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Found 4 results

  1. Hi, my name is Loz Dewey and I'm a U.K based composer specialising in music for video games, television and film. I’ve been writing music for media professionally since 2010 mainly for television, film and a have worked with a couple of video games (see my website for credits). Currently I'm looking for game projects to get involved with. As an avid gamer and musician I'm no stranger to video game audio and have some knowledge using middleware if needed (Fmod/Wwise). Please check out my website to see my portfolio/credits and more info about myselfWeb www.lozdeweyaudio.comemail lozdeweyaudio@outlook.comThanks for taking the timeLoz
  2. Hello! My name is Mika Pilke and I've been a hobbyist musician and music writer for about 20 years. For now I haven't been too active looking for projects that need sounds or music, but I'd like to change that. I've also been active gamer for 25 years, and it has been sort of a dream of creating them too. And since I like creating different atmospheres, it would seem quite logical move to offer my skills for someone who is developing them. Though of course I'm willing to do music for a lot more than for games only, if needed. I do have to mention that I'm not a rock-hard pro, but I am very serious with my stuff. Two years ago there was one project for what I did 30 songs/ambiences, but game never actually was finished. Does not really matter though, since it was a fun journey and did give some important experience nevertheless. I'm not sure of the total amount of songs I've done, but it is far over 100. As an artist I am quite versatile. I do have tendencies of creating a bit darker atmospheres, but really, feel free to ask anything or offer any kinds of projects! I might have something up in my sleeve. For now I have been mixing and mastering my work alone, but for commercial projects I do have some contacts I can use to master and enhance my creations to top quality (two ambient songs listed below are mastered way too quiet, since I lacked good tools for mastering back then). Right now I do have full time job, so if you need 20 song in two weeks, I probably won't be able to help you. But if you give me a month or (rather) few months, it definitely shouldn't be a problem. Anyway, here's some of my recent work. Everything you hear or see is my work (photos, 3D-modeling, animation, shooting, music, mixing, singing, editing ect.). Everything except artwork in the video of the song Hellbreaker in which Jaime Jasso has been creator of all the visual art. Dreamland Synthesis - Awaiting This song was made to serve as menu music or such (horror). https://youtu.be/nyjdHfudUJA Dreamland Synthesis - In Peace With this one, my goal was to do a song that would fit to a RPG or JRPG. Village music? https://youtu.be/maZT13jDRWk Dreamland Synthesis - Morbid Tomorrow Darkish ambient. https://youtu.be/YK4un5O016Y Dreamland Synthesis - Nebula Core This one would maybe be suitable for some dark scifi-styled horror game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Qu4uB3HtiI Dreamland Synthesis - Hellbreaker I think when I did this song I was imagining some sort of moment being chased. https://youtu.be/w8QIfSVZ0io Dead Cold Ground - Towards Eternity This was my project at the beginning of this year. I kind of got out of the hand, and took almost a month to finish. Working alone takes it's toll. https://youtu.be/hI7JVdlW_34 And here's some of my newer creations also: https://logamp.com/MikaPilke/music Please, feel free to contact me if there's any questions or other things on your mind. pilkemika_gmail.com
  3. Composer available for hire. Competitive rates, easily the most bang for your buck. I've already started on my first few projects, with great satisfaction, and Im looking for more! I believe my work speaks for itself: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCGMqdH7qN12A_Isip9HrAhg Contact by email: retrorenaissance04@gmail.com
  4. I am not very familiar with GLSL. I am trying to integrate an Ambient Occlusion Shader with Babylon using ShaderMaterial. The shader source can be found at: https://github.com/mikolalysenko/ao-shader Vertex Shader: https://github.com/mikolalysenko/ao-shader/blob/master/lib/ao.vsh Fragment shader: https://github.com/mikolalysenko/ao-shader/blob/master/lib/ao.fsh I've setup the shader in CYOS at: http://www.babylonjs.com/cyos/#1F1POU CYOS is throwing some errors: [.Offscreen-For-WebGL-0x7f9aaa872c00]PERFORMANCE WARNING: Attribute 0 is disabled. This has significant performance penalty /cyos/#1F1POU:1 [.Offscreen-For-WebGL-0x7f9aaa872c00]RENDER WARNING: there is no texture bound to the unit 0 When using the shader with `shaderMaterial` like: var aoShader = new BABYLON.ShaderMaterial("AO", scene, { vertexElement: "vertexShaderCode", fragmentElement: "fragmentShaderCode" }, { attributes: ["attrib0", "attrib1"], uniforms: ["projection", "view", "model", "tileCount", "tileSize", "tileMap"] }); aoShader.setFloat('tileSize', 0.16); This produces an error: `babylon.js:4 WebGL: INVALID_OPERATION: drawElements: no buffer is bound to enabled attribute` I believe the Shader is dependent on some external mesh data. I'm not sure how to pass it.
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