I was getting through my list of things I had to put on hold, and trying to get my SIMD morphing working post the syntax change. I am using Firefox Nightly, 50.0a1(2016-07-04). I seemed to actually add to my list, unfortunately. Firefox 47 complains about navigator.mozGetUserMedia, microphone recording still works. Nightly is forcing the change to navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia. This thread is not about that, but if anyone knows how to enable it on Chrome, thanks!
In nightly, I am also getting WebGL errors for each texture I am loading, power of 2 .PNG files.
After a little searching, I think I found the right report for this. Not really sure what this means, but also saw where you can specify the option when the context is created. It did not make the message go away, regardless of whether I explicitly set to true or false. Am I doing this right?
engine = new BABYLON.Engine(canvas, true, {premultipliedAlpha: true});
I see for a dynamic texture, you can specify that it be pre-multiplied in Engine . Unfortunately, I do know actually know what a dynamic texture is, video? Thought would mention this for anyone that does.