Hi Everyone, My scene changing in my game in progress 'My Name is Momo' causes the frame rate to plummet down to 5fps http://harrywatson.altervista.org/momo/index2.html I've used a profiler to isolate it down to the following event listener type (I have a number of these). Everything works fine if the player goes through the game at an expected sort of pace. But clicking through scenes two, three and four, quickly jams everything up. Is there a kind soul out there who would like to have a look? Regards Harry function Invball(){ if(squareBump(inventory.x, inventory.y, 800, 80, ballclone.x, ballclone.y)){// The Rectangle collision stage.removeChild(ball); ballclone.addEventListener("pressmove",function(eve){ eve.currentTarget.x = eve.stageX; eve.currentTarget.y = eve.stageY; }); ballclone.addEventListener("pressup",function snap(){ ballclone.x = 132; ballclone.y = 570; }); stage.update(); } } createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", Invball);