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  1. Hi, Am trying to get text data from a JSON file which I've loaded using : this.load.json('textInfo', 'js/textInfo.json '); however, I can't access the data using the code I had working in phaser2 getInfo = JSON.parse(this.cache.getText('textInfo')); and the JSON examples folder on the phaser site is empty, can someone help me out with this please?
  2. Hello guys, I'm Hipreme(aka MrcSnm). I have some experience developping some games, and over the time I developed these games I found some need of having a tool that would generate enum for acessing my resources via intellisense. This tools is Licensed on LGPL 3 In every game I developed, at some time, I wrote some code for storing in variables the path for my resources or some easier access. By thinking in this problem, I created one tool that is meant to help every game developer in any language by dynamically updating these resource enumerators when you drag'n drop in your folder a new resource. This tool is very customizable for your needs by accessing its generated file 'settings.config', it is a jar executable that will create one system tray icon on your notification area(already tested on Windows, but I think that it should work on Unix like systems). I already was able to make enums for Javascript, JSON, C++, C, Java and the default one C#. Everything just by tweaking the configs. In this tool you will set an Input path, then the executable will start to listen to this input path. After that, you can set one output path for where the generated file will be created. Every time you save the config file, or drag'n drop some file in a folder that is being listened, it will update the enum generated. That's all folks, hope this tools can help in your development. Access for this tool: https://github.com/MrcSnm/ResourceEnumGenerator
  3. Hello guys, I was really used to using GdxTexturePacker, when I started programming with Phaser, I really missed it, so I made some jar cross-platform executable (Already tested on Linux and Windows) for converting .atlas file to .json format, like the used for Phaser (Already tested), if someone wants it, I made the repository public and open source https://github.com/MrcSnm/GdxPackerToJSON
  4. Hey, I am trying to use a texture atlas that comes with xml and not json. its actually one from kenny nl's free assets, which seems to come with xml only. i cant find a phaser example which loads an xml, and if i convert the xml to a json using an online converter, the json is formatted wrong ( " Atlas JSON Hash given, missing 'frames' Object" ) thanks
  5. I am making a top down RPG styled game using Tiled and Phaser 3. I have already made a map in Tiled for the city and store. Also, I have already set the objects for the location of the store where the player is suppose to go in order to enter the store and the location where the player is supposed to appear. The thing I am having trouble figuring out the code I am suppose to use in order to facilitate this action, as well as going back to city map. One more thing, If there are any other ideas on how to go about this I am all ears.
  6. so I created a spritesheet online and and added to my game. but some sprites are small in size so how do I change the size of sprite: { "filename": "Attack__004", "frame": { "x": 1, "y": 1951, "w": 111, "h": 96 }, "rotated": false, "trimmed": true, "spriteSourceSize": { "x": 9, "y": 5, "w": 111, "h": 96 }, "sourceSize": { "w": 120, "h": 110 }, "pivot": { "x": 0.5, "y": 0.5 } }, I don't know which one is the height and width of image. So do can I resize the image inside the json file or I must manually resize and pack it again? Btw, I used this tool http://free-tex-packer.com/app/ (no PC to use texture packer :-) ) Thanks in advance
  7. I get only json string from server. Is there a way to load it somehow? Is it a good practice?
  8. I've been having a look through the phaser tutorials for json tiled maps and I've noticed that it's not clear on how to create a json tiled map that is 'phaser ready'. After creating a tiled map in tiled and following the code examples I've been unable to get passed the following error. Cannot read property '2' of undefined line phaser.js:98679 // find the relevant tileset sid = map.tiles[tile.index][2]; set = map.tilesets[sid]; version: 2.6.2 Is there anything obviously wrong with the code or the exported json tile map? Maybe there is a special way to export maps from tiled? Help would be appreciated. Thanks. game = new Phaser.Game(600, 600, Phaser.AUTO, '', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update }); function preload() { game.load.tilemap('map', 'assets/map.json', null, Phaser.Tilemap.TILED_JSON); game.load.image('tmw_desert_spacing', 'assets/tmw_desert_spacing.png'); } function create() { map = game.add.tilemap('map'); map.addTilesetImage('tmw_desert_spacing'); layer = map.createLayer('Tile Layer 1'); } { "height":14, "layers":[ { "data":[0, 0, 0, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 0, 0, 40, 40, 40, 40, 0, 0, 40, 40, 0, 0, 40, 40, 40, 0, 40, 40, 0, 40, 0, 0, 40, 40, 0, 0, 0, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 0, 0, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 0, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 0, 40, 0, 40, 40, 40, 0, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 0, 40, 0, 40, 0, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 0, 40, 40, 40, 0, 40, 40, 0, 40, 0, 40, 40, 0, 40, 0, 40, 40, 40, 0, 0, 40, 40, 40, 0, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 0, 0, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 0, 0, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 0, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 40, 40, 40], "height":14, "name":"Tile Layer 1", "opacity":1, "type":"tilelayer", "visible":true, "width":14, "x":0, "y":0 }], "nextobjectid":1, "orientation":"orthogonal", "renderorder":"right-down", "tiledversion":"1.0.1", "tileheight":32, "tilesets":[ { "firstgid":1, "source": { "columns":8, "image":"tmw_desert_spacing.png", "imageheight":199, "imagewidth":265, "margin":0, "name":"tmw_desert_spacing", "spacing":0, "tilecount":48, "tileheight":32, "tilewidth":32, "type":"tileset" } }], "tilewidth":32, "type":"map", "version":1, "width":14 }
  9. I have made a map in Tiled and I have a already generated a JSON. Whenever I try to load the map in Chrome and it load only a black screen. When I went to inspect the website there are warning like: No data found in the Json tilemap from Tiled matching the tileset name "RunItUpCity" Cannot create tilemap layer, invalid layer ID given: Bottom Layer TilemapParser.ParseTiledJSON - Layer compression is unsupported, skipping layer 'Bottom Layer' Also, I got an Error that read: Uncaught Type Error: cannot read property 'setCollisionProperty' of null Does anyone think that there is a problem with the map or the code? Here is the JavaScript code if anyone needs it. const config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, width: 800, height: 600, parent: "game-container", pixelArt: true, physics: { default: "arcade", arcade: { gravity: { y: 0 } } }, scene: { preload: preload, create: create, update: update } }; const game = new Phaser.Game(config); let cursors; let player; let showDebug = false; function preload() { this.load.image("tiles", "../assets/tilesets/RunItUpCity.png"); this.load.tilemapTiledJSON("map", "../assets/tilemaps/GetawayCity.json"); // An atlas is a way to pack multiple images together into one texture. I'm using it to load all // the player animations (walking left, walking right, etc.) in one image. For more info see: // https://labs.phaser.io/view.html?src=src/animation/texture%20atlas%20animation.js // If you don't use an atlas, you can do the same thing with a spritesheet, see: // https://labs.phaser.io/view.html?src=src/animation/single%20sprite%20sheet.js this.load.atlas("atlas", "../assets/atlas/atlas.png", "../assets/atlas/atlas.json"); } function create() { const map = this.make.tilemap({ key: "map" }); // Parameters are the name you gave the tileset in Tiled and then the key of the tileset image in // Phaser's cache (i.e. the name you used in preload) const tileset = map.addTilesetImage("RunitUpCity", "tiles"); // Parameters: layer name (or index) from Tiled, tileset, x, y const belowLayer = map.createStaticLayer("Bottom Layer", tileset, 0, 0); const worldLayer = map.createStaticLayer("Top Layer", tileset, 0, 0); const aboveLayer = map.createStaticLayer("Collision Layer", tileset, 0, 0); aboveLayer.setCollisionByProperty({ collides: true }); // By default, everything gets depth sorted on the screen in the order we created things. Here, we // want the "Above Player" layer to sit on top of the player, so we explicitly give it a depth. // Higher depths will sit on top of lower depth objects. worldLayer.setDepth(10); // Object layers in Tiled let you embed extra info into a map - like a spawn point or custom // collision shapes. In the tmx file, there's an object layer with a point named "Spawn Point" const spawnPoint = map.findObject("Objects", obj => obj.name === "Spawn Point"); Also, I will attach the JSON code to the post because it is 17000+ of code. GetawayCity.json
  10. Hello, I've recently acquired some sprites from Oryx and have attempted to load the sample Tiled file contained within. I'm able to load the assets just fine in my Preloader: loadAssets() { this.load.tilemap("oryx_tilemap", "assets/tilemaps/maps/oryx_test.json", null, Phaser.Tilemap.TILED_JSON); this.load.image("oryx_creatures", "assets/tilemaps/tiles/oryx_creatures.png"); this.load.image("oryx_items", "assets/tilemaps/tiles/oryx_items.png"); this.load.image("oryx_tiles", "assets/tilemaps/tiles/oryx_tiles.png"); this.load.image("oryx_world", "assets/tilemaps/tiles/oryx_world.png"); this.load.image("oryx_world2", "assets/tilemaps/tiles/oryx_world2.png"); } However, as soon as I attempt to "do" anything with the map, it crashes: create() { this.game.stage.backgroundColor = "#ffffff"; this.map = this.game.add.tilemap("oryx_tilemap"); // Error here this.map.addTilesetImage("oryx_world", "oryx_world"); this.map.addTilesetImage("oryx_creatures", "oryx_creatures"); this.map.addTilesetImage("oryx_items", "oryx_items"); this.map.addTilesetImage("oryx_world2", "oryx_world2"); this.layer = this.map.createLayer("background"); this.layer.resizeWorld(); } With the following error message: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '2' of undefined Phaser.TilemapParser.parseTiledJSON Phaser.TilemapParser.parse Phaser.Tilemap Phaser.GameObjectFactory.tilemap InGame.create Phaser.StateManager.loadComplete Phaser.StateManager.preUpdate Phaser.Game.update Phaser.RequestAnimationFrame.updateRAF You can find the entire .json in this pastebin snippet. I'm not aware that I'm messing something up, judging from the tilemap example. What could I be doing wrong? Is the tilemap using any properties that are unsupported by Phaser?
  11. Harryk89

    Loader Json

    HI! which boot loader JSON should I use to boot now? And tell me the difference between JsonLoader, SpineLoader and PIXI.Loader
  12. HI, Apologies for the rather basic question, but, the almost all of the articles & threads I've found are about loading JSON files in relation to a tileset or atlas. I just need to load some data, it doesn't have to be JSON, it could be csv, but examples are a bit thin on the ground. Is this possible? I have found one example, but it has a separate loader just for the JSON, it doesn't appear to add it into the loader resources - does it have to be done this way? Thanks! <edit> So, immediately after this I got it working by accessing the resources in loader complete method. But, I still wonder if it's possible to access the JSON from the cache as you do with sprites?
  13. Hi, I've been trying to load a json file using the assetmanagers textfile task, but this only returns an arraybuffer. I would have expected that the task returns a simple string which I then can parse to a json object. When loading the file directly through an xmlhttprequest, I get the string which can be parsed without a problem. Here's an example: http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#GIKDTN#3 You can see in the console log, that the textfile task returns an arraybuffer and then fails to parse it as a json object. What am I doing wrong here? Thanks EDIT: I guess this is a bug in Babylon.js 3.2.0, when I switch to stable version in the playground, it works as I expected.
  14. Hey, I am working on a game that fetches an unknown amount of json files from a webserver. When everything is parsed, I need to combine everything in one big json object. //for loop game.load.json('cards' + i, deckStorageLink + decksData[i][0]); //while testing im only having two, 'cards0' and 'cards1' //different function var deck1 = game.cache.getJSON('cards0'); var deck2 = game.cache.getJSON('cards1'); var fullDeck = //deck1 and deck2 combined. so if I have [ { "country": "0", "points": "1", "action": "5", "description": "Draw two cards" } ] and [ { "country": "1", "points": "1", "action": "3", "description": "Steal a card" } ] I want [ { "country": "0", "points": "1", "action": "5", "description": "Draw two cards" } ] [ { "country": "1", "points": "1", "action": "3", "description": "Steal a card" } ] Does anyone know how to do this? -Ivo
  15. Hi everybody! I'm trying to preloading my audio from the same JSON where I preload the images. This is my JSON file: { "preloading": [ { "type": "image", "key": "image1", "url": "Images/image1.png", "overwrite": false }, { "type": "audio", "key": "audio1", "urls": [ "Audio/audio1.wav" ], "autoDecode": true } ], "meta": { "generated": "1401380327373", "app": "Phaser Asset Packer", "url": "http://phaser.io", "version": "1.0", "copyright": "Photon Storm Ltd. 2014" } } This is where I read the file: function preload(): void { game.load.removeAll(); game.load.pack('preloading', 'myjson.json', null, this); game.load.audio('audioN', 'Audio/audioN.wav', true); } function startOnClick() { audio = game.sound.play('audioN'); } If I launch my game, images are preloaded succesfully as audioN.wav, the audio in JSON give me this error: phaser.js:72849 Phaser.Loader: No URL given for file type: audio key: audio1 for all the audio file on my JSON file. The JSON file, the images folder and the audio folder are located in the root of the project. The audioN is a test that I've added to see if the problem was a type error in JSON or not, it doesn't change anything if I kick away it from my code. Any idea why I receive this error? Maybe @Arian Fornaris or anyone else could let me understand where my code is wrong? And, partial OT, why I cannot change the meta tags (except for "copyright")? If I do so it doesn't load nothing anymore.
  16. I am making a platformer game with Phaser 2.9.2 where the map is loaded from a JSON file and am having difficulty trying to make interactive tiles which are replaced by a new tile with a collision from a single-direction. I have found a function which allows me to control the direction of collision direction of tiles, so I am hoping to find out how to activate a function and replace individual tiles when there is the sprite and tile are overlapping. I have been thinking of adding the tiles individually in JSON with unique properties and using the .createFromObjects method, but I want every tile to have the same properties and the potential to make multiple stages. So I am hoping there is way to activate a function when the players sprite overlaps with the tile, and in the function it replaces that individual tile with another tile from the tilemap.
  17. I created a map/level in JSON with "tiled map editor" which uses a tileset. Fot the JSON file look in the attachment. Now in code loop through the JSON and try to create the level/map. Problem is that it renders the same tile and not the different ones. If I run per layer it's ok (l=1, l<2), If I add the layer loop it renders with only 1 tile...(see attached image, there should be different walls) I tried several things. It looks like pixi does create all sprites with same tile? Many thanks Raymond // load json var level = require('../map/level1.json'); var tileHeight = level.tileheight; var tileWidth = level.tilewidth; var layers = level.layers; var height = level.height; var width = level.width; var tileset = PIXI.utils.TextureCache["./images/terrain.png"]; for(var l = 1; l < 5; l++ ) { // Layer var data = layers[l].data; for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { // Postition on screen var y = i / height | 0; var x = i % width | 0; // Which tile we should use if( data[i] != 0) { var tileRow = (data[i] / 32) | 0; var tileCol = (data[i] - (tileRow * 32))-1 | 0; console.log('texture -> row: ' + tileRow + ' col: ' + tileCol + ' width: '+tileWidth+ 'tileHeight: ' + tileHeight); var rectangle = new PIXI.Rectangle(tileCol*32, tileRow*32, tileWidth, tileHeight); // x, y, w, h tileset.frame = rectangle; var layer = new PIXI.Sprite(tileset); layer.x = x * tileHeight; layer.y = y * tileWidth; this._game.stage.addChild(layer); } } } level1.json
  18. Hi folks. How do I get my character to walk and attack at the same time with 2 separate character atlas files? For instance, when you're walking, you press a key & while holding the walking keys, you can swing your sword WHILE walking at the same time through 2 separate but similar animation atlases. Thanks! ~M
  19. I have spent some time finding out how to animate tiles in a tile map loaded from a Tiled map exported to JSON. At first I built a utility class called TileMapAnimator (TMA) to animate some tiles using manual data and eventually I extended the class so that it could load animated tile data directly from the map files. With TMA you define your animations in Tiled and load them directly into your Phaser game! I'm sharing this code in the hope that others may find it useful. If you have invested into loading Tiled maps using the built in functions, I believe you can include animations in your game with very little retrofitting. TMA can animate hundreds of tiles without any notable performance degradation. Some usage restrictions apply: In TMA, each animation uses a fixed frame interval for all the tile frames. Tiled actually allows you to specify different durations per frame. Hence TMA picks the first duration as the frame interval. TMA requires tile animations to be defined on one of the tiles included in the animation. This is because TMA scans the map layer for these tiles and sets up the animated tiles at the designated locations Only one animated tile layer is supported for now. Perhaps I will extend TMA to support animation in multiple layers. How to use TMA Import the TMA class: import TilemapAnimator from "../graphics/TilemapAnimator"; In preload(), load the tile map and associated tile sets using the built-in Phaser map loading functions: this.load.tilemap('TileMap', 'assets/maps/world1/TileMap.json', null, Phaser.Tilemap.TILED_JSON); this.load.image('Ground', 'assets/graphics/world1/Ground.png'); Load the tile map again, but this time as a raw JSON file: this.load.json("TileMapAnimations", 'assets/maps/world1/TileMap.json'); In create(), set up the map and layers as usual: const tilemap = this.add.tilemap('TileMap'); const groundTileset = tilemap.addTilesetImage('Ground', 'Ground'); const groundLayer = tilemap.createLayer('Ground'); Create an instance of TMA, passing the game.time object, the tilemap and the layer containing the animations: const tilemapAnimator = new TilemapAnimator(this.time, tilemap, groundLayer); Load the animation into TMA, by specifying the cache key of the raw JSON object loaded in prefetch() using game.load.json(....) and start the tile animations: tilemapAnimator.addAnimationsFromTilemap("TileMapAnimations"); tilemapAnimator.start(); That's all there is to it! Note: I am no NPM expert, but if anyone is willing to turn this into an NPM package or some other practical library, please get in touch so we set it up! The TMA class file is attached below. TilemapAnimator.js
  20. Hey guys I'm new to Phaser, I looked on Youtube and phaser examples for answers but didn't find any helpful one. I get this error on the console TypeError: location is undefined[Learn More] phaser.js:97736:25 getIndex getTilesetIndex addTilesetImage create loadComplete finishedLoading processLoadQueue asyncComplete fileComplete loadImageTag/file.data.onload Here is my code: var game = new Phaser.Game(500, 400, Phaser.AUTO, "", { preload: preload, create: create, update: update }); function preload() { game.load.spritesheet( "marioSmall", "assets/images/marioSmall.png", 34, 34, 6, 1 ); game.load.image("ground", "assets/images/ground.png"); game.load.tilemap( "map_01", "assets/tileset_json.json", null, Phaser.Tilemap.TILED_JSON ); game.load.image("tiles", "/assets/items.png"); } var mario; var ground; var map; var layer; function create() { // ground = game.add.sprite(0, 370, "ground"); // game.physics.arcade.enable(ground); // ground.body.immovable = true; // mario = new Mario(100, 100, 2000, 800, 200); map = game.add.tilemap("map_01"); map.addTilesetImage("items", "tiles"); layer = map.createLayer("Tile Layer 1"); } function update() { // game.physics.arcade.collide(ground, mario.sprite); // mario.checkInput(); }
  21. Hi, I'm making platform games with phaser, and to do so i prepare my levels in inkscape, i give a label to each image so when i end it i finally get an .svg document with an x and a y for each labeled element. Then i replace and delete all the useless text with my code editor till i get it in a .json format so i can pass it to my game as a new level. Is a repetitive and boring work, i hate it. So now i'm thinking in write a little "program" or script to do it. What i really don't know is how to pass through a text that it isn't an html or a php. i would prefer to code it with js as is the language i know most, but i'm open to suggestions. I think it shouldn't be so difficult as is only gather some text and creating a new document, but i don't know where to start. Thanks!
  22. Hey guys, I'm new to this forum! Use to be an oldschool flash developer (erik.newgrounds.com) and am now seriously looking at building games in HTML5. I had zero problems until i opened my game in Firefox (54.0.1 (32-bits), and Pixi v4.5.0..) and it threw the following error: TypeError: resources['assets/images/bodyparts.json'].textures is undefined[Meer info] After digging a bit deeper and logging the above mentioned resource object i see: Object { _flags: 2, name: "assets/images/bodyparts.json", url: "assets/images/bodyparts.json", extension: "json", data: null, crossOrigin: "", loadType: 1, xhrType: "json", metadata: Object, error: Error, nog 17… } When i click the Error message i see the following error: Error trying to parse loaded json: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data I cant find anything wrong with my json, even JSONLint tells me its ok. Also in Chrome everything works perfectly fine. JSON object is attached to this topic. Any idea whats going on here? Thanks for the help! Erik Firefox v bodyparts.json
  23. I am trying to learn how to make a sprite from a spritesheet and I'm following Kitty's tutorial as a reference on how to work with spritesheets. https://github.com/kittykatattack/learningPixi#sprites I am using Texture Packer to create my spritesheet. I was successful in exporting all my images the only thing that has me confused is why do I have a .json file for each of my images? I suspect this is because I had to enable multipacking because all my images wouldnt fit on one sheet. In a lot of the examples I've seen online most devs just import one tile-sheet and one .json file. I was expecting Texture Packer to do the same, now I am unclear how I would import all of this...just for one sprite. Is there a better method of doing this? Quick info about the images I am using, I made a 3d render in Blender and exported the final render into .png frames, the size on each frame is roughly 2000x1000. Perhaps there's another way I could export my render and have it ready for PIXI?
  24. Hello I working on a DonkeyKong-Game with multiple level-json-files and got a problem with text boxes/fields for the introduction-level. I wanted to create multiple text fields (content like x, y position and align is in json-files) between the platforms in the levels but I have problems with creating it. Is there something I can create text fields with? ForEach-functions and test=game.add.text don't work. Thank you text-data in json-file { "textData":[ { "height":90, "text":{ "fontfamily":"Arial", "halign":"center", "pixelsize":12, "text":"Bewege dich mit den Pfeil-Buttons der Touch-Steuerung unten links oder Pfeiltasten der Tastatur nach links und rechts.\nBer\u00fchre den Sprung-Button der Touch-Steuerung unten rechts oder den Aufw\u00e4rts-Pfeil der Tastatur um zu springen.", "valign":"center", "wrap":true }, "width":360, "x":0, "y":400 }, { "height":60, "text":{ "fontfamily":"Arial", "halign":"center", "pixelsize":8, "text":"Dein Ziel ist es, alle 3 Symbole eines Levels anzusammeln.\nUnd dabei nicht von den Hindernissen oder anderen Dingen gekillt zu werden.\nAnsonsten beginnt das Level von neuen.\nInsgesamt gibt es 6 Levels + die Winners Lounge am Ende.\n\nUnd Achtung, die Levels sind von der Art ziemlich ungew\u00f6hnlich. ", "valign":"center", "wrap":true }, "width":360, "x":0, "y":520 }, { "height":90, "text":{ "fontfamily":"Arial", "halign":"center", "pixelsize":12, "text":"Dies sind Feuer.\nUnd wenn du sie ber\u00fchrst, bist du tot.\nAlso spring dar\u00fcber.", "valign":"center", "wrap":true }, "width":360, "x":0, "y":280 }, { "height":90, "text":{ "fontfamily":"Arial", "halign":"center", "pixelsize":10, "text":"Achtung vor den F\u00e4ssern, sind wie die Feuer.\nBer\u00fchren = ToT\nDr\u00fcberspringen ist die \u00fcbliche Option, meistens.\nIn anderen Leveln sind sie durchaus gr\u00f6\u00dfer, schneller und\/oder zahlreicher.\nWerden von der Fassbariere aufgehalten.\n", "wrap":true }, "width":360, "x":0, "y":160 }, { "height":50, "text":{ "fontfamily":"Arial", "halign":"center", "pixelsize":8, "text":"Dies ist der B\u00f6se.\nIst total fussfaul und liebt neben F\u00e4sser werfen ganz besonders dich, pur und am St\u00fcck.\nAlso wenn du nicht als Zwischenmahlzeit enden willst, halt dich von ihm fern. ", "valign":"center", "wrap":true }, "width":180, "x":50, "y":80 }, { "height":50, "text":{ "fontfamily":"Arial", "halign":"center", "pixelsize":8, "text":"Das sind die 3 Zielsymbole.\nHier sind sie an einem Ort, in anderen Leveln irgendwo.\nSchnapp dir alle und du bist im n\u00e4chsten Level.", "valign":"center", "wrap":true }, "width":130, "x":90, "y":0 }, { "height":20, "text":{ "fontfamily":"Arial", "halign":"center", "pixelsize":8, "text":"Unsichtbare Fass-Barriere ->\n", "valign":"center", "wrap":true }, "width":120, "x":0, "y":230 } ], }
  25. Hey, i'm currently working on my first animation with phaser + Spriter Player for Phaser + Spriter obviously. The animations work with the provided Spriter files in the example project of the player (Atlas.json, Atlas.png, TEST.json) but when i try to import my own test animation i encounter this error: (index):149 Cannot set frameName: forearm_l for all my frames in the sprite and for everone the first from the list in spriter is used instead (see image attached) Attache you can see my exported files which import fine but don't display as described. Thanks for any help in resolving this! Cheers test.zip
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