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solved Using asset manager or mesh import task fails to load
J girl posted a topic in Questions & Answers
Hello everyone!! New to babylon.js I have tried several different ways to load a 3D model into my browser, trying babylon and OBJ files. They always fail in the console, with no clear error message as to why. All the GET requests are fine, and the model appears on the web page and the code runs fine, but I cannot move it's position or do anything with it in the code because it has not completely loaded, failing. I cannot move it's position by using model.position.x or anything of that sort. I need to eventually be able to get its vertices.. that is my end goal, but I can't even do simple altercations. Here is the code, onTaskError always gets called despite the model being visible on the screen: var assetsManager = new BABYLON.AssetsManager(scene); var meshTask = assetsManager.addMeshTask("human", "", "models/", "human.babylon"); // You can handle success and error on a per-task basis (onSuccess, onError) meshTask.onSuccess = function (task) { task.loadedMeshes[0].position = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, 0); human = task.loadedMeshes[0]; } assetsManager.onTaskError = function (task) { console.log("error while loading " +; } In the console it says "error while loading " +, and nothing else. I added mime types to the browser, I made sure the HTTP request went through.. I would appreciate anyone's guidance on how to import a 3d model into the browser, I don't need an entire scene, I just need 2 models/objects in total, and I want to know how to move them and manipulate their vertices.. Thanks J