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Found 8 results

  1. I'm trying to follow the first tutorial. I don't understand why I don't see anything unless I uncomment out the resize() (which is not in the tutorial), and even when I do, the background color is not as specified in the Application object. Any pointers would be appreciated. <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Hello World</title> </head> <body> <script src="pixi/pixi.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> //Create a Pixi Application let app = new PIXI.Application({ width: 256, height: 256, antialiasing: true, transparent: false, backgroundColor: 0x0000f0, resolution: 1 }); // If I comment below, then I see a nothing. Also, why is the canvas // background black instead of 0x0000f0? app.renderer.resize(256, 256); document.body.appendChild(app.view); </script> </body> </html>
  2. Hello, I am developing a game, and in a parte o this I need move and sprite and after some events move many sprites, but using app.tocker.add doesn't work In a first part I used this code to move a box appearBoxOrigin() { let counter = 0; this.app.ticker.add(() => { if (counter === 35) { counter = 0; this.app.ticker.stop(); this.addInteractiveImagesToOriginBox(); this.appearBoxHighLow(); } else { this.Boxes.origin.sprite.x -= 10; counter += 1; } }); } Afer I used this another code to move another sprite, but code doesn't work, doesn't show error, only doesn't run, I don't know if is because I use stop function to stop the animation. I'd like know How can I use ticker to make animation, how can I start and stop, and really I don't understand how make animations, so I use this counter but making essay and error but I'm not sure. this.app.ticker.add(() => { if (counter === 0) this.app.ticker.start(); if (counter === 35) { counter = 0; this.app.ticker.stop(); this.appearLoftSoftBoxes(); } else { this.Boxes.targetHigh.sprite.x -= 10; this.Boxes.targetLow.sprite.x -= 10; /* this.interactiveImages.map((image, index) => { this.interactiveImages[index].setPosition( { x: this.interactiveImages[index].x - 1, y: this.interactiveImages[index].y }, ); return null; }); */ counter += 1; } console.log('ticker move images'); }); But my variable this.interactiveImages (a class) seem like render again and show me an error on the constructor of these variables.
  3. We have released our very first Android application called HTML5 Games Club on the Google Play Store. This application allows you to play with more than 1700 HTML5 games without any additional installation. Here you can play games provided by well-known HTML5 game distributors such as Famobi, GamePix, HTMLGames, TreSensa, Spil Games and Softgames.The application is available on the Google Play Store. Install and try it now!
  4. Hey everyone! I've been working on a little app for myself that allows exporting any html5 and javascript application to a "native" desktop application. It uses node-webkit to create binaries that work on all platforms. One awesome side effect of this is that node-webkit has it's own internal server, so there's no need to have a server installed to test your application. And, by enabling the toolbar, you can debug your apps just like you would in the browser. If you'd like to test the app and give me some feedback, that would be awesome. I'm hoping this will take down a part of the barrier of setting up a server in order to use phaser. Anyways, here's the link to my project: https://github.com/jyapayne/Web2Executable There are links to precompiled binaries on the github page and you can also check out the source code to see how it works. The source is kind of ugly right now and I need to clean it up a lot, but the app works and is functional on all platforms. Let me know what you think! Cheers!
  5. So I have a project to create a museum simulation and how to manage visitor regulation per exhibitions within the museum. I made this simulator using Phaser and you can see the prototype here http://notalentgeek.itch.io/e-phasermuseumvisitorsimulator (it is hard to explain what it is, I just done the the code yesterday from a day of programming, but feel free to ask). My case here is that I need a HTML5 application framework that has similarity to Phaser, programming wise. I feel that Phaser cannot go beyond what I have done in term of creating simple and neat UI for non video game application. Perhaps, something like Unity GUI designer for two dimensional game. I have no background in HTML5 prior Phaser, so I would like to know if there is any UI framework to create simple application that similar to Phaser programming wise, so that I do not need to really learn it from scratch. I have experience in Unity, Flixel, Phaser, GameMaker, Processing, and oF. I currently have my eyes on IonicFramework (http://ionicframework.com/) but I would like to know if there is better option to create HTML5 application (desktop and mobile).
  6. Hi all, I've been working on a JS->C compiler prototype for my thesis to help making more advanced JS games mainly for iOS without having to compromise performance due to JIT compilers not being allowed. However, to achieve really good performance this compiler has deviated a little bit from standard code semantics so I've made a small survey that i'd hope as many of you as possible would fill in so i'll have an idea of how useful it'd be in practice. If you don't understand some parts of the questions, don't worry as those are usually error prone situations and just answer the best you can. (This form is now closed) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/10dcIUkarUHuCVMFJstNtSd6hdm-QtQmlxYMnb_bfJFo/viewform Gonna put a FAQ in the next comment (or this one) if needed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit: 2015-06-13 , turned off the submission form as i've submitted my thesis.
  7. i'm using euroca.io , i want to make a native app using cooconjs, my application show a black screen, can some one help me ?
  8. I develop my game using phaser and node js, how to make it a native application (android and ios) ?
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