Hi guys, I've built an app called Pagehop (a launcher for the web) and I just released a new version, which includes a plugin ("recipe" as they are called in Pagehop) for the documentation of pixi.js. Basically, you can search and read the online docs of PIXI through Pagehop, which is always a key-shortcut away from you. So wherever you are, you just press Ctrl + Option + Space (only on Mac, right now, coming on Windows later this year) to open up Pagehop and for example to search the docs for the Sprite class, you just write: pixi sprite classand this is the result The app has a free, unlimited evaluation period, so you can try it out for as long as you like before paying anything for it. Just download and install! The recipe is open-source and if you like to make an improvement - please, fork the repo and submit a pull request, or post in this thread so we can discuss it. I'd be happy to receive contributions. I hope this will be helpful to you. Please, don't hesitate to post your thoughts about it - I am always looking for feedback. Cheers!