Hey, I was wandering if anyone knew the code to set the size of sprites to however many pixels as currently no matter what the cell size or image size they are all formatting to the same height which is very unhelpful for my project! Looking for any working solution so I can have height accurate sprites, my two pieces of code being used to position and call in my sprites are as follows;
var spriteManagerstaffs = new BABYLON.SpriteManager("peopleManager", "Images/TinyPNG/David.png", 1, 1010, scene); //finds file, sets capacity to 1, cellsize to 1010<-- (does nothing) and adds to scene
var staff = new BABYLON.Sprite("staff", spriteManagerstaffs);
staff.position.x = -1.4;
staff.position.z = 0;
staff.isPickable = true;
//Sets the position within my 3d environment