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  1. Hello everyone, in late 2013 I started experimenting with what is possible using JavaScript/WebGL (coming from a computer engineering - C++/Java university background). Over time it grew into a game engine and then this game, as I worked on it in my free time next to full time jobs and more recently, contracting work. So it is entirely custom code (the only library used is RequireJS to load the JS files themselves), and I made all the assets as well (models, textures, music, sound effects (using some free CC licensed sound samples as a base) - you can find details in the "About" page in the game. As a result, the engine features and asset quality are rather modest. It is still heavily work in progress as the title suggests, but it has become quite playable recently, so I decided to share it here. About the game My goal is to create a fully fledged 3D space sim with procedurally generated missions that can be played on any computer with a modern browser. I am going for more of a softcore sim feel rather than an arcade one (there are many arcade options these days, but I prefer the more serious, elaborate controls of sims, without the time/hardware investment needed for something like Elite: Dangerous - which also doesn't run on my linux machine) Check out the facebook page, where I post updates and you can also find a recent gameplay teaser video. Game features (so far): full 3D, 6 degrees of freedom gameplay Newtonian physics (with flight assist) basic combat mechanics (primary weapons, shields, flight modes, targeting) 11 simple, authored missions (+3 training missions) against AI in-game database with info about the ships detailed, persistent graphics and control settings graphics settings automatically lowered if default settings are not supported by the hardware (high FPS is not ensured, only that it runs) joystick support an editor to mod the game (even more WIP/unstable than the game) Planned (missing :)) features: procedural missions, with ship upgrades in-between advanced combat mechanics (missiles, jamming, boosting, communication with wingmen) more content (ships, weapons, more detailed environments....) multiplayer Also a lot of polish, HUD changes, performance optimizations etc are planned. You can get a general idea by checking out the issues page of the game's github. Please note! The download size for the game can be significant (tens of MBs - depends on graphics settings and the mission being loaded), so I do not recommend trying it with a plan where you pay based on the amount of data! Play it here Let me know what you think! Technical info You can check out the code at https://github.com/nkrisztian89/interstellar-armada. Feel free to fork it - since it is 100% client side code, you can just throw it into the public HTML folder of your server (e.g. Apache) and it should work locally right away. Then you can use the built-in editor in the tools folder (localhost/the_folder_you_put_the_game/tools) to see how the game data files are organized, play with them (to apply the changes just hit export and then overwrite the original with the exported file in the data folder). Note that you cannot create or export missions or edit config/settings from the editor (as of now) Since this is a long project and I regularly revisit and update parts of the codebase that I might have not touched for a year or so, I try to keep it organized and nicely commented even if just for myself. However, this is not the number one priority, so there are parts of the codebase (which at this point grew above 60,000 lines) which are in terrible, terrible shape. I believe the best example of this currently is the code for the HUD.
  2. A Space shooter game build with Phaser 3. Download it for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kpagan.RebelWings The player controls the ship, shooting laser to enemies, launching homing missiles and fighting bosses. Each level the enemies differ, more difficult enemies are added and more difficult bosses. Each boss moves on its own unique pattern. Collect power ups like health, missiles, and bomb that kills every visible enemy to clear the stage. Fight through 16 ready levels. Collect the parts from the exploded enemy ships. Use the collected scrap as a currency to upgrade your own ship. Upgrades can be done 4 basic areas: 1. The Laser: rate of fire, damage and multiple shots 2. The missile: damage, accuracy and how many missiles your ship can carry 3. Engines: how fast can you move 4. Ship: how many hit points the ship has Check the teaser video here:
  3. Here's a fun re-imagining of the 1978 hit Space Invaders. Play in the traditional 2D mode - much faster and smoother than the original - or in 3D. The 3D mode is the same game from a different perspective. There is also a third mode which attempts to emulate a CRT television straight from the 1980s. This mode uses an orthographic camera, limits rotations to the Z axis for a purely 2D experience, adds a glow layer and a layer of scanlines. This project was built over a few weeks using the BabylonJS framework. ViteJS is used as a build tool. The Github repository includes all code, blender models and images. Have fun and use them as you like. Sound effects are free creative commons from "The Essential Retro Video Game Sound Effects Collection (512 sounds)" by Juhani Junkala. Play it here: https://spaceinvaders.viperfish.com.au/ Github repo: https://github.com/johnpitchers/Space-Invaders
  4. After a lot of time spent creating abilities and animations, I've finished a space multiplayer game with pixi.js (available at https://starmos.io/). My original idea was to make a vector based space game using SVG, but that quickly bogged the rendering. Switching to pixi was a lifesaver, and I was able to keep adding more animations without drops in framerate. The idea of the game is to fight with other players (or bots) to gain levels and increase your score, which unlocks increasingly powerful combat abilities (abilities can also be caught temporarily by a passing comet). There are six ships to choose from, each with passive traits and values for speed, health, mana, and agility (turn speed). The world is technically infinite (looping), and contains wormholes, stars, planets, and the occasional asteroid field.
  5. Good evening world I'm new to posting anything like this online so bare with me if I meander a bit I'd like to present little something I've been working on for the last 5 weeks. In short, It's a work in progress incremental game about exploring space called Top Fuel Spacer. In long, It's an incremental game with a vast scope. The end game vision, is to have an incremental game with a tone of content. Tasks (i.e. Quests), collectibles, achievements, characters, customization, random generation, ui themes, prestige, conversation trees, research, engineering, building, hacking, mining, attacking, defending and chatting - single player and multiplayer. The laundry list of tasks can be found on this Trello board https://trello.com/b/lEMbH9W8/top-fuel-spacer My goal is to build a community driven game. Developed in tandem with feedback from players. The current build of the game can be found and experienced here https://top-fuel-spacer.herokuapp.com/ It's mostly a mere proof of concept skeleton, conceptually representing some of the systems, just 10% of the game if I'm being generous in estimation. Not much in terms of actual gameplay yet. What I'm looking for from you kind strangers of the internet, is some form of validation for this game. Your opinions. Your questions. Do you like it? Should I continue with it? Looking forward to your feedback. Have a good night PS: I've made a Discord thingy for the game https://discord.gg/ak3WBJ8
  6. Hi all, Please check out Space Battle game, basically I used sea battle mechanics for single player in space setting. Made with VueJS, no canvas used - animation and isometric grid is made with CSS. Link to the game ? https://chpockrock.itch.io/spaceranger
  7. Welcome to our open Alpha of space.game! We'll be constantly updating the game and will be adding new features such as online multiplayer, new game modes, accounts, friends, store, and more! Game Description Claim as much territory as you can by strategically flying your spaceship around the map. You’re invincible while inside your territory and can kill anyone entering your space. Outside of your territory, other players can hit your trail and destroy your spaceship. If you hit another player’s trail, you’ll destroy their spaceship. A head to head collision results in both spaceships being destroyed. Game Controls Turn your ship by using the arrow (▲▼►◄) or WASD keys. Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/spacedotgame Twitter: https://twitter.com/spacedotgame Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/spacedotgame Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/spacedotgame/
  8. Game is at https://protop.link/rock-it-to-space/ AWSD or arrow key controls. Buying control fins allows steering, and buying valves allows throttle control. (slide in the direction you want to move on a touchscreen) P key or pause button to pause and unpause. (there is a delay to prevent pause spamming) Trailer on youtube and an android app with the same name. (Search pub:protop if you are having trouble finding it) If the controls aren’t working, make sure the game is in focus by clicking on it.
  9. So, I guess it's time to show my latest project to wide public: https://github.com/Guevara-chan/Ammo-0 Link to play it directly right now: https://guevara-chan.github.io/Ammo-0/main.html Ammo:0 is an experimental game prototype (with stock graphics so far), designed to explore and refine basic concepts of antoshooter subgenre. It features warped space, intense explosions, rockets, rockets and some more rockets. Did I said about rockets already ? Oh, right. Tell me what you think about concept itself and current premise.
  10. Now my platform game Classic Space Adventure is finished! It is inspired by the Classic Space theme by LEGO®, and is an action adventure game that you play in a browser on a desktop computer. Since it is based on LEGO® I am not planning on making any money of it, but I hope it will be played by many people. So if you got any ideas to share on how I can spread the game to a bigger audience, please let me know in the comments The game is written in Javascript without the use of any frameworks or libraries. The music I have composed in Famitracker. In total there are 6 bosses and around 70 different enemies and characters. I have a webpage for the game here, and a trailer which you can check out here. Any feedback is welcome! Play the game here! (Chrome is recommended)
  11. I have created a platform game in 2D for the desktop that is based on the Classic Space theme by LEGO. It is still under testing so I will make a new post later on when it is finished, but here is a little preview of the game. It is written from scratch in Javascript without using any libraries (except for jQuery sometimes), and since it is quite big it probably takes more then 5 hours to finish. In total there are 6 bosses and about 50 different enemies. The graphical style is a mix between Nintendo 8-bit and C64. I also wonder if you got any tips on how I can spread this game to a bigger audience?
  12. Hi All, ZOOM now has (optional) score keeping so we can now know who's the Top Space Ace! Other changes: Choose your computer's power: see deeper into space if you've got the horsepower. Better object position randomization. Smoother frame rate degradation. Very easy learning curve. Obstacles grow a bit faster. Fly now at Jounce.Space! Thanks so much to BabylonJS's creators and contributors! See ya in space, Joe
  13. Hi All, I just launched upgraded ZOOM! More info at Fly now at Jounce.Space! Thanks so much to BabylonJS's creators and contributors! See ya in space, Joe
  14. Hello, I would like to show you my first html5 game that I created with Construct 2: RUN ASTRO RUN The game has 15 levels, can be played both on desktop than on mobile and works both in LANDSCAPE and PORTRAIT mode. Here is the link to the page of my website where you can play the game: https://www.redwitchgames.com/run-astro-run/ I would really appreciate if you try it and say to me what do you think and how can I make it better for the future... Thank you, Antonio RedWitchGames.com **************************************************** GAME DESCRIPTION How much far Astro can run? In this action game that puts to test your gamer skills you have to help Astro The Alien to run away from the evil Red. Jump from asteroid to asteroid but beware of the hot ones! Time accurately your jumps on the pulsating ones! Avoid the burning comets! Be fast or the evil Red will catch you! Reach your trusty space ship and fly away! Freedom is just over the corner... GAME INSTRUCTIONS Jump from asteroid to asteroid doing single or double jumps. Avoid landing on the hot asteroids or you will be instantly burned. Time accurately your jump on the pulsating ones so that you will step on them only when they are cold. Jump over the burning comets or you will get blasted. Try to be fast or the red ufo will capture you. Your main goal is to reach the spaceship parked at the end of each level and fly away. DESKTOP: Press the Z and X keys to make the alien do a short or long jump respectively. MOBILE/TABLET: Touch the two icons on the left and right sides of the screen to make the alien do a short or long jump respectively. ****************************************************
  15. This morning I finally got Zoom online at Jounce.space . Simple, approachable for beginners, while still challenging experts. Steer with mouse, up arrow to accelerate, down arrow to slow down. It is mostly finished, but score-keeping is turned off for now. How far can you go? Fly as fast as you can! Win by flying far. Any direction. Your distance is your score. What do you think? Joe
  16. Given a vector expressed in global space and a mesh, how can I get the position of this vector within a mesh local space? Or, alternatively, how can I get a parent position within a child local space? Update: Just figured it out... It is simply vector.subtract(Mesh.getAbsolutePosition()), right? Update2: Ok it's not... Because it doesn't take in account the mesh rotation.
  17. Hello! I'm working in a game that use physics like asteroids, the arcades game, but i'm having trouble making "the ship" to move. I'm using whatever sprites I found for testing, so right now the ship is the guy from the first official tutorial in the page of Phaser 3. TL;DR How do I use velocityFromRotation() work for my sprite. I've read the documentation but I just don't get it. Thank you, btw. I put here the code. For now, "the ship" is called "dude". game.js
  18. I recently finished my first game with Phaser in just under 2 months. Its a 2D action / bullet-hell style shooter with a story, made using Phaser. You can play it here: SUPER STARKILLER 3000 I also wrote about what I learned in a retrospective you can read here: https://github.com/fahseltc/SUPER-STARKILLER-3000/blob/master/docs/article/postmortem.md Or check out the source GitHub: https://github.com/fahseltc/SUPER-STARKILLER-3000 Thanks for taking a look!
  19. Hello all, We have released our first game on Kongregate. Please check it out and share your constructive criticism with us. https://www.kongregate.com/games/hoanggamestudio/space-colors-td If you like it, enjoy!
  20. It's our first HTML5 multiplayer game. "Zorelit" is a ukrainian word for star ship. It's an example, what's happening, when a developer with C++-damaged brain starts to work with web. We don't have development blog yet, but here is YouTube channel of my friend who did 3D modeling for this game: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnBdtM0blIctiRZ6GJgKtng
  21. Hello all, My name is Alexander and I am a professional HTML5 game developer from St Petersburg.I'd like to present you my new HTML5 game HyperDiver: https://playerburg.com/games/hyperdiver/ It is a dungeon crawler game in a minesweeper style with role-playing elements (collect loot and upgrades system) in a space setting. The game is also available on Google Play, in popular Russian social network and on some online games portals. The game was developed with Phaser framework. Server side was implemented as REST API with PHP+MySQL: leaderboards, ratings, registration, authorization There are lots of game-design ideas still not implemented because of the lack of resources. And I learned a lot while working on this project. I've improved my skills as a game-designer and as a programmer also. There were lots of difficulties in the working process and the current minimalistic and simple version means that more than 50% of the implemented features were removed at all. I'm novice in a game marketing and I don't exactly know how to promote my game so I don't monetize it now. If you are publisher and you think that this game has future, I will be glad if you help me to publish and promote it together as partners. I can modify the game in accordance with your request: add more features or implement any possible API. Making a game even so simple like mine is a great journey and I wish everybody to have this kind of experience! Good luck to all! Regards, Alexander
  22. Hi! This is a prototype for a 3D space platformer game that is in the design phase. You can play it here: http://pirron.one/escaping.earth4 We were able to develop this in a matter of days. Some features: Developed using PlayCanvas. p2.js is used for physics, planets create gravity fields that push objects that enter it, into orbit. solar system is an accurate representation of the real one, using the orbital elements from NASA. Planets were scaled up to help with game play. additional star systems can be added easily from the editor, just by inserting new (real or imaginary) orbital elements. orbits and gravity fields are rendered using "lines" to help the player navigate around. Touch controls are partially implemented, for the moment only to navigate around with the top down camera. This isn't an easy game, nor does it make much "sense" right now! But we are loving how easily it turns out to prototype in PlayCanvas. Stay tuned for feature updates: http://pirron.one/playingincanvas/escaping-earth-3d-space-platformer-prototype Thanks for playing!
  23. Join the Super Asteroid Battle! Bring your friends to fight the asteroids, collect ore, upgrade your spaceship, and shoot for the high score in this now multiplayer version of the classic Asteroids game. Built as a collaboration between Elisabeth Seite and Jackson Sui. We used the phaser.io framework and socket.io for multiplayer. We think the game turned out very well and hope you enjoy it! Try playing it here! Github Link
  24. https://makizo.itch.io/phaseroids Arrows - Move Ship Space - Fire Weapon A, S, D - Change Weapon 3 Power Ups : - Slow Time - Speed - Shield
  25. Mission 13 - Lost in Space Check out our newest game, Mission 13! We spent the last few weeks developing it for the JS13K Games competition hosted by Andrzej Mazur at Enclave Games. As most of you probably know, the idea of this competition is to fit a whole game in a zip file less than 13kb. We managed this with our entry, and here is the end result! Also, feel free to plaster it across social media, trust me, we won't mind http://js13kgames.com/entries/mission-13-lost-in-space Some technical features of this game, for all you nerds out there include: Custome image generation. (For stars, planets, and asteroids) Audio synthesizer using JSFXR. Support for both mobile and desktop with fullscreen resizing capabilities. Random terrain generation. And most importantly, love.
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