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Everything posted by oddskill

  1. Hey Guys. Sorry for checking back so late, was very busy lately. You loose as soon as you miss one red cow. Thers only one life. regards oddskill @Ousaf. The graphics are partly from openclipart.org and some are custom graphics done by JUL
  2. Hello Hardtail. Yeap, this is probably necessary to filter out which theme is wished the most by the community. I heard there are lots of complains from india because shooting cows there is not so popular (i heard india is the worlds biggest exporter of cow meat on other sources too, so well,). So i guess first themed version will be a sheepmageddon/hindu version, to not hurt anybodys religious feelings. A Madonna version is probably a too unrealistic idea, we dont wanna scare players that much, the game should still stay family friendly. best regards odd
  3. Hi Jul. Thats a pretty nice idea. Keeping the calendar in mind, i might probably start with a easteregged version. best regards odd
  4. Hi Hardtail. The most challenging part was actually to get those cows todo stunts in a "no oxygen" environment. We worked together with some really talented "cow whisperers" and some guys from NASA to get that job done. DISCLAIMER: *** NO COWS GOT HURT IN THE PRODUCTION OF THAT GAME ****** The coding part was a breeze, thanks to PHASER. Only thing i had some fight with was some stuttering tweens, but it worked out that it was a chrome vsync problem. best regards odd
  5. Does something like "way too retro" even exist ? I dont think so, i like it very much. regards Odd
  6. very nice one, regards odd
  7. Well, thats pretty cool, a little difficult at first try, but one gets used to it. I give extra points for the real retro feeling. edit: i supported your game with 2.50$, consider it i payed you a beer for it, everybody gogogo. regards odd
  8. Yeah probably, also there will be an game with a mad surfing cow. regards odd
  9. Thank you very much guys, i appreciate it. best regards Odd
  10. Hello, my first little phaser game is on. In the moment its desktop browser only, best played on google chrome. http://www.kongregate.com/games/OddSkillGames/cowmageddon-the-game have fun. update: announced by twitter https://twitter.com/oddskill/status/570247719182344193 best regards odd
  11. Hi, your first example doesnt work, other than that nice examples site. regards. odd
  12. Very nice little puzzle game. regards odd
  13. Hi, im always interested in exploring new ideas around the game of chess, its indeed a very nice idea. And +1 for adding some tutorials, you can make a "learn the moves of chess" chapter ie. best reards odd
  14. very nice, thank you rich.
  15. Happy New Year, As teaching aid i'd prefer point 1 and 2. For blueprints on the other hand i'd prefer point 4. Anyways i'm looking forward to see those books being released. best regards odd
  16. I don't know if thers an official /is up/ event. but you could just fire your own event at the end of the create function. regards odd
  17. Hi. I guess you have to write your own filter to extract the peaks. http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webaudio/intro/ I dont know how exactly Audio is implemented in Phaser, but how general acess to the webaudio realtime buffer is done you can see here http://noisehack.com/custom-audio-effects-javascript-web-audio-api/ You just have to find the peaks in the buffer instead of manipulating it like in those examples. best regards odd
  18. its already fixed. thanks a lot @rich and team.
  19. Hi know this is off topic but still. The Forum chat throws a "chat key expired, inform administrator" message. best regards odd
  20. You could use groups for z-order. this.background_group = this.add.group(); this.enemies_group = this.add.group(); this.endboss_group = this.add.group(); this.graphicfx_group = this.add.group(); this.retrofont_group = this.add.group(); everything added to retrofont group is displayed above everything put in the other groups. For display order inside a group have a look at http://examples.phaser.io/_site/view_full.html?d=groups&f=display+order.js&t=display%20order regards odd
  21. Edit: was broken now looks funny For me its broken 404 on https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15582110/circle_game/assets/dude.png regards odd
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