This may be a very simple question. I have this basic platformer game. At the end, when the player reaches a certain x/y coordinate, the game ends. My endGame function looks like so : endGame: function(){ this.player.kill();,100,'congratulations'); }This function is called in the update part of my code : if(Math.round(this.player.position.x/32 + 1) == 12 && Math.round(this.player.position.y/32 + 1) <= 15) { this.endGame();}I am aware this may not be the cleanest and simplest way to do this, but I am fairly new to phaser. My problem is, as soon as the game ends, the 'congratulations' sprite is added 60 times per second, which is obviously considerably slowing my fps rate. How can I avoid this? Is there a way to add my sprite in the create part of my code, but only show it when the endGame sprite is called? Thanks!