Hello, I've some problems with basics animation on phaser 2.2.2 : I created an animation : game.load.atlas('bodyPlayer', 'img/body.png', 'data/body.json');...player = game.add.group();player.health = 100;game.physics.arcade.enable(player);player.enableBody = true;bodyPlayer = player.create(140, GAME_HEIGHT - 255, 'bodyPlayer');bodyPlayer.animations.add('normal', [0,1]);bodyPlayer.animations.add('run', [2,3,4]);After in the update function : bodyPlayer.animations.play('run', 5);console.log(bodyPlayer.animations.name);console.log(bodyPlayer.animations.currentFrame.name);Here the result : main.js:190 runmain.js:191 003 - run1.pngmain.js:190 runmain.js:191 004 - run2.pngmain.js:190 runmain.js:191 005 - run3.pngmain.js:190 runmain.js:191 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined It made one loop, display correctly the names of all the frames of this animation, stop and show this error. I attach my Json File made with Texture packer (Json Array). Thank you for your answer and sorry for my english :/