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  1. Hey Folks! For my custom Shader I want to use the object's normals in view space. Therefor I need the gl_NormalMatrix. I know how to construct it (inverted and transposed MVMatrix) but I don't want to construct it manually for each object. I found this thread [SOLVED] - Shader Programs Attributes And Uniforms, but there was no hint on how the gl_NormalMatrix is called in babylon. I also searched the babylon git-repository, but could not find where the shader attributes and such are declared. Can anyone please point me in the right direction? Thank you for your time -Mainequin
  2. I am trying to create a fragment shader via a PIXI.AbstractFilter to create a wave rippling effect to be applied to a background texture. I have already worked out the algorithm for the wave effect in JavaScript. What I am having difficulty doing is getting the data I need into the shader through PIXI. For my effect to work, I need to have a large Float32Array to keep track of wave heights and a texture containing the original, unaltered contents of the background image to read from in order to apply the effect of pixel displacement (light refraction). I've been doing a lot of searching and have come up with some partial solutions. I attempt to load my large Float32Array into the shader as a texture with type GL.FLOAT (with the OES_texture_float extension) and an internal format of GL.LUMINANCE and read from it. From what I can tell, my shader isn't receiving my data the way I need it to. Just as a test, I set gl_FragColor to read from my data texture, and instead of the solid black that should have appeared, it rendered a color from either the source texture or the texture of the sprite that the filter is applied to.If I weren't using PIXI, what I would try next is to use gl.getUniformLocation, but it takes the current program as its first parameter, and I don't know of a way to access that. The basic flow of my shader needs to go: Read From Array -> Calculate displacement based on value -> Render the current fragment as the color at x+displacement, y+displacement -> Get updated version of array This is my code in the constructor for my shader: ws.Shader = function(tex) { // GLSL Fragment Shader for Wave Rendering ws.gl = game.renderer.gl; ws.flExt = ws.gl.getExtension("OES_texture_float"); var unis = { dataTex: { type: "sampler2D", value: ws.gl.TEXTURE1 }, canvasTex: { type: "sampler2D", value: ws.gl.TEXTURE2 }, mapSize: { type: "2f", value: [ws.width+2,ws.height+2] }, dispFactor: { type: "1f", value: 20.0 }, lumFactor: { type: "1f", value: 0.35 } }; var fragSrc = [ "precision mediump float;", "varying vec2 vTextureCoord;", "varying vec4 vColor;", "uniform sampler2D uSampler;", "uniform sampler2D dataTex;", "uniform sampler2D canvasTex;", "uniform vec2 mapSize;", "uniform float dispFactor;", "uniform float lumFactor;", "void main(void) {", "vec2 imgSize = vec2(mapSize.x-2.0,mapSize.y-2.0);", "vec2 mapCoord = vec2((vTextureCoord.x*imgSize.x)+1.5,(vTextureCoord.y*imgSize.y)+1.5);", "float wave = texture2D(dataTex, mapCoord).r;", "float displace = wave*dispFactor;", "if (displace < 0.0) {", "displace = displace+1.0;", "}", "vec2 srcCoord = vec2((vTextureCoord.x*imgSize.x)+displace,(vTextureCoord.y*imgSize.y)+displace);", "if (srcCoord.x < 0.0) {", "srcCoord.x = 0.0;", "}", "else if (srcCoord.x > mapSize.x-2.0) {", "srcCoord.x = mapSize.x-2.0;", "}", "if (srcCoord.y < 0.0) {", "srcCoord.y = 0.0;", "}", "else if (srcCoord.y > mapSize.y-2.0) {", "srcCoord.y = mapSize.y-2.0;", "}", /*"srcCoord.x = srcCoord.x/imgSize.x;", "srcCoord.y = srcCoord.y/imgSize.y;",*/ "float lum = wave*lumFactor;", "if (lum > 40.0) { lum = 40.0; }", "else if (lum < -40.0) { lum = -40.0; }", "gl_FragColor = texture2D(canvasTex, vec2(0.0,0.0));", "gl_FragColor.r = gl_FragColor.r + lum;", "gl_FragColor.g = gl_FragColor.g + lum;", "gl_FragColor.b = gl_FragColor.b + lum;", "}"]; ws.shader = new PIXI.AbstractFilter(fragSrc, unis); // Send empty wave map to WebGL ws.activeWaveMap = new Float32Array((ws.width+2)*(ws.height+2)); ws.dataPointerGL = ws.gl.createTexture(); ws.gl.activeTexture(ws.gl.TEXTURE1); ws.gl.bindTexture(ws.gl.TEXTURE_2D, ws.dataPointerGL); // Non-Power-of-Two Texture Dimensions ws.gl.texParameteri(ws.gl.TEXTURE_2D, ws.gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, ws.gl.NEAREST); ws.gl.texParameteri(ws.gl.TEXTURE_2D, ws.gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, ws.gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); ws.gl.texParameteri(ws.gl.TEXTURE_2D, ws.gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, ws.gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); ws.gl.texImage2D(ws.gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, ws.gl.LUMINANCE, ws.width+2,ws.height+2,0, ws.gl.LUMINANCE, ws.gl.FLOAT, ws.activeWaveMap); // Send texture data from canvas to WebGL var canvasTex = ws.gl.createTexture(); ws.gl.activeTexture(ws.gl.TEXTURE2); ws.gl.bindTexture(ws.gl.TEXTURE_2D, canvasTex); // Non-Power-of-Two Texture Dimensions ws.gl.texParameteri(ws.gl.TEXTURE_2D, ws.gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, ws.gl.NEAREST); ws.gl.texParameteri(ws.gl.TEXTURE_2D, ws.gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, ws.gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); ws.gl.texParameteri(ws.gl.TEXTURE_2D, ws.gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, ws.gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); ws.gl.texImage2D(ws.gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, ws.gl.RGBA, ws.gl.RGBA, ws.gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, tex.imageData); } I then attempt to update dataTex in the ws object's update loop: ws.activeWaveMap.set(ws.outgoingWaveMap); // WebGL Update ws.gl.activeTexture(ws.gl.TEXTURE1); ws.gl.bindTexture(ws.gl.TEXTURE_2D, ws.dataPointerGL); /* // Non-Power-of-Two Texture Dimensions ws.gl.texParameteri(ws.gl.TEXTURE_2D, ws.gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, ws.gl.NEAREST); ws.gl.texParameteri(ws.gl.TEXTURE_2D, ws.gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, ws.gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); ws.gl.texParameteri(ws.gl.TEXTURE_2D, ws.gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, ws.gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);*/ ws.gl.texImage2D(ws.gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, ws.gl.LUMINANCE, ws.width+2,ws.height+2,0, ws.gl.LUMINANCE, ws.gl.FLOAT, ws.activeWaveMap); I'm sure that plenty of this isn't right, but I believe that I can sort things out once I can get to the point where I can actually access my data. Can anyone point me in the right direction? This is central enough to my project that I am willing to discard PIXI altogether if there isn't a way to implement what I am trying to do. Also, I am using PIXI via Phaser, if that makes a difference. Thanks!
  3. Hi, here are some of our 2015 games on our GAMELANCER website demos. And some screenshots: In this fun strategic puzzle game you help the cute Gloobies survive by colonising other planets, before the opposing Gloobies can. Will your Gloobies be the survivors? Have fun with 20 free levels of casual play on any mobile or desktop browser in HD. Compete in 6 round racing, where you bet against the odds, to amass the most winnings. We warn you, these are fierce competitors, and any race can be neck and neck ! Gloobies Lab – HD (portrait: 640x960px) - PREMIUM In this fun laboratory experiment, you combine cute Gloobies (or goo characters) together, so that they morph into even cooler creatures in a classic 2048 game style which is completely revamped. This game offers infinite gameplay, with insane replay value, on any mobile or desktop browser. YOUTUBE VIDEO Please contact me at [email protected] or us at [email protected] if you would like to sponsor or publish or buy these games. Thanks for taking the time to play and test and give feedback on these games!
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