I can get clone to work with a simple model (only 2 Meshes) But with a more complex model that has submeshes like heads, torsos, and other elements, I can't get Mesh.Clone to work except on individual submeshes: This also happens when I try to clone dude.fbx Am I using clone incorrectly? Here's the code I used to do the above (no animation) myavatar = BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh("FlorSkin", "", "FlorAvatar.babylon", scene, function (newMeshes, particleSystems, skeletons) { a = newMeshes[0]; a.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0,5); for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { var r = newMeshes[4].clone("r" + i); // 0-crashes, 1-clones eyeballs, 4-clones the head r.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(Math.floor(Math.random() * 101) - 50, 0, Math.floor(Math.random() * 101) - 50); } }); Thank you.