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Found 15 results

  1. end3r

    js13kGames 2024

    Hey folks, I do hope you are well aware that the thirteenth, anniversary edition of the js13kGames competition is already ongoing for a week, but if you don't, then NOW YOU DO! Come join us virtually (on Slack or Discord) in celebrating this one-time-only anniversary where we give away ALL the swag from previous years. Oh, and this year's theme is... Triskaidekaphobia! We have plenty of prizes, including Meta Quest 3 in the WebXR category and 5200 USDC in the Decentralized one. The recording of the Kick-off Meetup aka Open Source Special that happened a few days ago is already on our YouTube channel. I hope to see you participating - if you do, good luck and have fun!
  2. end3r

    js13kGames 2023

    Countdown to js13kGames 2023 already started - build a web game in a month on a given theme. The challenge? Squeeze it into a 13 kilobyte ZIP package! Plenty of prizes to be won, cool experts giving feedback, free t-shirts and gadgets to top100 entries, and much more - the fun begins on August 13th!
  3. end3r

    Gamedev.js Jam 2022

    Third edition of the online Gamedev.js Jam will happen April 13th - 26th 2022. We have a bunch of prizes (Phaser Editor licenses, GitHub plans, PlayCanvas plans, Zenva Academy subscriptions, Aseprite editors, WebStorm IDE licenses, Making Money with HTML5 ebooks, DGevelop Pro licenses), two categories (Web Monetization and Decentralized), with the latter having a bunch of (optional) challenges from our partners who offer a huge pile of coins for completing those. Interested in participating? Check the official page for details, join on Itch.io, and visit our Discord to talk with fellow devs. Good luck and have fun!
  4. Hello, I just have submitted a basic game around Phaser in the actual game jam https://reneromain.itch.io/githubgameoff2017 Feel free to discuss it in itch.io
  5. Hi everyone My entry in Jamtastic vol.#1 Play here: (link fix) Made with: Phaser/Typescript (I'll put the game code in github soon. ) Any comments, feedback or suggestions anyone has is greatly appreciated =D
  6. Hello everyone ! I'm a student in Gamedesign & Programming in Paris and I make games. Video games. HTML5 video games. Using Haxe. So I think I'm in the right place ! It's my first post here, one of my teachers recommended me to share our HTML5 game here ! So here it is, "Fall", made in 4 days within the GameWeek of my school. We were 9 in a team composed with 4 graphists, 4 Gameplay Programmers and 1 Producer. A team entirely made with first and second years ! Check it out here : http://rgarcin-gamedev.com/projects/fall/ Fall won the "Most polished game Prize" and will soon arrive on your smartphones ! Have fun guys !
  7. Hi everyone! Here is Decay, the game we made during a 4-day gamejam in our school.It's about an alien trapped in a lab who's trying to escape by taking control of scientists. Decay won the "Best Graphics and Animations Prize" and you can test it here: http://camillerichard.net/games/decay/ We had no time to finish the touch input... so the game doesnt quite work on mobile We intend to start again the developping this summer and publish it on mobile stores. So feel free to give us your feedback
  8. The PlayCanvas PLAYHACK Game jam competition winners have been announced. The top three games were: Orbital Survivor - http://playcanv.as/p/3G3RnfUz - A manic spherical shooter where you end up shooting yourself. A lot! Galaxies: Combat - http://playcanv.as/p/Ikq6Uk6A - An arena-style shoot-em-up. Upgradable weapons and endless waves of enemies. Space Pirates - http://playcanv.as/p/VhZwmcKu - Bomberman meets Pac-man. Another spherical style game. This time a collect-em-up. With multiplayer. Play all the games from our blog: http://blog.playcanvas.com/playhack-with-playjam-winners/ PLAYHACK was sponsored by PlayJam and ran from 1st Feb until 11th March. There was £3500 in prize money for the winners.
  9. Hello! Me and a few friends made this game for the global game jam 2016, hope you like it http://globalgamejam.org/2016/games/test-3 You can play it directly here: http://thetest.herokuapp.com
  10. Hi all, Just want to share our latest collaboration games for IN.Game Jam Festival, Tiled Quest. IN.Game Jam is a two days game jam event being held last month in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. It's a tile puzzle games about the Knight that need to get the cursed sword to kill the dragon and save the princess (you know, the standard fantasy tropes ). It also got featured on the frontpage of Gamejolt right now. You can play the games for free here: http://www.gamejolt.com/games/tiled-quest/86389 Mobile port are also in progress. We planning on using Cocoon.IO for it Hope you enjoy it! Do let me know if you have any problem/feedback. Thanks. PS: This games also open for non-exclusive licensing
  11. I'm working on a game called "The Space Between" for a gamejam, and I have a problem with memory efficiency. I'm drawing asteroids as circles and destroying them when I don't need them, but it still starts to lag a bit as the game goes on. How can I make it faster and smoother? Here is a link to the game, and copy-pasted below is the part that deals with asteroid creation and, below that, the entire source code (all 382 lines of it). I don't really know anything about memory allocation, so I'm sure I'm making some pretty elementary errors. (Also, there's no loading screen yet, so give it a minute to pop up!) Thank you very much for any help you can give! Asteroid Creation/Destruction Code: // This function is called in update and constantly checks to see if certain thresholds are passed.// If they are, it generates a rectangular area of asteroids and calls a function to destroy others.function constantGen() { if ((threshold.x + 400) < sprite.x) {asteroidGen("right"); threshold.x = sprite.x; killAsteroids();} if ((threshold.x - 400) > sprite.x) {asteroidGen("left"); threshold.x = sprite.x; killAsteroids();} if ((threshold.y + 300) < sprite.y) {asteroidGen("down"); threshold.y = sprite.y; killAsteroids();} if ((threshold.y - 300) > sprite.y) {asteroidGen("up"); threshold.y = sprite.y; killAsteroids();}}// This is the function that generates asteroids when the ship gets to the edge of an areafunction asteroidGen(dir) { console.log("dir: " + dir); var xer = 0; var yer = 0; for (var b = 0; b < 10; b++) { if (dir == "right") { xer = sprite.x + 400 + Math.random() * 800; yer = sprite.y - 300 + Math.random() * 1200; } else if (dir == "down") { xer = sprite.x - 1200 + Math.random() * 1600; yer = sprite.y + 300 + Math.random() * 600; } else if (dir == "left") { xer = sprite.x - 400 - Math.random() * 800; yer = sprite.y - 900 + Math.random() * 1200; } else if (dir == "up") { xer = sprite.x - 400 + Math.random() * 1600; yer = sprite.y - 300 - Math.random() * 600; } else { xer = sprite.x - 800 + Math.random() * 1600; yer = sprite.y - 600 + Math.random() * 1200; asteroids(xer, yer); xer = sprite.x - 800 + Math.random() * 1600; yer = sprite.y - 600 + Math.random() * 1200; } asteroids(xer, yer); } }// This is the function that sends all of the asteroid sprites to a destruction functionfunction killAsteroids() { console.log("spacerock count: " + spacerocks.length); spacerocks.forEachAlive(destruction, this); console.log("spacerock count after destruction: " + spacerocks.length);}// This function checks to see if asteroids are too far away and destroys themfunction destruction(rock) { //console.log("check for destruction"); if ((rock.x < (threshold.x - 1000)) || (rock.x > (threshold.x + 1000)) || (rock.y > (threshold.y + 1000)) || (rock.y < (threshold.y - 1000))) { rock.body.destroy(); rock.destroy(); //console.log("destroyed?"); };}// This is the function that creates an asteroidfunction asteroids(x, y) { //console.log("asteroid at " + x + "," + y); var circleSize = Math.random() * 50 + 60; var circles = game.add.graphics(0, 0); circles.beginFill('0xffffff'); circles.lineStyle(1, 0xffffff); circles.drawCircle(0, 0, circleSize); circles.endFill(); asteroid = game.add.sprite(x, y); game.physics.p2.enable(asteroid, false); asteroid.addChild(circles); asteroid.body.addCircle(circleSize/3); asteroid.body.setCollisionGroup(asteroidCollisionGroup); asteroid.body.collides([shipCollisionGroup, asteroidCollisionGroup]); asteroid.body.velocity.x = Math.random() * 50 - 25; asteroid.body.velocity.y = Math.random() * 50 - 25; this.spacerocks.add(asteroid); }Full Source: var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.CANVAS, 'game_div', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update, render: render });function preload() { game.load.image('ship', 'ship.png'); game.load.audio('music', 'music.wav'); game.load.image('square', 'square.png'); game.load.image('dial', 'dial.png'); game.world.setBounds(0, 0, 800*100, 600*100);}var sprite;var shapeSprite;var cursors;var fuelRatio = {"value":1};var graphics;var beenhere = 0;var shipCollisionGroup;var asteroidCollisionGroup;var asteroid;var spacerocks;var threshold = {"x": 0, "y":0};var loss = false;var reset = {"x":0, "y":0};var textdisplay;var fuelLoc = {"x":0, "y":0};var dial;var fuelPodSprite;var refilling = false;function create() { music = game.add.audio('music'); music.play(); game.stage.backgroundColor = "#000000"; game.physics.startSystem(Phaser.Physics.P2JS); spacerocks = game.add.group(); game.physics.p2.setImpactEvents(true); game.physics.p2.restitution = 0.8; shipCollisionGroup = game.physics.p2.createCollisionGroup(); asteroidCollisionGroup = game.physics.p2.createCollisionGroup(); beenhere = 0; // This will run in Canvas mode, so let's gain a little speed and display game.renderer.clearBeforeRender = true; game.renderer.roundPixels = true; // We need arcade physics graphics = game.add.graphics(0, 0); graphics.fixedToCamera = true; fuelPod(400*100, 300*100); // Our player ship sprite = game.add.sprite(400*100, 300*100, 'ship'); sprite.anchor.set(0.5); sprite.angle = 90; sprite.scale.x = .5; sprite.scale.y = .5; // and its physics settings game.physics.enable(sprite, Phaser.Physics.P2JS); sprite.body.addCircle(5); sprite.body.setCollisionGroup(shipCollisionGroup); sprite.body.damping = .1; sprite.body.angularDamping = .99; sprite.anchor.setTo(0.5,0.5); sprite.name = 'sprite'; sprite.body.collides(asteroidCollisionGroup, gotHit, this); threshold.x = sprite.x; threshold.y = sprite.y; cursors = game.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys(); spacebar = game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.SPACEBAR); game.camera.follow(sprite); fuelArrowSpawn(); fuelRemaining(); asteroidGen();}function asteroidGen(dir) { console.log("dir: " + dir); var xer = 0; var yer = 0; for (var b = 0; b < 10; b++) { if (dir == "right") { xer = sprite.x + 400 + Math.random() * 800; yer = sprite.y - 300 + Math.random() * 1200; } else if (dir == "down") { xer = sprite.x - 1200 + Math.random() * 1600; yer = sprite.y + 300 + Math.random() * 600; } else if (dir == "left") { xer = sprite.x - 400 - Math.random() * 800; yer = sprite.y - 900 + Math.random() * 1200; } else if (dir == "up") { xer = sprite.x - 400 + Math.random() * 1600; yer = sprite.y - 300 - Math.random() * 600; } else { xer = sprite.x - 800 + Math.random() * 1600; yer = sprite.y - 600 + Math.random() * 1200; asteroids(xer, yer); xer = sprite.x - 800 + Math.random() * 1600; yer = sprite.y - 600 + Math.random() * 1200; } asteroids(xer, yer); } }function toRadians (angle) { return angle / (180 / Math.PI);}function explode() { var explosion = game.add.emitter(sprite.x, sprite.y); explosion.makeParticles('square'); explosion.setScale(.2, 1, .2, 1, 0); explosion.setRotation(500,1000); explosionarea = new Phaser.Rectangle(-1, -1, 2, 2); explosion.gravity = 0; explosion.area = this.explosionarea; explosion.start(true, 10000, null, 20); explosion.setAlpha(0, 1, 10000, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None ); explosion.update();}function fuelCheck() { if (Math.sqrt(Math.pow((sprite.x - fuelPodSprite.x), 2) + Math.pow((sprite.y - fuelPodSprite.y), 2)) < 15) fuelGet();}function fuelGet() { //console.log("fuelPodSprite.x: " + fuelPodSprite.x); var moveX = Math.random() * 2000 - 1000; var moveY = Math.random() * 2000 - 1000; fuelPodSprite.body.x = fuelPodSprite.body.x + moveX; fuelPodSprite.body.y = fuelPodSprite.body.y + moveY; game.add.tween(fuelRatio).to({"value":1}, 500, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true); refilling = true; fuelLoc.x = fuelPodSprite.body.x; fuelLoc.y = fuelPodSprite.body.y; console.log("fuelPodSprite.x: " + fuelPodSprite.x); }function thrustExhaust() { var exhaust = game.add.emitter(sprite.x, sprite.y); exhaust.makeParticles('square'); exhaust.setScale(.2, .3, .2, .3, 0); exhaust.setRotation(500,1000); //console.log("rotations in pi: " + sprite.rotation/3.141592); var theangle = toRadians(sprite.angle); var xVec = 0 - Math.sin(theangle); var yVec = Math.cos(theangle); exhaust.setAlpha(1, 0, 500, Phaser.Easing.Quadratic.None ); exhaust.x = sprite.x+xVec*20; exhaust.y = sprite.y + yVec*20; exhaustport = new Phaser.Rectangle(-5, -5, 10, 10); exhaust.area = this.exhaustport; //console.log("Thrust X, Y: " + Math.cos(sprite.rotation) * 300 + "," + Math.sin(sprite.rotation) * 300); var yThrust = yVec * 300 + (sprite.body.velocity.y); var xThrust = xVec * 300 + (sprite.body.velocity.x); exhaust.setYSpeed(yThrust - 100, yThrust + 100); exhaust.setXSpeed(xThrust - 100, xThrust + 100); exhaust.gravity = 0; exhaust.start(true, 5000, null, 25); exhaust.update();}function constantGen() { //console.log("constantGen"); if ((threshold.x + 400) < sprite.x) {asteroidGen("right"); threshold.x = sprite.x; killAsteroids();} if ((threshold.x - 400) > sprite.x) {asteroidGen("left"); threshold.x = sprite.x; killAsteroids();} if ((threshold.y + 300) < sprite.y) {asteroidGen("down"); threshold.y = sprite.y; killAsteroids();} if ((threshold.y - 300) > sprite.y) {asteroidGen("up"); threshold.y = sprite.y; killAsteroids();}}function killAsteroids() { console.log("spacerock count: " + spacerocks.length); spacerocks.forEachAlive(destruction, this); console.log("spacerock count after destruction: " + spacerocks.length);}function destructionForSure(rock) { rock.body.destroy(); rock.kill();}function destruction(rock) { //console.log("check for destruction"); if ((rock.x < (threshold.x - 1000)) || (rock.x > (threshold.x + 1000)) || (rock.y > (threshold.y + 1000)) || (rock.y < (threshold.y - 1000))) { rock.body.destroy(); rock.destroy(); //console.log("destroyed?"); };}function constrainVelocity(sprite, maxVelocity) { var body = sprite.body var angle, currVelocitySqr, vx, vy; vx = body.data.velocity[0]; vy = body.data.velocity[1]; currVelocitySqr = vx * vx + vy * vy; if (currVelocitySqr > maxVelocity * maxVelocity) { angle = Math.atan2(vy, vx); vx = Math.cos(angle) * maxVelocity; vy = Math.sin(angle) * maxVelocity; body.data.velocity[0] = vx; body.data.velocity[1] = vy; console.log('limited speed to: '+maxVelocity); }};function update() { if (cursors.up.isDown) { sprite.body.thrust(200); thrustExhaust(); if (fuelRatio.value > 0) fuelRatio.value -= .002; fuelRemaining(); } else { } if (cursors.left.isDown) { sprite.body.angularVelocity = -5; } else if (cursors.right.isDown) { sprite.body.angularVelocity = 5; } else { } constrainVelocity(sprite, 200); //game.world.wrap(sprite.body, 10, false, true, true); //game.world.wrap(asteroid.body, 10, false, true, true); constantGen(); if ((spacebar.isDown) && (loss == true)) reStart(); fuelArrow(); fuelCheck(); if (refilling == true) fuelRemaining();}function fuelArrowSpawn() { dial = game.add.sprite(750, 50, 'dial'); dial.anchor.set(0.5); dial.angle = -90; dial.scale.x = .5; dial.scale.y = .5; dial.fixedToCamera = true;}function fuelArrow() { //console.log(Math.atan(fuelLoc.y - sprite.y, fuelLoc.x - sprite.x)); dial.rotation = Math.atan2(fuelLoc.y - sprite.y, fuelLoc.x - sprite.x); }function fuelPod(x, y) { var fuelPodCircle = game.add.graphics(0, 0); fuelLoc.x = x; fuelLoc.y = y; fuelPodCircle.beginFill('0xFF0000'); fuelPodCircle.lineStyle(1, 0xFF0000); fuelPodCircle.drawRoundedRect(0, 0, 10, 15, 2); fuelPodSprite = game.add.sprite(x, y); game.physics.p2.enable(fuelPodSprite, false); fuelPodSprite.addChild(fuelPodCircle); fuelPodSprite.name = 'fuelPodSprite'; fuelPodSprite.body.collides([asteroidCollisionGroup]); fuelPodSprite.body.setCollisionGroup(asteroidCollisionGroup); }function asteroids(x, y) { //console.log("asteroid at " + x + "," + y); var circleSize = Math.random() * 50 + 60; var circles = game.add.graphics(0, 0); circles.beginFill('0xffffff'); circles.lineStyle(1, 0xffffff); circles.drawCircle(0, 0, circleSize); circles.endFill(); asteroid = game.add.sprite(x, y); game.physics.p2.enable(asteroid, false); asteroid.addChild(circles); asteroid.body.addCircle(circleSize/3); asteroid.body.setCollisionGroup(asteroidCollisionGroup); asteroid.body.collides([shipCollisionGroup, asteroidCollisionGroup]); asteroid.body.velocity.x = Math.random() * 50 - 25; asteroid.body.velocity.y = Math.random() * 50 - 25; this.spacerocks.add(asteroid); }function gotHit() { explode(); fail();}function fail() { reset.x = sprite.x; reset.y = sprite.y; sprite.kill(); var textstyle = { font: "53px Helvetica", fill: "#FFFFFF" }; textdisplay = game.add.text(50, 50, "press spacebar to restart.", textstyle); textdisplay.fixedToCamera = true; loss = true;}function reStart() { fuelRatio.value = 1; sprite.reset(reset.x, reset.y); textdisplay.destroy(); textdisplay.text = ""; loss = false; fuelRemaining();}function fuelRemaining() { graphics.clear(); graphics.beginFill(0xFFFFFF); graphics.lineStyle(10, 0xFFFFFF, 1); graphics.drawRect(100, 550, 600*fuelRatio.value, 10); if (fuelRatio.value == 1) refilling = false;}function render() {}
  12. Alive & Kicking Alive & Kicking is fast-phased one player (side perspective) karate game, where player must to survive by punching away the objects flying from other sides of the screen. You can play the game at itch.io or gamejolt.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hi all, At last weekend I participated to gamejam and made a simple game with phaser. I didn't use much time to actual game programming (10 hours? 12 hours?), because I also needed time to come up with the idea, set up some things and to make graphics etc. That being said, I like to highlight that phaser as a framework felt promising and I continue to recommend it for anyone starting to make games. I did suffer some performance issues which I didn't have time to debug, but nonetheless, it was probably problem of my code, not the framework. Moreover, if you are interested to know how it was made, the full source code is available at github. For instance, I managed to configure it to contain dev/prod server modes and easy releasing. So, even though that code is not that "good" at least some of the parts might be to your interest. (grunt.js and require.js). As a future note, I will be continuing to open source my previous game projects and to make new ones. Maybe even tutorials when I am little bit better with Phaser. So, if you are interested, feel free to follow me at twitter @maunovaha - I wan't to find more game dev people around me. Cheers.! Any comments from the game welcome, even the bad ones. It means that you actually tried the game. haha.
  13. Hello, guys! Me and @muclemente participated on a local 48h jam and I wanted to share the game we made here. The theme of the jam was a picture of the Neuschwanstein Castle, which led us to the german legend of the Swan Knight, and then to this idea. Basically, it's a poorly made clone of Towerfall (without bows and arrows) =] We also entered it on Local Multiplayer Jam. The game is in a niche of a niche: it's desktop and multiplayer only, with a strong requirement for a joystick, which only works on Chrome and Firefox (although in this last one the game isn't working properly with gamepads). Also, the mechanics aren't very sophisticated, but we found that the fun is much greater when 3 or more people play together. Hope you enjoy, and let me know what you think! Links: http://gamejolt.com/games/arcade/swan-knights/31592/ http://bassarisse.com/webgames/swanknights for fullscreen experience =] Screenshots:
  14. Hi, Sky Knight is one of the games that was done during our "one day" game jam. This game essentially begun as a reverse Ridiculous Fishing. Get up, score on your way down. Sky Knight is still rough around the edges and very unbalanced. There are no menus, no tutorial and no propper Android controls (sorry). Try to enjoy it anyways . Play Sky Knight Gameplay: You control a knight that gets catapulted into the air to fight dragons! Acent as high into the air as possible. Kill all dragons on your way down. Open your parashute bevor you hit the ground. Controls: On dekstop, control the Knight using your Mouse. Click to catapult, move by moving the cursor. Open the parashute by clicking again. On mobile (iOS), press to acent, tilt your device to move the Knight. Press again to open the parashute. Graphics: The graphics werde done by André Engelmann ( www.andre-engelmann.de ). Your feedback is welcome. Cheers, David
  15. Hi Guys, I come here disclose the 1° Bit Apps Jam, a online event of indie game development for mobile platforms, to register or get more details visit our website. Other doubts, We are disposal. http://www.bitappsstudios.com/
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