I have an ArcRotateCamera targeted on a sphere like this: camera = new BABYLON.ArcRotateCamera("camera", 0, 0, 10, BABYLON.Vector3.Zero(), scene); earth = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateSphere("earth", 16, 2, scene); After clicking on the sphere at point P1 = (x1, y1, z1) , I'd like for the camera to animate in a way that it would change its focus directed at P1. Ideally I would like the camera to animate to a new position P2 = (x1 * 2, y1 * 2, z1 * 2) but I realized that I need to animate an arcRotateCamera using its alpha, beta and radius. So my question is how can I convert P2 position to its corresponding alpha, beta and radius to give me this animation affect. thanks in advance, Sima