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Found 8 results

  1. noticing lately that certain .png assets for my game are appearing somewhat blurry in google chrome. i think it began in chrome version 93. what i'm doing now is downgrading to version 92 in order to test play, but every time chrome opens it wants to automatically upgrade to a newer version (ver 93 or 94 as of this posting). my index.html uses some image sharpening css, which i suspect may have something to do with it. they look something like this: <style> * { cursor: none; cursor: url(), auto; image-rendering: crisp-edges; image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges; image-rendering: -o-crisp-edges; image-rendering: optimize-contrast; image-rendering: -webkit-optimize-contrast; image-rendering: optimizeSpeed; image-rendering: pixelated; -ms-interpolation-mode: nearest-neighbor; margin: 0; transform: translateZ(0); } </style> any advice on how to unblur things would be appreciated. i'm sure it has nothing to do with any new lines i've added, because i haven't added any, and am also test playing a version of my game which looked sharp in ver 92 and older.
  2. Hey there! I am using the latest Phaser.js from the official website. I am creating a game that is supposed to be 640x480 in size. var game = new Phaser.Game(640, 480, Phaser.AUTO, '', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update }); But the final canvas that is being rendered is 800x600 in size, which would be correct according to my Windows DPI settings of 125% (640*1.25=800, 480*1.25=600). A resolution of 1280x720 will get scaled up to 1600x900 and as a result, everything will look blurred. The website itself is not zoomed in or enlarged in any way using Chrome. How do I disable this "feature"? I want to be able to control the size of the game.
  3. Hello, I noticed some jagged edges on the diagonal lines. Is there any way to get rid of them? I have tried using the ffxa post processing, but it still does not remove them completely. Why do they even occur? It's just a straight line. Sorry if I can't give any more input in this issue, but my knowledge of graphics is limited. Here's a babylonjs playground example. https://playground.babylonjs.com/#G3JCQ6#1 Attached is a screenshot of how it looks in the scene of my project. The diagonal lines don't look very appealing for a production ready project.
  4. Hello I use Phaser.text in my game. I want to align the text so I use text.anchor.set(0.5). On my small text it work fine but on my biggest text it make it blurry I read on forum to use text.anchor.x = Math.round(text.width * 0.5); but it only make my text disappear Is there an other way to do or maybe I'm doing it wrong question = game.add.text(310,180,questions[nbalea], {fontSize: '32px', fill: '#000' }); question.anchor.set(0.5); question.anchor.x = Math.round(question.width * 0.5); Thank you
  5. So i've encountered a problem when it comes to rendering low res sprites and upscaling in phaser. I'm pretty sure this issue has been tackled many times, but i haven't found any good solutions to it. The problem is that some pixels are getting wider than others. Like this: My game is at 480x320 and im scaling the game with SHOW_ALL. I've tried settin roundPixels to true and various CSS tricks. But nothing seem to change. Anybody know a swift solution to this? Thanks!
  6. Hey all, I'm trying to import my pixel art background images into Phaser, and no matter what non-smoothing code I put in there, there is still a blur on these images. I hope someone can help out. Here is a comparison between what it should be and what it is: Here is the code I use: var height = 480;var width = 852;var game = new Phaser.Game(width, height, Phaser.CANVAS, '', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update }, false, false);function preload() { console.log('Preload') ; Phaser.Canvas.setSmoothingEnabled(game.context, false); game.antialias = false; game.stage.smoothed = false; game.load.image('background', 'assets/imgs/dgtd_bg.png'); game.load.image('props', 'assets/imgs/props.png'); game.load.image('people', 'assets/imgs/people.png');}function create() { console.log('Create'); var background = game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'background'); background.smoothed = false; var props = game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'props'); props.smoothed = false; var people = game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'people'); people.smoothed = false;}Any ideas what may be going wrong? Thanks!
  7. Im having trouble rendering text that doesn't end up super pixilated. I'm finding it happens with most text, but mainly text that updates. Is there a good way to prevent text from becoming blurry? Im using fontface, would bitmap text be a better option?
  8. Hi guys, I've been playing around with Phaser for the last couple of weeks and I'm really loving it, very easy to work with and fun too! I have come across an issue however, I'm sure I'm probably doing something silly so I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. The issue: I come from a web dev background, so for my images, I've made them double the size and then using scale.setTo(0.5,0,5) to shrink them to the size I want them to display at. That's all fine, however when I use the game on my iPhone the images appear rather blurry instead of nice and crisp. Can anyone point me in the right direction here, am I doing something wrong? Thanks, Martin
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