Hello there, I'm currently using PIXI on a project ( as often because it's my favorite canvas framework ) and I have a little problem. I'm must work on a staging server protected by an htaccess login system ( BASIC AUTH ). When I try to load a texture with PIXI.Texture.fromImage() method, my calls returns a 401 (Authorization Required) HTTP error. But only on Chrome ( I'm running the version 39.0.2171.95 - 64 bits - Mac OSX ). If I try to load an image on the Chrome console after filling my auth data and load the page like that : var i = new Image();i.src="http://mypath/pict.jpg"It works. If I look at the call that Chrome does, in the request header I see an "Authorization" parameter : Authorization:Basic Y3JlYWt0a...That parameter is not in the header of the request generated by PIXI. Is there a way to pass auth data to PIXI ? Thanks.