config); var activeVideo = -1; var video; var videoGroup; var videoStarted; var choice1Started; var choice2Started; var choice3Started; var xButton; var homeButton; var blizzardArea; var hurricaneArea; var thunderstormArea; var tornadoArea; var blizzardPlayButton; var hurricanePlayButton; var thunderstormPlayButton; var tornadoPlayButton; var blizzardAudio; var hurricaneAudio; var thunderstormAudio; var tornadoAudio; var hazardAudio; var choice1Audio; var choice2Audio; var choice3Audio; var choice1; var choice2; var choice3; var muted; var creditsStartTime = 0; var creditsRolling; var choices = [ [false, true, false], [true, false, false], [true, false, false], [false, false, true], [false, true, false], [false, true, false], [true, false, false], [false, false, true] ]; var icons = [ ['coverIcon', 'flashlightIcon', 'appliancesIcon'], ['indoorsIcon', 'petsIcon', 'windowsIcon'], ['evacuateIcon', 'windowsIcon', 'warmClothesIcon'], ['appliancesIcon', 'flashlightIcon', 'windowsIcon'], ['warmClothesIcon', 'appliancesIcon', 'evacuateIcon'], ['waterBottlesIcon', 'petsIcon', 'basementIcon'], ['coverIcon', 'warmClothesIcon', 'appliancesIcon'], ['flashlightIcon', 'waterBottlesIcon', 'basementIcon'] ]; var videos = [ 'powerOutagesVideo', 'snowyDrivingVideo', 'floodingVideo', 'fallingTreesVideo', 'lightningVideo', 'hailVideo', 'tornadoVideo', 'fallingTreesVideo' ]; var hazards = [ 'noElectricityAudio', 'dangerousRoadsAudio', 'floodingAudio', 'fallingTreesAudio', 'lightningAudio', 'hailAudio', 'flyingObjectsAudio', 'fallingTreesAudio' ]; var hazardsText = [ "No electricity", "Dangerous roads", "Flooding", "Falling trees or branches", "Lightning", "Hail", "Flying objects", "Falling trees or branches" ]; var choicesAudio = [ ['coverAudio', 'flashlightAudio', 'unplugElectricityAudio'], ['goInsideAudio', 'animalsAudio', 'windowsAudio'], ['higherGroundAudio', 'windowsAudio', 'warmlyAudio'], ['unplugElectricityAudio', 'flashlightAudio', 'windowsAudio'], ['warmlyAudio', 'unplugElectricityAudio', 'higherGroundAudio'], ['stockUpAudio', 'animalsAudio', 'lowestFloorAudio'], ['coverAudio', 'warmlyAudio', 'unplugElectricityAudio'], ['flashlightAudio', 'stockUpAudio', 'lowestFloorAudio'] ]; var choicesText = [ ['Take cover', 'Keep a flashlight handy', 'Unplug electricity'], ['Go inside', 'Bring animals inside', 'Stay away from windows'], ['Move to higher ground', 'Stay away from windows', 'Dress warmly'], ['Unplug electricity', 'Keep a flashlight handy', 'Stay away from windows'], ['Dress warmly', 'Unplug electricity', 'Move to higher ground'], ['Stock up', 'Bring animals inside', 'Go to the lowest floor'], ['Take cover', 'Dress warmly', 'Unplug electricity'], ['Keep a flashlight handy', 'Stock up', 'Go to the lowest floor'] ]; function preload () { this.load.image('map', 'assets/sprites/map.png'); this.load.image('playButton', 'assets/sprites/playButton.png'); this.load.image('blizzardButton', 'assets/sprites/blizzard.png'); this.load.image('hurricaneButton', 'assets/sprites/hurricane.png'); this.load.image('thunderstormButton', 'assets/sprites/thunderstorm.png'); this.load.image('tornadoButton', 'assets/sprites/tornado.png'); this.load.image('blizzardArea', 'assets/sprites/blizzardArea.png'); this.load.image('hurricaneArea', 'assets/sprites/hurricaneArea.png'); this.load.image('thunderstormArea', 'assets/sprites/thunderstormArea.png'); this.load.image('tornadoArea', 'assets/sprites/tornadoArea.png'); this.load.image('phoneIcon', 'assets/sprites/doNotUseLandLinePhone.png'); this.load.image('evacuateIcon', 'assets/sprites/evacuate.png'); this.load.image('indoorsIcon', 'assets/sprites/goIndoorsAwayFromWindows.png'); this.load.image('basementIcon', 'assets/sprites/goToBasement.png'); this.load.image('lowestFloorIcon', 'assets/sprites/goToLowestFloor.png'); this.load.image('petsIcon', 'assets/sprites/pets.png'); this.load.image('flashlightIcon', 'assets/sprites/prepareForPowerOutages.png'); this.load.image('coverIcon', 'assets/sprites/protectHeadAndNeck.png'); this.load.image('windowsIcon', 'assets/sprites/stayAwayFromWindows.png'); this.load.image('roadsIcon', 'assets/sprites/stayOffRoads.png'); this.load.image('appliancesIcon', 'assets/sprites/unplugAppliances.png'); this.load.image('flyingDebrisIcon', 'assets/sprites/watchOutForFlyingDebris.png'); this.load.image('waterBottlesIcon', 'assets/sprites/waterBottles.png'); this.load.image('warmClothesIcon', 'assets/sprites/wearWarmClothes.png'); this.load.image('transparent', 'assets/sprites/transparent.png'); this.load.image('overlay', 'assets/sprites/overlay.png'); this.load.image('button', 'assets/sprites/button.png'); this.load.image('xButton', 'assets/sprites/xButton.png'); this.load.image('homeButton', 'assets/sprites/homeButton.png'); this.load.image('soundButton', 'assets/sprites/soundButton.png'); this.load.audio('blizzardAudio', 'assets/audio/blizzard.mp3'); this.load.audio('hurricaneAudio', 'assets/audio/hurricane.mp3'); this.load.audio('thunderstormAudio', 'assets/audio/thunderstorm.mp3'); this.load.audio('tornadoAudio', 'assets/audio/tornado.mp3'); this.load.audio('animalsAudio', 'assets/audio/animals.mp3'); this.load.audio('coverAudio', 'assets/audio/cover.mp3'); this.load.audio('dangerousRoadsAudio', 'assets/audio/dangerousRoads.mp3'); this.load.audio('fallingTreesAudio', 'assets/audio/fallingTreesOrBranches.mp3'); this.load.audio('floodingAudio', 'assets/audio/flooding.mp3'); this.load.audio('flyingObjectsAudio', 'assets/audio/flyingObjects.mp3'); this.load.audio('goInsideAudio', 'assets/audio/goInside.mp3'); this.load.audio('hailAudio', 'assets/audio/hail.mp3'); this.load.audio('higherGroundAudio', 'assets/audio/higherGround.mp3'); this.load.audio('flashlightAudio', 'assets/audio/keepAFlashlight.mp3'); this.load.audio('lightningAudio', 'assets/audio/lightning.mp3'); this.load.audio('lowestFloorAudio', 'assets/audio/lowestFloor.mp3'); this.load.audio('noElectricityAudio', 'assets/audio/noElectricity.mp3'); this.load.audio('stockUpAudio', 'assets/audio/stockUp.mp3'); this.load.audio('unplugElectricityAudio', 'assets/audio/unplugElectricity.mp3'); this.load.audio('warmlyAudio', 'assets/audio/warmly.mp3'); this.load.audio('windowsAudio', 'assets/audio/windows.mp3'); this.load.video('fallingTreesVideo', 'assets/video/fallingTrees.mp4'); this.load.video('floodingVideo', 'assets/video/flooding.mp4'); this.load.video('hailVideo', 'assets/video/hail.mp4'); this.load.video('powerOutagesVideo', 'assets/video/icyRoad.mp4'); this.load.video('lightningVideo', 'assets/video/lightning.mp4'); this.load.video('snowyDrivingVideo', 'assets/video/snowyDriving.mp4'); this.load.video('tornadoVideo', 'assets/video/tornado.mp4'); this.load.text('credits', 'assets/text/credits.txt'); } function create() { // Audio setup // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- blizzardAudio = this.sound.add('blizzardAudio'); hurricaneAudio = this.sound.add('hurricaneAudio'); thunderstormAudio = this.sound.add('thunderstormAudio'); tornadoAudio = this.sound.add('tornadoAudio'); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game screen definitions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gameScreen = this.add.container(0, 0); map = this.add.image(500, 150, 'map'); map.scaleX = 1.5; map.scaleY = 1.5; blizzardArea = this.add.image(840, 360, 'blizzardArea'); blizzardArea. scaleX = .55; blizzardArea.scaleY = .55; blizzardArea.setAlpha(.1); blizzardPlayButton = this.add.image(820, 370, 'playButton'); blizzardPlayButton.setAlpha(0); hurricaneArea = this.add.image(960, 430, 'hurricaneArea'); hurricaneArea. scaleX = .38; hurricaneArea.scaleY = .38; hurricaneArea.angle = -10; hurricaneArea.setAlpha(.1); hurricanePlayButton = this.add.image(1000, 400, 'playButton'); hurricanePlayButton.setAlpha(0); thunderstormArea = this.add.image(700, 400, 'thunderstormArea'); thunderstormArea. scaleX = .8; thunderstormArea.scaleY = .8; thunderstormArea.angle = -1; thunderstormArea.setAlpha(.1); thunderstormPlayButton = this.add.image(720, 400, 'playButton'); thunderstormPlayButton.setAlpha(0); tornadoArea = this.add.image(840, 400, 'tornadoArea'); tornadoArea. scaleX = .5; tornadoArea.scaleY = .5; tornadoArea.setAlpha(.1); tornadoPlayButton = this.add.image(750, 400, 'playButton'); tornadoPlayButton.setAlpha(0); blizzardUnderlay = this.add.image(265, 700, 'overlay'); blizzardUnderlay.scaleX = 50; blizzardUnderlay.scaleY = 10; blizzardText = this.add.text(265, 700, 'Blizzard', { fontSize: '24px', fill: '#fff', fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif'}); blizzardText.setOrigin(0.5); blizzardButton = this.add.image(265, 620, 'blizzardButton'); blizzardButton.scaleX = .15; blizzardButton.scaleY = .15; blizzardButton.setInteractive(); hurricaneUnderlay = this.add.image(515, 700, 'overlay'); hurricaneUnderlay.scaleX = 50; hurricaneUnderlay.scaleY = 10; hurricaneText = this.add.text(515, 700, 'Hurricane', { fontSize: '24px', fill: '#fff', fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif'}); hurricaneText.setOrigin(0.5); hurricaneButton = this.add.image(515, 620, 'hurricaneButton'); hurricaneButton.scaleX = .15; hurricaneButton.scaleY = .15; hurricaneButton.setInteractive(); thunderstormUnderlay = this.add.image(765, 700, 'overlay'); thunderstormUnderlay.scaleX = 50; thunderstormUnderlay.scaleY = 10; thunderstormText = this.add.text(765, 700, 'Thunderstorm', { fontSize: '24px', fill: '#fff', fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif'}); thunderstormText.setOrigin(0.5); thunderstormButton = this.add.image(765, 620, 'thunderstormButton'); thunderstormButton.scaleX = .15; thunderstormButton.scaleY = .15; thunderstormButton.setInteractive(); tornadoUnderlay = this.add.image(1015, 700, 'overlay'); tornadoUnderlay.scaleX = 50; tornadoUnderlay.scaleY = 10; tornadoText = this.add.text(1015, 700, 'Tornado', { fontSize: '24px', fill: '#fff', fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif'}); tornadoText.setOrigin(0.5); tornadoButton = this.add.image(1015, 620, 'tornadoButton'); tornadoButton.scaleX = .15; tornadoButton.scaleY = .15; tornadoButton.setInteractive(); homeButton = this.add.image(40, 50, 'homeButton'); homeButton.scaleX = .2; homeButton.scaleY = .2; homeButton.setInteractive(); /*soundButton = this.add.image(120, 50, 'soundButton'); soundButton.scaleX = .22; soundButton.scaleY = .22; soundButton.setInteractive();*/ gameScreen.add(blizzardArea); gameScreen.add(blizzardPlayButton); gameScreen.add(hurricaneArea); gameScreen.add(hurricanePlayButton); gameScreen.add(thunderstormArea); gameScreen.add(thunderstormPlayButton); gameScreen.add(tornadoArea); gameScreen.add(tornadoPlayButton); gameScreen.add(blizzardUnderlay); gameScreen.add(blizzardText); gameScreen.add(blizzardButton); gameScreen.add(hurricaneUnderlay); gameScreen.add(hurricaneText); gameScreen.add(hurricaneButton); gameScreen.add(thunderstormUnderlay); gameScreen.add(thunderstormText); gameScreen.add(thunderstormButton); gameScreen.add(tornadoUnderlay); gameScreen.add(tornadoText); gameScreen.add(tornadoButton); gameScreen.add(homeButton); //gameScreen.add(soundButton); gameScreen.visible = false; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game screen events // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Home button // ------------------------------------------------ homeButton.on('pointerdown', () => { titleScreen.visible = true; gameScreen.visible = false; }); // ------------------------------------------------ // Sound button // ------------------------------------------------ /*soundButton.on('pointerdown', () => { if(muted == true) { muted = false; soundButton.setAlpha(1); if(muted) { video.setVolume(1); } } else { muted = true; soundButton.setAlpha(.3); if(muted) { video.setVolume(0); } } });*/ // ------------------------------------------------ // Blizzard button // ------------------------------------------------ blizzardButton.on('pointerdown', () => { showStormArea(0); playStormName(0); }); // ------------------------------------------------ // Hurricane button // ------------------------------------------------ hurricaneButton.on('pointerdown', () => { showStormArea(1); playStormName(1); }); // ------------------------------------------------ // Thunderstorm button // ------------------------------------------------ thunderstormButton.on('pointerdown', () => { showStormArea(2); playStormName(2); }); // ------------------------------------------------ // Tornado button // ------------------------------------------------ tornadoButton.on('pointerdown', () => { showStormArea(3); playStormName(3); }); // ------------------------------------------------ // Blizzard play button // ------------------------------------------------ blizzardPlayButton.on('pointerdown', function(e) { playVideo(0); }); // ------------------------------------------------ // Hurricane play button // ------------------------------------------------ hurricanePlayButton.on('pointerdown', function(e) { playVideo(2); }); // ------------------------------------------------ // Thunderstorm play button // ------------------------------------------------ thunderstormPlayButton.on('pointerdown', function(e) { playVideo(4); }); // ------------------------------------------------ // Tornado play button // ------------------------------------------------ tornadoPlayButton.on('pointerdown', function(e) { playVideo(6); }); // ------------------------------------------------ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Title screen definitions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- titleScreen = this.add.container(0, 0); titleBackground = this.add.image(640, 360, 'overlay'); titleBackground.scaleX = 320; titleBackground.scaleY = 180; titleBackground.setInteractive(); titleText = this.add.text(640, 280, 'Storm Smart', { fontSize: '64px', fill: '#fff', fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif'}); titleText.setOrigin(0.5); //subtitleText = this.add.text(640, 400, 'Click anywhere to play', { fontSize: '36px', fill: '#fff', fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif'}); //subtitleText.setOrigin(0.5); playButton = this.add.image(640, 400, 'button'); playButton.scaleX = 0.5; playButton.scaleY = 0.5; playButton.setInteractive(); playButtonText = this.add.text(640, 400, 'Play', { fontSize: '36px', fill: '#000', fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif'}); playButtonText.setOrigin(0.5); creditsButton = this.add.image(640, 490, 'button'); creditsButton.scaleX = 0.5; creditsButton.scaleY = 0.5; creditsButton.setInteractive(); creditsButtonText = this.add.text(640, 490, 'Credits', { fontSize: '36px', fill: '#000', fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif'}); creditsButtonText.setOrigin(0.5); titleScreen.add(titleBackground); titleScreen.add(titleText); //titleScreen.add(subtitleText); titleScreen.add(playButton); titleScreen.add(playButtonText); titleScreen.add(creditsButton); titleScreen.add(creditsButtonText); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Credits screen definitions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- creditsScreen = this.add.container(0, 0); creditsBackground = this.add.image(640, 360, 'overlay'); creditsBackground.scaleX = 320; creditsBackground.scaleY = 180; creditsBackground.setInteractive(); cache = this.cache.text; creditsText = this.add.text(640, 550, cache.get('credits'), { fontSize: '16px', fill: '#fff', fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif', align: 'center', wordWrap: { width: 750, useAdvancedWrap: true } }); creditsText.setOrigin(0.5, 0); creditsHomeButton = this.add.image(40, 50, 'homeButton'); creditsHomeButton.scaleX = .2; creditsHomeButton.scaleY = .2; creditsHomeButton.setInteractive(); creditsScreen.add(creditsBackground); creditsScreen.add(creditsText); creditsScreen.add(creditsHomeButton); creditsScreen.visible = false; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Title screen events // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- playButton.on('pointerdown', () => { titleScreen.visible = false; gameScreen.visible = true; gameScreen.setDepth(1); }); creditsButton.on('pointerdown', () => { titleScreen.visible = false; creditsScreen.visible = true; }); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Credits screen events // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- creditsHomeButton.on('pointerdown', () => { creditsStartTime = 0; titleScreen.visible = true; creditsScreen.visible = false; }); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function update() { if(videoStarted) { if(!hazardAudio.isPlaying && !choice1Started) { showChoice1(); } else if(choice1Started && !choice1Audio.isPlaying && !choice2Started) { showChoice2(); } else if(choice2Started && !choice2Audio.isPlaying && !choice3Started) { showChoice3(); } else if(choice3Started && !choice3Audio.isPlaying) { enableChoices(); } } if(creditsScreen.visible) { scrollCredits(); } } function showStormArea(stormNumber) { if(stormNumber == 0) { blizzardArea.setDepth(1); blizzardArea.setAlpha(1); hurricaneArea.setAlpha(.1); thunderstormArea.setAlpha(.1); tornadoArea.setAlpha(.1); blizzardPlayButton.setDepth(2); blizzardPlayButton.setAlpha(1); blizzardPlayButton.setInteractive(); hurricanePlayButton.setAlpha(0); hurricanePlayButton.removeInteractive(); thunderstormPlayButton.setAlpha(0); thunderstormPlayButton.removeInteractive(); tornadoPlayButton.setAlpha(0); tornadoPlayButton.removeInteractive(); } else if(stormNumber == 1) { hurricaneArea.setDepth(1); hurricaneArea.setAlpha(1); blizzardArea.setAlpha(.1); thunderstormArea.setAlpha(.1); tornadoArea.setAlpha(.1); hurricanePlayButton.setDepth(2); hurricanePlayButton.setAlpha(1); hurricanePlayButton.setInteractive(); blizzardPlayButton.setAlpha(0); blizzardPlayButton.removeInteractive(); thunderstormPlayButton.setAlpha(0); thunderstormPlayButton.removeInteractive(); tornadoPlayButton.setAlpha(0); tornadoPlayButton.removeInteractive(); } else if(stormNumber == 2) { thunderstormArea.setDepth(1); thunderstormArea.setAlpha(1); blizzardArea.setAlpha(.1); hurricaneArea.setAlpha(.1); tornadoArea.setAlpha(.1); thunderstormPlayButton.setDepth(2); thunderstormPlayButton.setAlpha(1); thunderstormPlayButton.setInteractive(); blizzardPlayButton.setAlpha(0); blizzardPlayButton.removeInteractive(); hurricanePlayButton.setAlpha(0); hurricanePlayButton.removeInteractive(); tornadoPlayButton.setAlpha(0); tornadoPlayButton.removeInteractive(); } else { tornadoArea.setDepth(1); tornadoArea.setAlpha(1); blizzardArea.setAlpha(.1); hurricaneArea.setAlpha(.1); thunderstormArea.setAlpha(.1); tornadoPlayButton.setDepth(2); tornadoPlayButton.setAlpha(1); tornadoPlayButton.setInteractive(); blizzardPlayButton.setAlpha(0); blizzardPlayButton.removeInteractive(); hurricanePlayButton.setAlpha(0); hurricanePlayButton.removeInteractive(); thunderstormPlayButton.setAlpha(0); thunderstormPlayButton.removeInteractive(); } } function playStormName(stormNumber) { if(stormNumber == 0) { if(hurricaneAudio != null) { hurricaneAudio.stop(); } if(thunderstormAudio != null) { thunderstormAudio.stop(); } if(tornadoAudio != null) { tornadoAudio.stop(); } if(!blizzardAudio.isPlaying) { blizzardAudio.play(); } } else if(stormNumber == 1) { if(blizzardAudio != null) { blizzardAudio.stop(); } if(thunderstormAudio != null) { thunderstormAudio.stop(); } if(tornadoAudio != null) { tornadoAudio.stop(); } if(!hurricaneAudio.isPlaying) { hurricaneAudio.play(); } } else if(stormNumber == 2) { if(blizzardAudio != null) { blizzardAudio.stop(); } if(hurricaneAudio != null) { hurricaneAudio.stop(); } if(tornadoAudio != null) { tornadoAudio.stop(); } if(!thunderstormAudio.isPlaying) { thunderstormAudio.play(); } } else { if(blizzardAudio != null) { blizzardAudio.stop(); } if(hurricaneAudio != null) { hurricaneAudio.stop(); } if(thunderstormAudio != null) { thunderstormAudio.stop(); } if(!tornadoAudio.isPlaying) { tornadoAudio.play(); } } } function playVideo(videoNumber) { videoStarted = false; choice1Started = false; choice2Started = false; choice3Started = false; // Stop all storm name audio // ------------------------------------------------ if(blizzardAudio != null) { blizzardAudio.stop(); } if(hurricaneAudio != null) { hurricaneAudio.stop(); } if(thunderstormAudio != null) { thunderstormAudio.stop(); } if(tornadoAudio != null) { tornadoAudio.stop(); } // ------------------------------------------------ // Play video and accompanying audio // ------------------------------------------------ activeVideo = videoNumber; if(videoGroup != null) { video.visible = false; videoGroup.destroy(); } videoGroup = game.scene.keys['default'].add.container(0, 0); video = game.scene.keys['default'].add.video(640, 360, videos[activeVideo]); video.play(true); video.setInteractive(); video.setVolume(0); videoGroup.add(video); hazardTextUnderlay = game.scene.keys['default'].add.image(640, 50, 'overlay'); hazardTextUnderlay.scaleX = 140; hazardTextUnderlay.scaleY = 25; videoGroup.add(hazardTextUnderlay); hazardText = game.scene.keys['default'].add.text(640, 50, hazardsText[activeVideo], { fontSize: '44px', fill: '#fff', fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif'}); hazardText.setOrigin(0.5); videoGroup.add(hazardText); hazardAudio = game.scene.keys['default'].sound.add(hazards[activeVideo]); hazardAudio.play(); // ------------------------------------------------ /*xButton = game.scene.keys['default'].add.image(1240, 50, 'xButton'); xButton.scaleX = .2; xButton.scaleY = .2; xButton.setInteractive(); videoGroup.add(xButton); xButton.on('pointerdown', () => { video.visible = false; videoGroup.destroy(); });*/ videoGroup.setDepth(3); videoStarted = true; } function showChoice1() { choice1 = game.scene.keys['default'].add.image(340, 590, icons[activeVideo][0]); choice1.scaleX = 1.8; choice1.scaleY = 1.8; videoGroup.add(choice1) choice1.on('pointerdown', () => { if(choices[activeVideo][0] == true) { choice1.setTint(0x66ff66); correctAnswer(); } else { choice1.setTint(0xff6666); } }); choice1Underlay = game.scene.keys['default'].add.image(340, 700, 'overlay'); choice1Underlay.scaleX = 74; choice1Underlay.scaleY = 10; videoGroup.add(choice1Underlay); choice1Text = game.scene.keys['default'].add.text(340, 700, choicesText[activeVideo][0], { fontSize: '24px', fill: '#fff', fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif'}); choice1Text.setOrigin(0.5); videoGroup.add(choice1Text); choice1Audio = game.scene.keys['default'].sound.add(choicesAudio[activeVideo][0]); choice1Audio.play(); choice1Started = true; } function showChoice2() { choice2 = game.scene.keys['default'].add.image(640, 590, icons[activeVideo][1]); choice2.scaleX = 1.8; choice2.scaleY = 1.8; videoGroup.add(choice2) choice2.on('pointerdown', () => { if(choices[activeVideo][1] == true) { choice2.setTint(0x66ff66); correctAnswer(); } else { choice2.setTint(0xff6666); } }); choice2Underlay = game.scene.keys['default'].add.image(640, 700, 'overlay'); choice2Underlay.scaleX = 74; choice2Underlay.scaleY = 10; videoGroup.add(choice2Underlay); choice2Text = game.scene.keys['default'].add.text(640, 700, choicesText[activeVideo][1], { fontSize: '24px', fill: '#fff', fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif'}); choice2Text.setOrigin(0.5); videoGroup.add(choice2Text); choice2Audio = game.scene.keys['default'].sound.add(choicesAudio[activeVideo][1]); choice2Audio.play(); choice2Started = true; } function showChoice3() { choice3 = game.scene.keys['default'].add.image(940, 590, icons[activeVideo][2]); choice3.scaleX = 1.8; choice3.scaleY = 1.8; videoGroup.add(choice3) choice3.on('pointerdown', () => { if(choices[activeVideo][2] == true) { choice3.setTint(0x66ff66); correctAnswer(); } else { choice3.setTint(0xff6666); } }); choice3Underlay = game.scene.keys['default'].add.image(940, 700, 'overlay'); choice3Underlay.scaleX = 74; choice3Underlay.scaleY = 10; videoGroup.add(choice3Underlay); choice3Text = game.scene.keys['default'].add.text(940, 700, choicesText[activeVideo][2], { fontSize: '24px', fill: '#fff', fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif'}); choice3Text.setOrigin(0.5); videoGroup.add(choice3Text); choice3Audio = game.scene.keys['default'].sound.add(choicesAudio[activeVideo][2]); choice3Audio.play(); choice3Started = true; } function enableChoices() { choice1.setInteractive(); choice2.setInteractive(); choice3.setInteractive(); videoStarted = false; } function correctAnswer() { choice1.removeInteractive(); choice2.removeInteractive(); choice3.removeInteractive(); nextButton = game.scene.keys['default'].add.image(1240, 360, 'playButton'); nextButton.setInteractive(); videoGroup.add(nextButton); if(activeVideo % 2 == 0) { nextButton.on('pointerdown', function(e) { playVideo(activeVideo + 1); }); } else{ nextButton.on('pointerdown', function(e) { video.visible = false; videoGroup.destroy(); }); } } function scrollCredits() { if(creditsStartTime == 0) { creditsStartTime = Date.now(); return; } timeSinceStart = Date.now() - creditsStartTime; if(timeSinceStart > 2000) { if(creditsText.y > -1500) { creditsText.y -= 1; } } } </script> </body> </html>
  4. Hi I've created a Chrome extension which allows people on the same browser page to chat. After install, just reopen the Chrome and press the "GG" button on the toolbar to enter the chat room. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/nagging/neipknhfbgajiaiiollhocjpcdjfjaom
  5. Hi, I've faced situation when Chrome suddenly has started to render 3D in a very low quality ("pixelized"). This has happened only on my local web server and only with Chrome. IE, FF on Local Web => OK Chrome on BabylonJS playground => OK Chrome on Local Web => Low quality I've cleaned cookies and local data storage in Chrome, but that did not helped. Is there any way to restore normal rendering? Thank you in advance!
  6. I'm using melon 6.3.0 and I'm self hosting my game. If I run the game via Firefox, it works just fine. (I've also tested MS Edge and the latest version of Opera, they also work) However, when using chrome, the keyboard input acts as though it is 'stuck'. If I push one of the keys I have bound for movement to the left (A or the left arrow), the game behaves as though the key is still pressed even after it has been released. This makes it impossible to move to the right, as the game no longer seems to respond to pressing D or the Right arrow key. However, I can still press the spacebar and the player shoots.
  8. Hi guys! I'm trying to learn Babylon.js. It's really cool! I created a simple configurator with a mesh imported from blender and works fine on localhost. However, when I put my files online, I can't see the meshes and the page remains blank. The Console returns this error: . BJS - [17:53:08]: Unable to import meshes from 3d/cube.babylon: Failed to load scene. t._ErrorEnabled @ babylon.js:4 f @ babylon.js:36 (anonymous) @ babylon.js:36 p @ babylon.js:4 XMLHttpRequest.send (async) s @ babylon.js:4 d @ babylon.js:4 t.LoadFile @ babylon.js:4 b @ babylon.js:36 i @ babylon.js:37 (anonymous) @ babylon.js:37 load (async) t._checkManifestFile @ babylon.js:37 t @ babylon.js:37 i._loadData @ babylon.js:36 i.ImportMesh @ babylon.js:36 createScene @ configurator.js:71 (anonymous) @ configurator.js:100 It seems that the .babylon file does not exist... but it exists! If I create a simple cube or another mesh (not imported from blender) it works fine... I attach the project folder. And this is the url http://test.zerounosoftware.com/configuratore/ Thank you in advance! configuratore.zip
  9. Please try this playground, when you click on the balls, they will pop, and in the mean while a particle system will emit particles. This is working fine with Edge, but in chrome the particle system cannot restart for the 3rd click and so forth. And both the _started and _stop properties are set to "true", this is strange. : https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#7149G4#19 playground code: var createScene = function () { var scene = new BABYLON.Scene(engine); scene.clearColor = BABYLON.Color3.Purple(); var camera = new BABYLON.FreeCamera("Camera", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, -20), scene); camera.attachControl(canvas, true); camera.checkCollisions = true; camera.applyGravity = true; camera.setTarget(new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, 0)); var light = new BABYLON.DirectionalLight("dir02", new BABYLON.Vector3(0.2, -1, 0), scene); light.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 80, 0); // Shadows var shadowGenerator = new BABYLON.ShadowGenerator(2048, light); // Physics scene.enablePhysics(null, new BABYLON.CannonJSPlugin()); scene.enablePhysics(null, new BABYLON.OimoJSPlugin()); var fountain = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateBox("foutain", 0.01, scene); fountain.visibility = 0.1; var createNewSystem = function(newPosition) { var particleSystem; if (BABYLON.GPUParticleSystem.IsSupported) { console.log("GPU supported!") particleSystem = new BABYLON.GPUParticleSystem("particles", { capacity:1000000 }, scene); particleSystem.activeParticleCount = 200000; } else { particleSystem = new BABYLON.ParticleSystem("particles", 50000 , scene); } particleSystem.emitRate = 10000; particleSystem.particleEmitterType = new BABYLON.SphereParticleEmitter(1); particleSystem.particleTexture = new BABYLON.Texture("/textures/flare.png", scene); particleSystem.maxLifeTime = 10; particleSystem.minSize = 0.01; particleSystem.maxSize = 0.1; particleSystem.emitter = fountain; //fountain.position = newPosition; particleSystem.disposeOnStop = false; particleSystem.targetStopDuration = 1; return particleSystem;; } particleSystem = createNewSystem(); var materialAmiga = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("amiga", scene); materialAmiga.diffuseTexture = new BABYLON.Texture("textures/amiga.jpg", scene); materialAmiga.emissiveColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); materialAmiga.diffuseTexture.uScale = 5; materialAmiga.diffuseTexture.vScale = 5; var materialAmiga2 = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("amiga", scene); materialAmiga2.diffuseTexture = new BABYLON.Texture("textures/amiga.jpg", scene); materialAmiga2.emissiveColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); // Spheres var y = 0; var particleSystems = {}; for (var index = 0; index < 100; index++) { // Material var sphere = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateSphere("Sphere" + index, 16, 3, scene); sphere.material = materialAmiga; sphere.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(Math.random() * 20 - 10, y, Math.random() * 10 - 5); shadowGenerator.addShadowCaster(sphere); sphere.physicsImpostor = new BABYLON.PhysicsImpostor(sphere, BABYLON.PhysicsImpostor.SphereImpostor, { mass: 1 }, scene); var goToColorAction = new BABYLON.InterpolateValueAction(BABYLON.ActionManager.OnPickTrigger, light, "diffuse", BABYLON.Color3.Red(), 1000, null, true); var popAction = new BABYLON.ExecuteCodeAction(BABYLON.ActionManager.OnPickTrigger, () => { createNewSystem() }); sphere.actionManager = new BABYLON.ActionManager(scene); sphere.actionManager.registerAction(new BABYLON.ExecuteCodeAction(BABYLON.ActionManager.OnPickTrigger, (evt) => { evt.source.dispose(); fountain.position = evt.source.absolutePosition; //console.log(particleSystem); particleSystem.start(); })); sphere.actionManager.registerAction(new BABYLON.InterpolateValueAction(BABYLON.ActionManager.OnPointerOutTrigger, sphere, "scaling", new BABYLON.Vector3(1, 1, 1), 150)); sphere.actionManager.registerAction(new BABYLON.InterpolateValueAction(BABYLON.ActionManager.OnPointerOverTrigger, sphere, "scaling", new BABYLON.Vector3(1.1, 1.1, 1.1), 150)); y += 2; } // Link var spheres = []; for (index = 0; index < 10; index++) { sphere = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateSphere("Sphere0", 16, 1, scene); spheres.push(sphere); sphere.material = materialAmiga2; sphere.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(Math.random() * 20 - 10, y, Math.random() * 10 - 5); shadowGenerator.addShadowCaster(sphere); sphere.physicsImpostor = new BABYLON.PhysicsImpostor(sphere, BABYLON.PhysicsImpostor.SphereImpostor, { mass: 1 }, scene); } for (index = 0; index < 9; index++) { spheres[index].setPhysicsLinkWith(spheres[index + 1], new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0.5, 0), new BABYLON.Vector3(0, -0.5, 0)); } // Box var box0 = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateBox("Box0", 3, scene); box0.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(3, 30, 0); var materialWood = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("wood", scene); materialWood.diffuseTexture = new BABYLON.Texture("textures/crate.png", scene); materialWood.emissiveColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); box0.material = materialWood; shadowGenerator.addShadowCaster(box0); // Compound var part0 = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateBox("part0", 3, scene); part0.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(3, 30, 0); part0.material = materialWood; var part1 = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateBox("part1", 3, scene); part1.parent = part0; // We need a hierarchy for compound objects part1.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 3, 0); part1.material = materialWood; shadowGenerator.addShadowCaster(part0); shadowGenerator.addShadowCaster(part1); shadowGenerator.useBlurExponentialShadowMap = true; shadowGenerator.useKernelBlur = true; shadowGenerator.blurKernel = 32; // Playground var ground = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateBox("Ground", 1, scene); ground.scaling = new BABYLON.Vector3(100, 1, 100); ground.position.y = -5.0; ground.checkCollisions = true; var border0 = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateBox("border0", 1, scene); border0.scaling = new BABYLON.Vector3(1, 100, 100); border0.position.y = -5.0; border0.position.x = -50.0; border0.checkCollisions = true; var border1 = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateBox("border1", 1, scene); border1.scaling = new BABYLON.Vector3(1, 100, 100); border1.position.y = -5.0; border1.position.x = 50.0; border1.checkCollisions = true; var border2 = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateBox("border2", 1, scene); border2.scaling = new BABYLON.Vector3(100, 100, 1); border2.position.y = -5.0; border2.position.z = 50.0; border2.checkCollisions = true; var border3 = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateBox("border3", 1, scene); border3.scaling = new BABYLON.Vector3(100, 100, 1); border3.position.y = -5.0; border3.position.z = -50.0; border3.checkCollisions = true; var groundMat = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("groundMat", scene); groundMat.diffuseColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); groundMat.emissiveColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2); groundMat.backFaceCulling = false; ground.material = groundMat; border0.material = groundMat; border1.material = groundMat; border2.material = groundMat; border3.material = groundMat; ground.receiveShadows = true; // Physics box0.physicsImpostor = new BABYLON.PhysicsImpostor(box0, BABYLON.PhysicsImpostor.BoxImpostor, { mass: 2, friction: 0.4, restitution: 0.3 }, scene); ground.physicsImpostor = new BABYLON.PhysicsImpostor(ground, BABYLON.PhysicsImpostor.BoxImpostor, { mass: 0, friction: 0.5, restitution: 0.7 }, scene); border0.physicsImpostor = new BABYLON.PhysicsImpostor(border0, BABYLON.PhysicsImpostor.BoxImpostor, { mass: 0 }, scene); border1.physicsImpostor = new BABYLON.PhysicsImpostor(border1, BABYLON.PhysicsImpostor.BoxImpostor, { mass: 0 }, scene); border2.physicsImpostor = new BABYLON.PhysicsImpostor(border2, BABYLON.PhysicsImpostor.BoxImpostor, { mass: 0 }, scene); border3.physicsImpostor = new BABYLON.PhysicsImpostor(border3, BABYLON.PhysicsImpostor.BoxImpostor, { mass: 0 }, scene); part0.physicsImpostor = new BABYLON.PhysicsImpostor(part0, BABYLON.PhysicsImpostor.BoxImpostor, { mass: 2, friction: 0.4, restitution: 0.3 }, scene); return scene; }
  10. Question about keyboard controls. I'm working on a simple action game in Phaser CE, the player touches certain parts of the screen to do various actions. The mouse/touch input parts work fine and now I also want to support keyboard input for people playing on desktop. The problem is; the game is running inside an iframe and the keyboard input works correctly until the canvas loses focus. The game pauses which is correct behaviour, then I click inside canvas again, game continues and mouse input still works. But now the keyboard input is not working anymore. When the game is not running inside an iframe this is not a problem, the keyboard continues to work after losing focus, pausing and then continuing. Do I have to use something other than "game.input.keyboard.addCallbacks" to check for keyboard input? This is my code mygame.GameState.prototype = { create: function() { this.stage.backgroundColor = "#f0f"; this._levelindex = 0; // .. // etc. // game input for mouse and keyboard this.game.input.onDown.add(this.onGameMouseDown, this); // mouse/touch this.game.input.keyboard.addCallbacks(this, this.doGameKeyInput, null, null); // keyboard // .. }, onGameMouseDown: function(evt) { // code.. ok works fine }, doGameKeyInput: function(key) { var kc = key.keyCode; var action = 0; if (kc == 32) {action = 1}; // space if (kc == 90) {action = 2}; // Z if (kc == 88) {action = 3}; // X // etc. this works until canvas loses focus } } FYI i'm using Windows 10 and Chrome
  11. I've noticed random drops of FPS in Chrome during a simple movement of a simple sphere. So I made a profile and the drop is clearly visible (suddenly down at 27 FPS). However, I have no idea what caused this to happen. There is nothing unusual to me within this profile. What can I do to dig deeper and eventually solve this problem? I doubt that it this is related with Babylon.js itself nor with my code... It's probably a Chrome issue - and it doesn't happen in Safari.
  12. Hello, I am getting a strange bug in chrome with the pointer lock API. When using chrome on windows 10, the mouse will randomly move to a new location as I move the mouse around. I have repeated this bug on seperate machines. Works fine on firefox. Here's a play ground: https://playground.babylonjs.com/#H9FRSI#2. I removed the non chrome pointer lock stuff. Pointerlock code for chrome: scene.onPointerDown = function (evt) { canvas.requestPointerLock(); }; I would really appreciate any help on this! Thanks!
  13. hi everybody, I'm developing a browser game with pixijs, I have finished 90%. My problem is: as I distribute the game in the Apple Store or google play market. In this forum, I read that you use cocoonjs, but I don't want use it, because I have to change many things in the project (for example: canvas render, google font, etc...) My game runs fine in chrome and firefox browsers (mobile and desktop) at 60 FPS. I tried to compile the project with apache cordova (PhoneGap), but it run at 12 FPS. This my question on stackoverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22011274/why-performance-webgl-of-phonegap-is-different-from-firefox-or-chrome I can not compile project with another embedded webview in phonegap, because it is very difficult, there is no documentation and is still unstable!! chrmome webview for phonegap: https://github.com/thedracle/cordova-android-chromeview Firefox webview for phonegap: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Mobile/Projects/GeckoView Any idea? Please give me some advice...sorry form my english. Marco.
  14. Hi, I'm having trouble getting QiCi to install/run. Successfully installed NodeJS - 9.9.0 After extracting the qiciengine-1.1.6.zip. Then running the start-win.bat file, prompt dialog quickly flashes on screen but I couldn't see what was displayed or have to to screen grab it. Also, the Chrome browser doesn't open the QiCi browser app as expected. Any help would be really appreciated. Initially had a lot of trouble downloading the qiciengine-1.1.6.zip. Kept getting errors, damaged or corrupt file... or something along those lines. Also, tried opening StartService.js via the command prompt, opens but still no result. Cheers --------------------------------------------------------- Windows 7 Professional (64-bit) Google Chrome - 65.0.3325.181
  15. The skybox textures are not correctly displayed if I view it on my android phone. For reference: my phone is a One Plus 5T with Android 8 and Chrome 65.0.3325.109. I noticed it while trying to view my current little project on mobile (noxwings.github.io) I can confirm this happens with "3.2.0-beta.1" and "3.2.0-alpha7" and whatever the "default" version is autoselected on the playground. You can use the "tutorial" skybox playground to check it. I'm uploading an example image of what I mean. The side images are all switched. http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#UU7RQ#1
  16. Yo Microsoft dudes Quick question - has anyone experienced scene window resizing issues with Chrome on iOS? I've been getting reports that when resizing our scene in Chrome iOS that the scene becomes warped, such that it's either too wide, too high, or a scale factor of the two. I was unable to replicate on my iPhone X but I could replicate on my iPad pro 10" - the scene loads fine to begin with but as soon as the device is rotated it goes to hell. It's been a right royal pain in the a-hole to debug Chrome on iOS but I did finally get somewhere using Vorlon, such that I can see when rotating the device that in Chrome the canvas width and height values are not the same as with Safari iOS. To some extent - a small extent - this is to be expected given different window chrome, however the difference is substantial e.g. on iOS Safari, where the scene is not warped/stretched, the size of the canvas when in landscape orientation is 2224x1418, however in chrome it's 1668 x 1994, this is despite the actual sizes reported in the layout as being 1112x709 Safari and 1112 x 719 Chrome iOS. What the smeg is going on? Any idea anyone (paging @Wingnut who may have seen this before in the millions of tests he's ran). Cheers! p.s. iOS version 11.2.6, Chrome iOS version 64.0.3282.112
  17. I just bought phaser's virtual joystick plugin .I tested the bundled example files on my android 7 phone and found out that they work fine with Firefox but not with Chrome. The problem with Chrome on android is the joystick not showing,but I see black square in stead. I think the problem comes from Load atlas json,but cannot figure out how to solve this issue. Anybody know how to fix? Again,No problem with Firefox .
  18. Two different WebGL implementations (chrome on the left, firefox on the right) working side by side on Linux x64. Note the subtle difference in colors.
  19. Hey everyone, I have something weird happening with the game I develop. See in this test page : http://test.wazana.io/ ( it is a special preview for you! ) The materials of the units and buildings are flashing. I observed this behavior only on chrome (working normal on IE, Edge and Mozilla) and not on all computers I tested (maybe there is a problem with a specific version of chrome). I use BABYLON.MultiMaterial on units and buildings because they always have 2 colors so one material for each color. But when it flashes on Chrome, this is either one color or the other on the entire mesh. I put a video attached which show the bug in case you don't see it on the test page. (weird video format but playable with VLC) Bye, Pichou chromematerialbug.webm
  20. Hi, on Chrome 63 (12/12/17) there is a Pointer Lock bug. When trying to spin around 360 degrees, the camera angle will randomly snap back to start position. I filed a problem report with the Chrome team, hopefully it will be resolved soon. Just wanted to let people know. Thanks!
  21. Hello, I'm doing a project with Phaser (v2.7.5) and I have some issues trying to play videos with Chrome on Android (58.0). I've tried with several different tablets, it does not seem the problem is related to the device. The same code is working on desktop (Chrome & Firefox) and on Firefox Android. This is basically my code : var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.AUTO, '', { preload: preload, create: create}); function preload() { game.load.video('videodemo', 'video/reward.mp4'); } function create() { var videodemo = game.add.video('videodemo'); videodemo.addToWorld(game.height/2, game.width/2, 0.5, 0.5); videodemo.play(); } I've tried the following workaround, which I found on another topic. The video plays on Android if I test the code with codepen but for some reason it doesn't if I upload it on my own server. codepen.io/junov/pen/RgrxOB Any ideas ? Thanks
  22. Been already spending time to solve this problem. Your knowledge or solution to this problem is much appreciated. Thanks in advance Currently I am developing app using > **Phaser Frame Work** and encounter this problem when we put our assets folder to a different folder like we have our cdn. When loading the game assets to the same server it works perfectly fine. When we put our assets to a different server that will serves as our resource folder then our assets are not being loaded. Here is a sample of our preload function Preload(game) { this._oPhaser = game; }; Preload.prototype = { preload: function () { var p = this._oPhaser; p.load.crossOrigin = "anonymous"; var time = new Date().getTime(); var default_assets = _ASSETS_ + 'assets/default/img/'; var lang_assets = _ASSETS_ + 'assets/' + p._LANGUAGE + '/img/'; var images = { 'report-header': lang_assets + 'report/report-header.jpg', 'report-description': default_assets + 'report/report-description.jpg', 'horizontal': default_assets + 'report/horizontal.jpg', 'vertical': default_assets + 'report/vertical.jpg', 'bg' : default_assets + 'report/report.jpg', 'tie_game' : lang_assets + 'report/tie_game.png', 'player_wins' : lang_assets + 'report/player_wins.png', 'dealer_wins' : lang_assets + 'report/dealer_wins.png', 'chip_report' : default_assets + 'report/chip_report.png', } for (var i in images) { p.load.image(i, images[i] + '?' + time); } var atlas = { 'dice' : default_assets + 'dices', 'result' : default_assets + 'result' }; for (var i in atlas) { p.load.atlas(i, atlas[i] + '.png?' + time, atlas[i] + ".json?" + time); }; p.load.json('lang_file', _ASSETS_ + 'assets/' + p._LANGUAGE + '/lang/language.json'); }, create: function () { this._oPhaser._LANGUAGE_FILE = this.game.cache.getJSON('lang_file'); this._oPhaser.state.start('report'); } }; all the codes work well on android devices, desktop. Except that it is not working on **iOS Device iPhone Chrome Browser** but works well on SAFARI BROWSER. When i take a look at the console.log of the test device using WEINRE debugging tools. I have this following warnings > Phaser.Loader - image[report-header]: error loading asset from URL > https://www.url.com/assets/default/img/report/report-header.jpg?1496277589789 > Phaser.Loader - image[report-description]: error loading asset from > URL > https://www.url.com/assets/default/img/report/report-description.jpg?1496277589789 > Phaser.Loader - image[horizontal]: error loading asset from URL > https://www.url.com/assets/default/img/report/horizontal.jpg?1496277589789 > Phaser.Loader - image[vertical]: error loading asset from URL > https://www.url.com/assets/default/img/report/vertical.jpg?1496277589789 > Phaser.Loader - image[bg]: error loading asset from URL > https://www.url.com/assets/default/img/report/report.jpg?1496277589789 > Phaser.Loader - image[tie_game]: error loading asset from URL > https://www.url.com/assets/default/img/report/tie_game.png?1496277589789 > Phaser.Loader - image[player_wins]: error loading asset from URL > https://www.url.com/assets/default/img/report/player_wins.png?1496277589789 > Phaser.Loader - image[dealer_wins]: error loading asset from URL > https://www.url.com/assets/default/img/report/dealer_wins.png?1496277589789 > Phaser.Loader - image[chip_report]: error loading asset from URL > https://www.url.com/assets/default/img/report/chip_report.png?1496277589789 > Phaser.Loader - textureatlas[dice]: error loading asset from URL > https://www.url.com/assets/default/img/dices.png?1496277589789 > Phaser.Loader - textureatlas[result]: error loading asset from URL > https://www.url.com/assets/default/img/result.png?1496277589789 > Phaser.Loader - json[lang_file]: error loading asset from URL > https://www.url.com/assets/default/lang/language.json Causing the app not to properly render. > NOTE : IPHONE CHROME BROWSER iOS 10.3.2 CHROME VERSION 58.0.3029.113
  23. Hi, I have a full-screen mode in my game and it works fine before Chrome update. This code still works fine on Firefox on the same device. I found also that http://phaser.io/examples/v2/display/fullscreen is not working in Chrome v56 too. Have you met this issue and how you fix it? I also will be glad if Rich give some answer/comments about this issue. If it will help you, I also found, that fullscreen works JUST if you click a border between the game and background (not the game and not a background, just a place where they connects together). Best wishes, NellyKey
  24. Hi, does anyone knows what this warning means? [.Offscreen-For-WebGL-0x7fbd8c95ea00]RENDER WARNING: there is no texture bound to the unit 0 I get it in chrome, looks like that everything works fine, but I wouldn't like to ignore it I tried to search for it and looks like it was reported for other libs also (threejs ...)
  25. Has anyone ever developed one? I am having trouble with background <-> front-script communication
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