Hi, I am new to babylon, and after a few days of struggling with rotations, I really need your help. Basically I need to rotate an aircraft in 3D space. In babylon I tried myMesh.rotation = new BABYLON.Vector3(rotationX, rotationY,rotationZ) but this rotates the aircraft around global axis and it is not what I want. What I need is to rotate the aircraft around global Y axis, then rotate around local X and Z axis. This is the Actionscript code I have used in a similar game: matrix3D.identity(); matrix3D.appendRotation(currYaw, Vector3D.Y_AXIS); //Get the new local Z and X vectorsmatrix3D.copyColumnTo(2, fwdVec);matrix3D.copyColumnTo(0, rightVec); //Rotate around local Z and X axismatrix3D.appendRotation(currRoll, fwdVec);matrix3D.appendRotation(currPitch, rightVec); I was not able to find the babylon APIs that I could use to get the same results. I find a lot of posts on babylon that use APIs that are not present in the latest babylon version. Could someone please help me? Thank you