When make a game and NOT using the default First person view type camera movement...
When you actually have to move a 3rd person view of a player or actor around...
Using mesh.moveWithCollisions or using physics imposter set linear velocity ???
How are you to handle things like Jumping using each one these types of movement ???
If using physics for all movement, what is the overhead of adding to physics state to every object in the would that your= should NOT pass thru ???
And does anybody know what up with the way mesh.moveWithCollisions auto raise and keep raised the mesh from the ground... nearly 2 units... There has to be some rhyme or reason for that... Right ???
Anyways... Any help soon these questions will better help me make default movement systems for BabylonJS Toolkit Made Games
And @Deltakosh and @Sebavan .. As always... I would luv to hear what you think about this stuff