When using Atlas with spriteSourceSize, sprites are pushed to their position, but input.pixelpick is still looking at their original position (0,0). Example: http://www.ugnis.com/Heroes-of-the-Past/public/ (clicking on buildings should invoke destroy()) Source code: https://github.com/UgnisMasiulik/Heroes-of-the-Past Building = function(castle, building){ this.sprite = game.add.sprite(0, 0, castle.race+'Atlas'); this.sprite.frameName = castle.race+building+'.png'; this.sprite.scale.setTo(scaleX, scaleY); this.sprite.inputEnabled = true; this.sprite.input.pixelPerfectClick = true; this.sprite.events.onInputDown.add(this.clicked, this);}I know that I could avoid using spriteSourceSize but maybe someone knows how to fix this?