Hi, like with Asteroids before, I made another automatized port of an original old arcade game to JavaScript (with the HTML5 Canvas element). It is Astro Fighter, originally written by Data East Corporation (DECO) in 1980. My JavaScript version was created by applying the method of static binary translation to DECO's game. That means, that the program code originally written in the machine language of the 6502 CPU of the Astro Fighter machine was converted in a one-to-one manner to JavaScript. The translation was automized by a Prolog program, which generates semantically equivalent JavaScript code for each 6502 instruction and applies some optimization techniques to the generated program (e.g., removal of redundant flag calculations). The outcome is an exact simulation of the original arcade game. Here is the link to the game: http://members.aon.at/nkehrer/astrof_js/AstrofJS.html And here is a screenshot: Greetings Norbert