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In Babylonejs, BoneIKController assumes that all bones are oriented along the x-axis, like the Dude example I find that "The bones should be oriented along the y-axis". Here is the demo of using BoneIKController with y-axis To make it work correctly, you need to change BABYLON.Matrix.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(0, 0, Math.PI * .5, mat2); to BABYLON.Matrix.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(0, 0, 0, mat2); in babylon.boneIKController.ts file. Of course, we can't expect that not all bones follow the same convention. So I wonder Will it be solved by adding {adjustYaw, adjustPitch, adjustRoll} option like BoneLookController? Is it possible to detect the bone orientation automatically? Or we just add bone orientation parameter to BoneIKController.
Hi, I'm trying to modify animations in real-time but it seems to be extremely difficult in practice. There are functions to modify bone rotations, positions, scaling and nice helpers like BoneLookController and BoneIKController... but all of them seem to break down when you change the animation (from walking to running for example). Every time I change animation, all the parameters are reset, causing terrible jerks and twitches when the system tries to blend the controller or rotation back into place. Is there a way to force animation blending off for single rotation or controller? I can't turn the blending off for the whole skeleton, because then the animations stop blending... obviously. Is this a known issue or is there any solution? Thanks in advance.
Hello everyone!I plan to use the Kinect v2 (that for xboxOne) to move an avatar in my scene.My idea was to gain the quaternions of jointOrientations and then change the appropriate bone matrix. Nevertheless, the jointOrientations are expressed in global rotations (each jointOrientation indicates the direction of the joint in absolute coordinates) while, if I understand it, I can only modify the local matrix of skeleton bone. So I am trying to convert local jointOrientation in local rotation:var joint; //the joint of kinectvar parent = joint.Parent();var localOrientation = BABYLON.Quaternion.Inverse(parent.Orientation).Multiply(joint.Orientation);But I'm having trouble in the transformation of the reference coordinate between kinect joints and avatar bones int the babylon scene... I tried to change the axes by swapping values (x, y, z), but I'm probably wrong var kinectOrientation; //orientation of the joint expressed in quaternionreturn new BABYLON.Quaternion(kinectOrientation.y, kinectOrientation.x, kinectOrientation.z, kinectOrientation.w); //this is just one example, I have tried in different casesDo you have any advice? Thanks in advance
QUESTION: What are the minimum steps required to get a bone to export from blender and to be visualized with Debug.SkeletonViewer? Having trouble making a cube add a bone and then export to babylon. After a bunch of variations I see why... there are many steps: Applied: Object->Apply->Location & Rotation & Scale. And ensured Camera Icon is on Armiture (exporting). Weight Painted. Or setParent-> Auto Weights. And added Armiture modifier... still no bones. Tried two different loading types, two different export types (Tower of Babel), and then... #3 glTF. Fabulous! I'll leave the tips that I find below. GOAL: open blender > add 1 bone inside a cube or tube and > export to .babylon > then see bone with Debug.SkeletonViewer. PURPOSE: to run a bunch of test animations on bones (at runtime). CONTEXT: Blender version (2.78) and updated the exporter (babylon.js ver 5.4.2). Also Tower of Babel, and glTF exporter 1.0. UPDATE: glTF animations look promising. I'll provide answer here for minimum steps to animate GLTF Blender Export. Any tips of things to try in this experiment? Thx.
A model file and multiple skeletal animation files
renjianfeng posted a topic in Questions & Answers
Hello, everyone! I want to use babylonjs to develop a game, but it requires a lot of modeling and animation, and I want to implement it in the following way. I have these files below: 1.A model file (including skeleton and model, but no animation); 2.Multiple skeletal animation files (including bones and animation, but no model); This problem does not exist when I merge the model and the skeleton into a single file, but in such a way it is necessary to re-modify all the model files every time you add a skeleton action. So, I want to control the different actions of the model through multiple skeletal animation files. What can be done to load the model and skeleton separately, and then control the action of the model through a specific skeleton animation file? -
Hi all! Please tell me what is Difference between position, rotationQuaternion of mesh and bone. Because when I apply same position and rotationQuaternion animations to same hierarchy parent-child meshes vs bones I get difference results - (bone-animations result seem wrong). How to correct bone-animations? Thanks
Hi All! The BABYLON.Debug.SkeletonViewer help to view skeleton in array of lines. So can we create the bone from 2 points to build skeleton?
Hi all, I lurked some topics related to bones and their rotation but didn't find a clear solution to my problem, so I try to expose it. I'm trying to find the best way to compose rotation of bone on all 3 local axes. In my simulation, i rotate manually the bones of a human rigged model to match desired poses. Everything works fine when a bone rotates only around one local axis (x, y or z), but if I have to compose rotations and rotate, by example, a bone 90° around original x axis and 90° around original z axis, the results are not the ones I expected. E.g: bone.rotate(BABYLON.Axis.X,Math.PI/2, BABYLON.Space.LOCAL); bone.rotate(BABYLON.Axis.Z,Math.PI/2, BABYLON.Space.LOCAL); gives different results than bone.rotate(BABYLON.Axis.Z,Math.PI/2, BABYLON.Space.LOCAL); bone.rotate(BABYLON.Axis.X,Math.PI/2, BABYLON.Space.LOCAL); So what's the best way to compose rotations on 3 bone axes? Using quaternions and multiplying 3 rotation matrixes with the initial quaternion? Thus I'd like to write a sort of function rotateBone(bone, x, y, z) that rotates a bone of x degrees around its original X axis, y axis and z axis, where x, y, and z are expressed in radians [0 - 6.28] (or degrees [0 - 360])
Hi all, is there a way to interpolate actual bone rotation to have a "smooth" transition until it returns to rest pose? Explaining better: I can set rest pose on a bone by doing: mesh.skeleton.bones[19].setRotationMatrix(mesh.skeleton.bones[19].getRestPose().getRotationMatrix()) but obviously there's no transition between two poses by this way. How to interpolate along N steps between the two rotation matrices? Tnx
Hi, some time ago i started learn babylonJS, which some experience in phaser I made this: And now i have two problem to resolve: 1. Animation of walk of character stretching char - you can check it using keys WASD. 2. Mesh character have bones. I think about bone right hand, when i use function attachToBone sword has been attached in different position than bone. Thanks for help Tom
Hi, I hope someone can help me. I want to export my Blender model with the Babylon.js Blender Exporter and import it in my App. In general this works fine, but I have one problem that I can't solve. In Blender I added a parent connection between a plane and a bone of my armature. The idea is that the plane should move if the bone moves. In Blender this works fine, but not with Babylon if I import the exported scene (tried my app and the BABYLON sandbox). Now I have two problems (which may be related to each other ?) 1. The plane is in a different place in Babylon (compared to the Blender model) 2. The parent connection is not exported and if I set the connection in my app directly after the import the plane moves to a weird place (but it follows the bone) Would be nice if someone can have a look at my Blender model. In my model there are actually two planes LED.L and LED.R and a want to attach these planes to the Neck bone of my ReetiArmature. Reeti.blend Reeti.babylon
Hi to all. There really isn't any issue here; as exporting animations to babylon from blender works fine, except for the "4 bone influencers per vertex" limitation. I understand that it is a browser thing: My question is sort of strange, but I'll ask it anyways. I have no idea how to rig following this limitation in blender. How would one go about ensuring that this limit is not exceeded? Sure importing a MakeHUman model with the gaming rig, 32 bones I think, enabled would work, but when of the times when one is not rigging humanoid characters? Like sea monsters? Or giant insects? or something like that? And even if one is rigging a humanoid character, what of when the MH rig just doesn't do what you'd want and you have to do your own rig? So how would one make rigs ensuring that that limit is not exceeded? Any pointers on how to go about this would be appreciated. I also have one other question, would it possible to have babylon.js come with something like a visual editor for rigging? You import your static models and then rig them using it; it should guide the rigging process so that this "4 bone influencers per vertex" thing is not exceeded. (Please don't tell me to build it myself! ; at least not now!) Those are my questions. I attached a picture showing what happens when the limit is exceeded; the animation works but some areas are invisible. Other rigs I did did not show at all once exported to the .babylon format. Thanks in advance.
Are there any plans to increase the 4 max bone influence limit of BabylonJS Skeleton Animations ???
Hi all! Maybe my question is simple, but tell me please, how can I find out mesh.rotation(in world space), wich atached to bone? That one more mesh set in this rotation whitout using attachToBone. Because mesh, which attached to bone, rotation always equals 0, 0, 0 . Thank!
Hello ! Is it possible to play a bone animation (created in Blender) backward ? For example : we make strafe right and want to play strafe left via code. I imagine something like : scene.beginAnimation(skeleton, 40, 0, true, 1.0); Do you think it's a cool feature ? Implemeting all reverse animations in Blender is not complicated but heavy.
Hello! In begin I want to apologize for my English. I am using mesh.attachToBone for mount my pistol with character hand. All works fine. But when I am using bone.updateMatrix for rotate character torso var mat = this.torso.getLocalMatrix(); mat = mat.multiply(BABYLON.Matrix.RotationX(r)); this.torso.updateMatrix(mat); Torso rotates correctly, but my pistol still in place. On left screen you can see how work pistol.attachToBone, on right screen it is when I am changed torso rotation, but pistol did not move.
Hi everybody, noob here. So I have an animation of a walking person created using makehuman and makewalk and exported to a .babylon. I have the keyframe 0 .babylon appearing in my browser window but can't make the animation run. How can I control it? Here's my code so far (mostly copy/pasted from a tutorial for importing a mesh-only animation from babylon. I get a TypeError: scene undefined. from the line scene.beginAnimation(cmbrighuman-highpolyeyes, 31, 60, true, 1.0); <code> var canvas, engine, scene, camera = 0; document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { if (BABYLON.Engine.isSupported()) { initscene(); } }, false); function initscene() { canvas = document.getElementById("glCanvas"); engine = new BABYLON.Engine(canvas, true); BABYLON.SceneLoader.Load("", "blender/scenes/walk.babylon", engine, function (scene) { // Wait for textures and shaders to be ready scene.executeWhenReady(function () { // Attach camera to canvas inputs var light = new BABYLON.HemisphericLight("hemi", new BABYLON.Vector3(1,0,1), scene); console.log(scene.meshes[0]); scene.meshes[0].convertToFlatShadedMesh(); scene.meshes[0].showBoundingBox = true; light.groundColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.2,0,0.3); // Once the scene is loaded, just register a render loop to render it engine.runRenderLoop(function() { scene.render(); }); }); }, function (progress) { // To do: give progress feedback to user } ); scene.beginAnimation(cmbrighuman-highpolyeyes, 31, 60, true, 1.0); } </code>
Hello, I'm testing to export bone animation from Blender to babylon.js. Animation in Blender works well ( sample_0.gif ), but it doesn't work well in babylon.js ( sample_1.gif). It seems the rotation axis is incorrect or the relationship between parent bone and child bone is not well. Do I have to set some values or something in blender or babylon.js? *enviroment babylon.2.3.js / blender 2.76 / blender exporter 4.5.0 / windows 10 / chrome if there were similar topics, please let me know. Regards
Hello all, I am the dev of the Creature Animation Tool ( ) Today I checked in a change to the Creature Phaser WebGL runtimes to enable the loading of our new FlatBuffer Binary File format. This allows you to pick between either current JSON format (which is useful for debugging) or the faster and more compact binary FlatBuffer representation. The docs on how to use the new file format have been updated: The new runtimes are here: The conversion toolchain to generate the binary file is also on github here: To see a Phaser WebGL demo of an authored Creature Animation, please take a look here: Here is another Phaser WebGL demo of a walking Pheasant: Here is the new 2016 trailer for Creature: Cheers
I'm able to compute the length for bones that have a connected child bone, but I have no idea what to do for bones that don't.
Does anyone know how to get the global position of a bone?
Hi again! Please advice me - how rules i must use for creating armature in blender for use in babylon.js scenes. 1. Now i create armature and 3 simple bones system. Attach controller and setting up bones. 2. Create IK-constraint for bones 2. Create animation for controller, it's ok. 3. Export from blender and import to BJS scene. In file all bones and skeleton is saved. Also controller animation. 4. Controller animation can play ("CTRL" cube), but mesh \ bone system is not bended. BJS not support constraints? Ok, but how make pretty samples BlueLady and etc demos? Moving every bone manually and set keys? Then every bones convenient make separate, not compile in armature system. And perhaps exist tool in blender for make keys for every bone automaticaly? Trap and dark forest How make it properly? Sorry for dumb quest, but i dig forum, dig tutorial and not see, what i can do with this Perhaps need small punch in right direction. Help please!!!
Hi! In my scene I have multiple instanced robots with single skeleton. When two of them get near enough each they should start shooting lasers. Skeleton has a bone named "Arm.Gun L", its position and orientation already define the origin from where the laser is shot and its direction vector, the problem is that I can't find a way how to access the data. It need to be accessed and copied only once. Find the bone: this._bone = skeletons[0].bones.filter((b: BABYLON.Bone) => { return === "Arm.Gun L";})[0];And when firing: var l = this._laser.createInstance("l");l.position = ? // this._bone.?l.rotation = ? // this._bone.?After looking through the docs for Bone and InstancedMesh (together with its base classes Mesh and Node) the only useful thing I found are local and globalMatrix methods on bones (if I could apply localMatrix to laser would probably do what I want with some minor fixes), but haven't found any efficient way of applying to a laser.
Hi People, I have imported a rigged model (dude model in my project, the method scene.beginAnimation() works so i suppose that the skeleton is already attached to the mesh. I want to rotate a bone of this skeleton but i can't reach this goal The code that i used is the following: engine.runRenderLoop(function () { var bone = scene.getSkeletonByName("Skeleton0").bones[20]; //I've tried different bones var boneMat = bone.getWorldMatrix(); BABYLON.Matrix.RotationXToRef(0.1, boneMat); bone.updateMatrix(boneMat); scene.render();}I have no result, do you have some hint?
Hello Phaser Devs, Creature is my new advanced 2D Skeletal and Mesh Animation Tool designed for indie game devs in mind. It also supports Phaser as one of the export formats. Phaser Support (WebGL required) I just added in Phaser support for the Creature playback runtimes. Check out the Phaser playback demo here: The above demo shows a Phoenix character authored in Creature and exported out for Phaser. The whole animation sequence was automatically generated using a combination of wing flap motors, bone motors(for the floppy tails) and path motion transfer. Creature docs for Phaser are up: What makes it special - A tool that allows you to automatically generate complex motion: Walk Cycles, Hair + Cloth Dynamics, Floppy tails. This results in huge time and cost savings. Automated results can be further tweaked by hand for additional polish. - Designed for complex rigs and meshes from the ground up. Powerful tools for rigging, auto bone weight generation etc. Uses advanced Dual Quaternion skinning resulting in higher quality poses - High end VFX features in a 2D animation tool: Motion Capture, Path transfer, Rotoscoping, Soft Body Dynamics - Full control of animation spline curves over the entire timeiine - Export to Sprite Frames, Sprite Sheets, Gif, Movies, FBX and Game Engine Runtimes (Unity, Cocos2d-x, LibGDX, MonoGame and WebGL frameworks) More information about the Creature is here: Trailer: Windows Port is underway I have had many requests for a Windows port. I am hard at work right now on the port to make sure it runs on Windows. Right now about 2 / 3 of the core modules are already running in Windows. Let me know if you have any questions and thank you for reading this post. Cheers!