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  1. Apologies in advance if this isn't the appropriate forum to post! Please direct me to where I can post this if it isn't. Hello! We are a group of UX researchers at CircleCI trying to better understand the unique challenges and needs of game developers. If you have a few minutes, we would appreciate it if you could take our survey. You can submit your email at the end of the survey for a chance to enter a raffle to win a $150 e-gift card, but this is not necessary to participate. Results will be kept confidential and responses will only be shared internally within the UX Research team. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at research@circleci.com. Thank you! Link to the survey is below. Survey link: https://circleci.sjc1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6ApOwPOQFIonlT8
  2. Hello! I'm Hamza Wasim, an HTML5 Game Developer with experience of 4 years. I'm available for full game development. If you're interested, you can check out my Gig on Fiverr : https://www.fiverr.com/share/EmoPZ9 Thanks!
  3. Hello! I'm Hamza Wasim, an HTML5 Game Developer with experience of 4 years. I'm available for full game development. If you're interested, you can check out my Gig on Fiverr : https://www.fiverr.com/share/EmoPZ9 Thanks!
  4. DxMinds is the best mobile app development company in Chennai. The company offers iOS and Android app development to the world as a world-class guide. Top mobile app development company in Chennai
  5. Hi everyone, I had an idea for a html5 game, where Santa Claus has a task to gather proper gifts for kids. For example, 8yr old Robert will smile in the topright corner, if he gets a Millenium Falcon for Christmas, but will be sad if he gets a babydoll. Each kid requires five gifts in the cart. Everybody loves chocolate. Santa Claus should not touch bomb. The game is in development phase, but I can finish it in 3-4days. Take a look at the game here: https://xmas-gifts.000webhostapp.com/sc/ press STARTGAME My question is that what are your opinions about the game. And I also would be thankful If you could tell me how can I convert this game into dollars. Maybe it is good for companies to promote their toys for Christmas, but no idea yet where to start to get in contact with them. Thanks for any answers. Peter Kovacs
  6. game.physics.arcade.overlap(PlayerHitbox, Enemy1BGroup, HitboxHit, null, this); game.physics.arcade.overlap(Player, Enemy1BGroup, PlayerGrazed, null, this); Enemy1Bullet.destroy; Lives = Lives - 1 } school project, the first line(s) hit these secondary lines as startup, but for some reason it isn't directly working.
  7. Hey folks, I wrote a post on my blog that people looking to release their web-games on Steam etc. might find useful. Just repasting it below. Developing an HTML5 and JS game as a standalone application can be a murky process. Here's how to set yourself up right and make the testing and building fairly painless. This article was originally published on Koobazaur's Blog. Project Background I am currently working on HEADLINER, an experimental adventure game about controlling the news, swaying public opinion and keeping your family safe. Wanting easy distribution and testing, I began prototyping as a web game. As the project grew, it exceeded my initial estimates so I started considering a releasing as an desktop game. Needless to say, I needed a standalone build, and an easy pipeline. This tutorial is based on my own experiences and by all means not the only (or necessarily best) way to handle development. In fact, I'd love it if people commented with all the things I could do differently - always happy to learn Engine and Tools I chose to roll with Phaser, a great JavaScript engine that natively runs in a browser. I also got a few 3rd party plugins (such as debug or input fields), plus some legacy code from my earlier web prototypes. When time came to consider a standalone build, the best option as far as I can tell is NW.JS. It's basically a streamlined version of the chromium web browser that opens up a provided html file. In my case, simply dropping my web project in and pointing the package.json was enough to get it running. I'll spare you explaining how either of those tools work, the official documentation already does a good job of that. Let me get straight to setting up the environment for it. Development Folder Let's start off with an empty "root" folder that will contain everything you need. Inside it, you'll want to create a subfolder called "Dev", and inside it a subfolder "MyGameData." Put all the files for your web-based game here: JavaScripts, Phaser files, graphical/audio assets, and of course, the index.html. But keep your code and your assets in two separate folders, such as "js" and "assets" respectively. This is your main development folder. Everything is in once place and you can test directly in your browser, take advantage of Chrome/Firefox debugging tools, and whatever IDE you choose (I use Sublime). However, to allow your browser to load assets (images/audio) from your hard drive, you'll need to pass some params. So create a shortcut to your browser similar to this: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" PATH\MyGameDev\Web\index_web.html --allow-file-access-from-files Debug Standalone Now the fun starts! In the "Dev" folder (where "MyGameData" folder lives). Drop NWJS SDK Build. Edit the package.json to point to the MyGameData/index.html file. That's it - now your game plays both in browser and with NW.JS. At this point you'll like want to make numerous code changes, like adding a quit button ( nw.Window.get().close(true); ), logging errors to a file, support for resizing / fullscreen etc. Using the SDK build of NW.JS you get access to the development console (F12) and can debug the new code just as easily as in the browser. Release Standalone Now we need to get the standalone ready for distribution. Make a copy of index.html and call it "index_release.html." The difference is that in the web version, you likely just include all your JS files directly. In the standalone, you'll want to instead include the binary code file built by NWJS. More on that later, but here's the basic code snippet to replace the manual include of all your JS files: <script> nw.Window.get().evalNWBin(null, 'MyGameData/MyGameJS.bin'); </script> Next, in your root folder, create a new folder called Release and unzip all the NWJS non-SDK build files there. Building the Release Version So how do we get our webgame to work as NWJS standalone ready for distribution? Here's the rough steps: Clear data from last build Create a MyGameData subfolder inside the Release Folder Copy the index_release.html (renaming to index.html) as well as your assets folder into Release\MyGameData (but NOT the JavaScripts) Copy your package.json from Dev to Release folder Combine all your JavaScript files into a single file Run NWJC.exe to compile the combined JS file into a binary (GameJS.bin) Move GameJS.bin to your MyGameData folder Play the game! Fun little checklist to run through each time you want to test a new build, isn't it? That's why I made a little batch script that does this all of this for us, automatically. Just create a file titled Build_Release.bat in your root folder with the following code, adjusting to match your own project: echo off set DEVDIR=Dev set SRCDIR=%DEVDIR%\MyGameData set RELEASEDIR=Release set RELEASEDATADIR=%RELEASEDIR%\MyGameData echo --------------------------------- echo Removing Old Data files... rmdir /S /Q %RELEASEDATADIR% mkdir %RELEASEDATADIR% echo --------------------------------- echo Copying Data Files... copy %SRCDIR%\index_release.html %RELEASEDATADIR%\index.html copy %SRCDIR%\changelog.txt %RELEASEDATADIR%\ copy %DEVDIR%\package.json %RELEASEDIR%\package.json xcopy /s %SRCDIR%\assets %RELEASEDATADIR%\assets\ echo --------------------------------- echo Combining JavaScripts... copy /b %SRCDIR%\js\phaser.js+%SRCDIR%\js\phaser-debug.js+%SRCDIR%\js\main.js %DEVDIR%\js_built.js echo --------------------------------- echo Building Javascripts Binary... cd %DEVDIR% nwjc js_built.js MyGameJS.bin del js_built.js cd .. move %DEVDIR%\MyGameJS.bin %RELEASEDATADIR%\MyGameJS.bin pause Phew! Now let's explain how this works, and the lines you need to adjust it for your project. The SET commands just set up the paths, which should be fairly self explanatory. Set these to your folder names, if different. RMDIR / MKDIR - deletes old data and creates a new folder for it " Copying Files..." - the COPY and XCOPY commands copy your index, assets and package.json (surprise!). Add more copy commands if you have more files you need for your game, or just stick em in the assets folder. "Combining JavaScripts..." - the copy command, with /b and + means it will copy and combine multiple files into one. Ideally we'd use recursive copy command with *.js wildcard to automatically fetch all JavaScript files, but in my case, I wanted to exclude some files and also be able to specify the include order. So adjust the list of JS files to combine, or do it with a wildcard "Building Javascripts Binary..." - this last steps runs the NWJC.exe to compile your combined JS file into the binary used by NWJS, finally moving it to your release MyGameData folder. I couldn't get NWJC to work properly with sub folder pathnames for some reason, hence ended up using the CD commands to switch Current Directory And that's it! Now run the BAT file and, if you didn't make any typos, your Release game is ready for playing. Just go inside, run nw.exe and your game should run! Well, at least it does on my end So how does all this work? So here's what we end up with: Dev/MyGameData - your whole game, everything, in one place and instantly testable in a browser. Hit F5 to refresh to see code changes instantly. Dev - standalone build with the debug SDK, allowing you to use the NWJS console and dev tools. Great for pre-release testing features specific to NWJS, or sending to testers. Release - the final build you'll want to release to your eager gamers The whole process of going from web development, to standalone, and finally release build, becomes a matter of running the batch script. Not so daunting anymore, innit? It also makes it easier to back up, just zip up Dev/MyGameData folder! But you should be using source control regardless. Other Considerations This is just the basic framework for setting up your environment, so there's probably a few more tweaks you'd like to make such as: Edit your package.json for your standalone (resizable? fullscreen? toolbar? icon?) Just read the documentation Potentially have separate package.json for release and debug builds Modify your code to save console.log() calls and errors to a file Rename nw.exe to MyGame.exe Change the icon of MyGame.exe (which will require some hacking as per the documentation) Add a command in the batch file that also ZIPs up the release folder for easier distribution You will also likely want to modify your code a bit to take advantage of the standalone nature of the game, such as properly resizing the game canvas to fill the window or adding a bonafide quit button. As a last nugget of wisdom, here's a little global var I use anywhere in my code to distinguish between the web and standalone builds: cfgIsStandalone = (typeof nw !== 'undefined') && (nw != null); Good luck and have fun! Leave a comment if you have any other tips to add. About the Author Hi! I am a Polish-American, Game Dev and web consultant. I founded Unbound Creations, focusing on story-rich and introspective games. I published two commercial titles so far (“Postmortem: one must die” and “Karaski”), soon to add my third, and a few free web games as well. My titles have been a finalist at the Pixel Heaven Fest 2015 in Warsaw Poland, and on display at VALA Art Center in Redmond. Check out my Blog for more nuggets of ill-advised wisdom!
  8. BVBI Infotech is a leading-edge mobile application development company with over so many successful projects under its belt. We have created mobile apps of any complexity: from award-winning B2C applications to heavy enterprise-grade mobile solutions that automate mission-critical business processes. BVBI Infotech talent pool of mobile app developers includes highly-skilled analysts, UX experts and certified software engineers who are well-versed in building apps for all the major platforms — whether it’s iOS, Android, or both. Apps can be developed natively, or by using cross-platform frameworks like React Native and platforms . iOS Application Development iPad and iPhone devices have taken hold of the mobile computing market in a big way: user affinity is increasing and the number of apps in the Apple App Store is still growing at an impressive rate. iPhone and iPad users represent one of the largest segments of portable device users; iPad devotees dominate the tablet market. This is a great opportunity to engage your customers, get them involved, and make use of your employees’ mobile habits. BVBI Infotech mobile engineers have solid knowledge of the iOS tech stack — including Objective-C, C++ and Swift. No matter the technology used, our iOS developers will make sure your product fits the end-user requirements for look and feel, performance and ease of use. Android Application Development Android has something to offer to all of us and gives us unprecedented personalization and choice. The platform represents diversity manifested in the number of OEMs that support Android and the number of platform updates within such a short period. Android is a leading OS for mobile devices and it is now confidently making its way into the tablet market. What will Android app development give to your business? A numerous community of Android users and great outreach for your business. Android Development in the Spotlight Device fragmentation Our in-depth Android developer expertise will help you use the lion’s share of business opportunities offered by Android platform. Open-source Google has given Android app developers freedom to go to town on ideas and build mobile and tablet apps just in accordance with their view and feelings. Exceptional level of customization Android development is free from dogmas and overbearing standards. It gives carte blanche both to its users and Android app developers. Great support for content-consumption Android made its way in a bunch of content-oriented devices, designed specifically to promote content consumption. Cross-Platform Mobile Development Cross-platform development for mobile platforms is often a good way to cut development costs and bring your solution to the market faster. By developing a cross-platform app you make it immediately available on all major platforms, including iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and more. Our pool of highly skilled mobile developers are well-versed in the modern cross-platform tech stack, and will help you build your app on time and on budget.
  9. Hey everyone! This is a video of a prototype for my first HTML5 game Bunny Hop made using Construct 3. I wanted to keep my first HTML5 game small and simple plus this is my first time really making a game in Construct 3. I don't think any sponsors/portals would be interested in this game for it being so small lol, but I like to start on small projects when I am testing out engines I am new to. Plus I still need to figure out how to host it onto a web server and all that. Here is the Link to a gameplay video!
  10. Hello, We are developing an HTML game using the Phaser framework with Javascript. We have run into some issues regarding the mobile usability for Safari on iPhones. At certain times the player's address bar appears, when this happens the game is moved down. Since the game is moved down, we lose access to part of the game. That leads me to our two questions: 1) How can we detect a swipe motion and then use that motion to hide the address bar? 2) How can we detect that the player address bar is open in the the first place?
  11. Hi guys,A great and very friendly team of professional and creative guys (artists and developers) would be very happy to cooperate on creating mobile games.- Create high-quality 2d graphics: illustrations, symbols and icons, etc. – our professional artists and web designers never lack inspiration. Unique and exclusive products are spiced with a power of experience.- Code in HTML5. Our hard-working developers will provide you with fast and good results.We are open to any offers. We do have some portfolio and would be pleased to share it with you Please, don't hesitate to contact me at daria.onlygames@gmail.comLook forward to hearing from you!
  12. So for the past two weeks I really started digging my teeth into a full scale game to launch on a private server here at some point with BJS and the engine. I have developed a series of tools to make this a possibility over the past year or two and am now applying them in production code. Already developed are a Asset handling system that will allow me to load thousands of entities with minimal draw calls and keeps things very non repetitive when placing entities. The level editor is almost wrapped up and has most of the basic features active already, there is quite a few things to add soon but that will be later down the development line when more core elements are introduced and wrapped up. There has been hours of cooperative talking with friends to help development of characters for the main story line and the setting of the overall worlds aesthetic feel. The final goal of the game however though featuring a story based single player will be intense online competition with a good plan for economic viability with more details being presented at a later time. Ok so lets get to the good stuff... I guess first a few concept sketch's. The Scans were horrible... but at least the idea comes through... There are tons more of these so I wont run out of inspiration. Next I guess are some pictures of the Level Editor I would post some of the 3d models from the scan-line but I would rather only post in game shots. Later at some point Ill post a tutorial of how I am setting up my vegetation rigs and making it so I can generate so many different types of foliage from the one obj import. And a more updated Screenshot: Soon Ill post more pictures of full levels, but I am waiting to release everything on this. Oh here is the model and mock up texture for the main character Roark. So far lots of progress has been made and soon I should be able to release a preview video of a cut scene render out in real time. Also sometime today or tomorrow I will post that vegetation modeling and texture tutorial I was talking about, Part 1's video is already recorded I just want to do the voice over. Let me know what you guys think, I should be posting on this periodically. Ohh yeah I almost forgot... in order to do my animations I am wrapping up the FBX converter I was writing and that will be publicly available as its necessity arises.
  13. we have a casino website with a few games and want to add some new games. we bought ready game scripts and some need small changes to match the design and layout of our other games on site more details in private chat
  14. Hello, dear Forum. Recently, I was toying with an idea for an intricate real time strategy game for use on maps provided Google Maps, particularly when utilising their road, building and traffic information: A police tactics simulator, much in the style of both the Police Quest and Emergency series, and further inspired by things like the Class 3 Outbreak Simulator, Prison Architect and Sim City. Much like in an Emergency game, you get to choose a building HQ on a designated coordinates of (preferably urban) terrain, from which you can patrol the streets on foot, car and air, respond to call-outs, execute warrants, organise raids and searches, handle hostage takings and public threats, surround buildings, cordon off areas, evacuate areas, participate in chases (both on roads and through pedestrian zones), set up road blocks, divert traffic, set up checkpoints, surveill and/or protect sensible locations, implement security zones, organise convoys and secure transports, police the traffic, police demonstrations, control large crowds, commence manhunts and rescue search operations, and even do some serious investigative detective work. All of it randomly spawned, all of it playable anywhere in the word on real life locations. The possibilities are - quite - endless in gameplay regards. The game would be designed to be either birds-eye view or (better yet) isometric; it would be 2- (or 2.5-) dimensional, with units, characters and effects consisting of 2d-sprites (themselves probably flash-based). There would be both a wide array of emergency units and civilian units randomly moving around the map on the roads and paths. Personally, I'd be really excited if such a complete game ever came out. There is one vital problem, however - I have little to no game development or coding experience. I don't know how to implement games like those on Google Maps (again, think of Class 3 Outbreak), nor do I know what game engines I could utilise to lay a basis for this kind of game. That's why I've decided to ask here: Can this sort of gaming concept popular? Could it take off? In how far would this be a sensible choice? And what engines or programmes can be used to make such a game a reality? How did other games implement Google Maps as a basis for their gameplay? Has this idea already crossed somebody's mind? Is anyone even remotely intrigued by this concept? Are there any games like this one out there already? Are there any in development? Thanks in advance for any tips, opinions and stimuli!
  15. Hi everyone, we're new to the forum so first of all I think it's a good idea to introduce KaiserGames a little bit and show you guys what we're doing. We're located in Cologne, Germany and it all started with creating our own flash games portals around 2005/2006. Our first portals have been KralOyun.com and SpielAffe.de. Both became the market leader in their respective countries (Turkey and Germany) rather quickly and maintain this position until today. We run a couple of other games portals in different languages, but these two are mainly the pillars of KaiserGames' success. Since late 2013 we started focussing on HTML5 games and launched the respective spin-offs of the aforementioned portals for mobile devices, namely m.spielaffe.de and m.kraloyun.com. They have been growing nicely since January 2014 and each of them already counts more than 2 Million visits every month. We have been following the contents of this forum for quite a while now and thought that now may be a good time to participate and become a part of this community. We're open for interesting discussions and everything else regarding HTML5 games Of course we are mainly interested in meeting cool and capable people here. It's all about the games, so we really hope to make some great connections, especially to developers who are interested in sharing their games with a wide audience, selling licenses and stuff like that. From what we've seen so far, we have definitely come to the right place Looking forward to joining some valuable and worthwhile conversations. If you have any questions, please ask us anytime! Best regards from Germany, Lars / KaiserGames PS: We are developing games in-house as well. If you have the time, maybe take a look at m.spielaffe.de and search for Smarty Bubbles and Kiba & Kumba: High Jump.
  16. Two of our clients are looking for HTML5 Developer in the capitals Berlin and London! Please note that games experience is a absolute MUST HAVE! INTERESTED? APPLY NOW! For more information and CV submittal via mail: c.john@jeffersonwolfe.com Cynthia John www.jeffersonwolfe.com
  17. We are working on an in-browser cardboard VR game and are looking for a seasoned Babylon.js developer to assist in developing a complete VR camera for Babylon. The existing VR camera in Babylon is buggy and incomplete. Primary tasks: Fixing the VR and device orientation cameras. Currently, rotating your phone to the right also rotates the camera. Device orientation is offset all around. Fix the ability to view on an Oculus headset through the browser Smooth out the motion from the device orientation, currently the motion is pretty laggy. We may require additional assistance developing our game(s), but we first need assistance finalizing a usable Babylon VR camera. Please apply with questions and examples of your work to info@neo-pangea.com You can learn more about us and check out our portfolio here: www.neo-pangea.com
  18. Hi everyone, I'm starting to work on a new game that will be open-source with a blog component sort of coupled together with the game, and I was wondering if people take similar approaches to developing games as they do more general software. With games (in this case an adventure-RPG platformer), there's a ton of stuff that needs to be done, such as: Plot development Character profiles and world design Making actual assets such as sprites, tilesheets, and (although I think this can be added last) music & sfx Designing special gameplay mechanics (which I think can be inspired by aspects of the plot, ie: cool items that give you powers that make align with the context of the story) Implementing basic gameplay stuff, ie: maps, preloading, physics, menus, inventory system, tilesheets, world travelling, etc. (MADE WAY EASIER by awesome frameworks such as Phaser ) Implementing the special gameplay mechanics There's certainly more than what I listed above, but the point is there's a lot to do. While a waterfall development approach would work, wherein you do everything step by step ordering stuff by what depends on what, I've found in past experiences that it's pretty easy to get bogged down in this approach. There's a good chance that this is because my favourite (and I'm guessing a lot of your favourites as well) part of the whole process is the development. That's why I've been thinking that a more agile workflow might be a good way to keep yourself engaged with your own project (instead of jumping around from new project to new project, without really getting much done). An example of this might look like: Not 100% sure what the entire plot is yet, but I know what the main character should look like The MC is going to need to walk around in a 2D sidescroller environment, let's code that w/ some dummy sprite Alright! Working well with a dummy sprite, time to animate a decent sprite of our character (3 weeks later) Phew, those 20 frames were tough, but we've got it! Look how awesome that MC looks!! And you continue to sort of compartmentalize different parts to keep up your velocity. As I'm writing this I'm starting to realize it might be kind of nuts to go it alone. Maybe I should rename this thread to "anyone wanna collab..?" TL/DR: What design-development approaches have you taken when creating a game? How did they work out? How have you kept yourself organized & engaged while creating a solo project with many components?
  19. Hello people, I am currently thinking about using Intel XDK for a simple mobile game, and I would like to know how it is working out for you. - Do you like it? - Do you recommend it? - Are there any pitfalls to avoid? - Would you do your next game with Intel XDK? Thank you!
  20. 6 Month Contract Position - HTML5 Game Developer / Phaser I have an awesome opportunity to work on the Phaser game engine, developing HTML5 games within the casino, bingo, slots gaming sector. If you have experience with Phaser , then please get in touch. This is a 6 month ( HOME BASED) contract position with a contract rate of £340 per day Specification; HTML5 (Canvas) JavaScript developer (ES5 native) with Phaser experience to build/convert high quality slot games from Flash to HTML5 for mobile/tablet. Ability to write OO code, organize that code efficiently and document it. Knowledge of CSS through Canvas, animation, jQuery and other JS frameworks. Knowledge of usability, user experience (UX) design, modern web standards and SEO best practices Solid experience in cross-browser development and testing, including mobile, while maintaining a consistent experience Ability to not only take initiatives and work independently but also communicate and be collaborative Agile approach to problem solving and passion for technical challenges Desirable; Experience with Build tools (grunt), Browserify, Jira, TDD, Node Experience with CSS preprocessors such as SASS, LESS, etc Unity 3D knowledge Photoshop skills Server side scripting language experience (PHP) You will be a HTML5/CSS/JS ninja with your key responsibility being to lead the HTML5 development, both for new games specifically designed for HTML5, as well as converting the existing games portfolio into HTML5. Please get in contact on here, - to my email -jonathan@talktoneon.com - or give me a call on - 0758-640641 Thanks
  21. Part I. Before Release Just a while ago Renatus celebrated its 3rd anniversary in the industry of games. Our team managed to release over 30 titles to key platforms, boost our audience up to 50 mln users and become the organizer of DevGAMM, the largest conference in CIS countries.Three years later, we still remember how hard it can be to make first steps, so we decided to share some tips that may be of use to the beginners. Young developer? Start-up founder? A talented guy dreaming of making his own game? This post will reveal some secrets of casual games promotion that might save your time. Let’s start from what you must do BEFORE RELEASE.So, your game is in Beta, lots of work done and lots of sleepless nights are past now. This is exactly the point when you should start promoting your title. 1. Better soon, than later Today, news are spreading almost at the speed of light. Despite this, we recommend you to start your promo activities at least one month before the release date. This period depends greatly on the size of your team and your budget. 2. Content for application stores Placing your app into the application store is a long-awaited happening, because you can finally see the fruit of your team’s tedious work. There are a few main points in this whole procedure of creating a profile for your app. Game IconThis is basically the face of your game. We could write a whole book about designing icons for games, but we’d rather cut straight to the main rules you are to follow instead. 1) Icon should reflect the genre and essence of your game. 2) Icon should be eye-catching, distinguishable from other icons and perfectly match the store interface. Stick with these and remember - there are no established rules for creating a win-win game icon, you should invent your own perfect icon formula through experimenting, analysis and research. DescriptionIn this part you should tell about your game - its plot, mechanics, best features. Each application store has its own way of presenting a game description, but you may create one text that would fit naturally into all (i.e., Facebook, Appstore and Google Play).Main principle here: fewer words, more action. Or rather - more calling to action. Describe the best and most outstanding features of your game in 2-3 short sentences (150-200 characters with spaces). This part is what user will always see on your game’s page, to read the rest of the description he’ll need to click the Read More button, which means that you should give the cream of your app in the first lines. Even if you feel like the next Hemingway, don’t write too much. Be brief, informative and adopt a casual writing style without giving too many details about mechanics or gameplay. Try to evoke a certain mood in your future reader. Here’s a description of an award-winning game about cookies that provokes appetite as you read it: https://www.facebook.com/games/cookiejam Always remember about the keywords. If properly used, a couple of words can become a ‘shortcut’ that will drive traffic massively to your game. To avoid app banning, make sure your keywords are relevant to the content of game and don’t contain names of other companies or apps. ScreenshotsTake screenshots depicting the gameplay, map and boosters in your game. Keep in mind that Apple Appstore allows using graphics editors to add visual effects to your pics, but Facebook team will not tolerate screenshots which depict something that can’t actually be found in the game. 3. Promotional video The ever-increasing competition forces us to go looking for tools and means that might put the game in a favorable light. Most games have trailers (videos) that give you a general idea of what the game is about and how to play it.Important! There’s no need in making long game videos: keep its length within 30 seconds. Cram your video with visual effects and animations rather than text and subtitles. We truly believe that a video is worth a thousand pictures.Check out the video for our game Ice Cream Splash: In case you have enough time and sufficient resource for several videos, we recommend you to come up with a teaser. A couple of short attention-arousing teasers would be perfect for a pre-lease campaign. You can learn how to make a promo video on your own from this post: http://habrahabr.ru/post/120361Lots of useful tips in! 4. Building a game community No campaign would be complete or efficient without social network profiles. It won’t take long to create such profiles for your game and will bring you lots of benefits instead. With it you can gather a community of loyal fans even before release - they will be your target audience and focus group for testing content and various engaging activities (contests/offers/etc.). It will be much easier to control your target audience with these people, who have been in touch for weeks or months by the time of release. They will help other players and give support within the group - all these would mean that you’ve created an active long-lasting community of fans. Among the currently available social networks Vk.com and Facebook remain the best for launching games. Their advantages include: quick access to the app (click “play” and you’re in the game), the option of uploading photos and videos, discussions, detailed statistics, user-friendly page timeline and - the most important - a vast audience to reach. Twitter, Youtube and Instagram can become an additional space to create the hype and engage more players. Unfortunately, they are no good for being used as main networks to build a target audience. Except for, maybe, Twitter - it works perfectly well with any mobile app. Instagram has been on the rise for a long time. The average growth rate for brand page subscribers on Instagram makes 237%.FYI. Facebook has 400 mln registered users, while Instagram has only 300 mln. The gap is huge, unless you take into account that Facebook was created far in advance of Instagram. But Instagram is good for promoting brands that offer some material goods or services, not the social apps. Few top-level game developers have an Instagram account; even if they have one, it’s mostly used for building the hype and not as the main source of target players. On top of this, you are always welcome to use your team members’ accounts for spreading the news. Even if your team consists of 2-3 men, sharing always means additional coverage and a few more players for your game. 5. Website Content Your company’s website must be found easily on the web, and you should try to make browsing enjoyable for your target audience (players and business partners). If you’re not creating website from scratch, add a separate page for each released game with all the links, description, screeenshots, promo videos, FAQ, etc. Some game developers come up with a separate website for their game. Example by King: 6. Media List It’s important to decide on media outlets where you’d like to have your game review published and prepare the necessary content for journalists (article, banner ad, screenshots, video, etc.). It’s recommended to create your own list of review websites, social network groups, bloggers or websites with wide reach of your target audience. Make sure to establish contact with journalists ahead of time - you can tell them about the scheduled release date, or even share link to your game in Beta. Tip: try to talk them into publishing announcement on the day of your game’s release. 7. Press releases Before game release you can publish a so-called game preview. There are media outlets that write previews for games which they find interesting. Author describes the plot, gameplay and announces the release date. One way or another, it’s a great opportunity to boost players and media’s interest to your game. But remember, you must always provide journalists with high-quality flawless promo materials and a ready-made video. In this post we only managed to tell about the key stages of promotional activity. It would probably take us to write a three-volume edition to cover them all. However, if you’re interested in some particular point and want more details, please write at pr@renatus and we’ll get it covered in our next post. Sharing your own experience and tips in the field of game making is also encouraged!
  22. Hello HTML5 Game Devs, I started a website (https://webplay.io/) where developers can publish their HTML5 games and apps. Users can then add the game/app to their WebPlay homescreen and be able to enjoy the game on every platform. WebPlay offeres extra services to make these apps feel more like native apps, such as notifications and data syncing and storage. I'm looking for some developers wanting to put their games on WebPlay or want to collaborate and help work on WebPlay with ideas or something else. If there are any questions please feel free to contact me here below or on f.waller@webplay.io
  23. Well, well, well, hello everyone. I came here because today I decided to start learning something about HTML5. I'm familiar with HTML, although I used to pass more time with Dreamweaver. Flash was everything to me, and still is, but looks like people are hating it so much that soon it will be burried deep. So, I think I should start doing something important not to get outcast. So, I mean, what's necessary at all to do HTML5? Learning Javascript? What more? There are any programs that can help one develop anything? I heard about Construct 2 or something like that.... I'm focused more on games, but of course I'd want to learn more. Well, one more question: is it possible to do a decent animation with HTML5? I mean, fame-per-frame like flash games (and awesome like Warner Bros games, such as Scooby-Doo and Steppenwolf: The X-Creatures project). I hope it's possible to do something like that with HTML5. Well, thanks for enduring my long text.
  24. Hi there, I work at Gamevy, a company that is bringing Television Gameshows to market. We're the recent winners of best startup at the ICE Conference (See here for announcement: https://www.gamcrowd.com/press/gamevy-claims-pitch-ice-crown-with-32-of-vote). Since winning the competition, we've seen significant interest in our products and we're looking to expand. We've got some ideas that we've worked up internally which we really want to progress, but with all the demand we're seeing elsewhere we don't have the capacity. I'd really like to speak with companies that have experience in delivering games, preferably in the real money space, who offer development services. I'm on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danrough please connect and message me there. Thanks, Dan.
  25. Hi Folks, I'm after a 501 Darts game making for a website. I will be producing the illustration assets, but we need a 2 player game with scoreboard. If you're interested please send me any samples and quotes, deadline is October. Thanks, Steven.
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