I am porting my game from direct canvas writing to pixi framework. and there I have objects with trailing path effect, I am making this ovewriting on each render step, the whole stage background color and small alpha. I have ported it to pixi this way: var graphics = new PIXI.Graphics(); // draw a circle graphics.beginFill(canvasBg); graphics.drawRect(0, 0, canvasWidth,canvasHeight); stage.addChild(graphics); var animate = function() {.... graphics.beginFill(canvasBg,0.1); graphics.drawRect(0, 0, canvasWidth,canvasHeight); graphics.lineStyle(1,player.color); graphics.drawCircle(player.x, player.y,player.r);.... };But it has the performanse problem: as I understand pixi makes array of all graphics operations and renders the array, Is it possible to flatten it ? or is it makable only with textures ? And another question - my approach does not work if some background image under the game stage lays - has anybody solution for it ?