Hello, I'm creating a Phaser button:createButton: function( size, label, style, callback , context ) { var button = new Phaser.Button( this.game, 0, 0 , this.theme.textureKey, callback, context, this.theme.button[size].hover, this.theme.button[size].up,this.theme.button[size].hover ); button.input.useHandCursor = true; var buttonStyle = _.clone(style); buttonStyle.wordWrap = true; buttonStyle.wordWrapWidth = button.width - (button.width / 10); buttonStyle.align = "center"; var buttonText = new Phaser.Text(this.game, button.width/2, button.height/2, label , buttonStyle); buttonText.bringToTop(); buttonText.lineSpacing = -5; buttonText.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5); button.addChild(buttonText); button.childText = buttonText; return button; }, That I then add to a game using add.existing The problem I'm having is that if the user clicks the button and I temporarily hide it (and then use it again), when it is shown again it is still in the mouse-over position and the cursor is still the hand. The only way to update it is to mouse over the button then mouse out again. This is really a problem, as the only work around I've found is to destroy the button after every use?!?! Any help? George