I experimented with a single 3D letter in Blender, then exported to the .babylon format. It was a 214KB file! I then removed the bevel, and that reduced it to 67KB. But the version with bevel is nicer. So, that got me wondering if the bevel is something I can add back in once the model has been loaded? Whether something text-specific, or a more generic algorithm that can smooth out the hard edges in a model? But I suppose what I really want is the Babylon version of the Three.js TextGeometry module: http://threejs.org/docs/#Reference/Extras.Geometries/TextGeometry Is there already something like this? (Actually TextGeometry is just a thin layer around ExtrudeGeometry ( http://threejs.org/docs/#Reference/Extras.Geometries/ExtrudeGeometry ), which would be even more useful, if I could, say, take a png file or the contents of a 2D canvas, and turn it into a 3D bevelled object.)