I was about to file a bug report on gitHub and saw a notice that the repo is for Phaser 3 related issues only. So, is the Phaser 2 repo closed?
The bug relates to the beginFill(...) and arc(..., true) methods see below. Perhaps this has been fixed in v3?
Here is the issue...
let myGraphic = game.add.graphics(game.world.centerX, game.world.centerY);
myGraphic.beginFill(0xFF3300, 0.5);
myGraphic.arc(0, 0, 135, game.math.degToRad(0), game.math.degToRad(90), true);
let myGraphic = game.add.graphics(game.world.centerX, game.world.centerY);
myGraphic.beginFill(0xFF3300, 0.5);
myGraphic.arc(0, 0, 135, game.math.degToRad(0), game.math.degToRad(90), true);
The issue may be reproduced with the above code using the bool direction parameter set to true [anticlockwise] together with beginFill(...).
Rather starting the arc at due east 0º, the fill is begun from about 7º.
Oddly if rendered using lineStyle(...) only and without beginFill(...) it draws correctly, beginning at 0º
The same issue may be seen in the example at: https://phaser.io/examples/v2/display/arc