Hi everybody,
i want to know what Babylon can do what Unity can't do and vice versa. This is not about which tool is better like "babylon is for web-development and using less ressources and unity is programmed with C#", but more about the functionality of the tools. Are there special functions that can be mentioned?
For example: Unity has the function NavMeshObstacle for objects to avoid by AI agents. Does Babylon has a similar function?
I ask this with the background thoughts of a multi-agent system which should be built, which I already mentioned in a thread:
As part of my work, I'd like to compare the capabilities of these tools through their API (Babylon: https://doc.babylonjs.com/api/ Unity: https://docs.unity3d.com/530/Documentation/ScriptReference/index.html ) (the only way I can think of to compare functions) and, of course, I don't want anyone else to do my work, but I thought if anyone already had the knowledge, I could use this approach.
I hope this kind of question fits in this forum.
Thanks in advance.