I need animation with vector sprites. (none use transform, none use rotate). Examples using IMG lot. I need an example of an ARRAY of vector animation pictures. My first problem is in preparation for the animation code KineticJS. Here's the code: http://jsfiddle.net/SLrTj/2/ When I remove the lines: pageListS[0].on('mouseover touchstart', function() {this.setFill('#FCC');layer.draw();});pageListS[0].on('mouseout touchend', function() {this.setFill('#CCF');layer.draw();});Then a completely different result (or one or the other no works). Together does not work. Then working again without intervention into the code. The link code. http://jsfiddle.net/SLrTj/2/ . Does not work in link. It's a bug? with use array? or my code ... Then the show two-dimensional array, and mouse Event to array, with the code: a) Single array, Events worked: http://jsfiddle.net/ConTrast77/47xhb/1/ << updated Two-dimensional array, Events BUG-works: http://jsfiddle.net/ConTrast77/47xhb/3/ << updated a) pageList[0 +i*2] .... pageList[1 +i*2] pageList[0,i] ... pageList[1,i]