I keep reading that TexturePacker can create SpriteSheets for Phaser and I can get it to create the PNG sheet but I can't seem to get Phaser to read any of the formats that TexturePacker saves to. Here is my preload code: this.load.atlasXML('robot', 'images/spritesheets/robot.png', 'images/spritesheets/robot.xml');This is the Animation add code: r.animations.add('Idle', this.game.math.numberArray(1,3));The Xml that TexturePacker is saving is odd, it's creating "Sprite" nodes instead of the "SubTexture" node I would have expected. Here is the XML: <TextureAtlas imagePath="robot.png" width="206" height="36"> <sprite n="Generic-1.png" x="2" y="2" w="32" h="32" pX="0.5" pY="0.5"/> <sprite n="Generic-2.png" x="36" y="2" w="32" h="32" pX="0.5" pY="0.5"/> <sprite n="Generic-3.png" x="70" y="2" w="32" h="32" pX="0.5" pY="0.5"/> <sprite n="Generic-hit-1.png" x="104" y="2" w="32" h="32" pX="0.5" pY="0.5"/> <sprite n="Generic-hit-2.png" x="138" y="2" w="32" h="32" pX="0.5" pY="0.5"/> <sprite n="Generic-hit-4.png" x="172" y="2" w="32" h="32" pX="0.5" pY="0.5"/></TextureAtlas>The error I get is "No FrameData available for Phaser.Animation Idle" I think this is probably a missed setting in TexturePacker but I have hope that some of you are using TexturePacker and will know what I'm doing wrong.