Hi, I've just started using Phaser and its great. Theres lots of tutorials and lots of answered questions. But now i've hit a bit of a wall. I would like to try and use an Atlas with a TileMap (built using Tiled) and cant seem to find any information on it. I am using an atlas because my graphical assets are all different sizes, well apart from the floor tiles. Here some code: preload : function () { this.load.tilemap( "level", "assets/tilemaps/level.json", null, Phaser.Tilemap.TILED_JSON ); this.load.atlas( "scenery", "assets/sprites/scenery.png", "assets/sprites/scenery.json" );}create : function() { this._map = this.game.add.tilemap( 'level' ); //this._map.addTilesetImage( 'ground', 'ground-tiles' ); this._backgroundLayer = this._map.createLayer( "ground" ); this._backgroundLayer.resizeWorld();} This is just using one image with the key "ground-tiles". But now my map need collidables and trees etc. Can anyone tell me how or if i can use an Atlas with my Tilemap? Thanks