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mazoku last won the day on April 11 2024

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  1. Match three game, classic gameplay, 15 seconds to start with. Play: Gems
  2. mazoku


    A game in the genre of fish-eat-fish with three.js I wasn't very creative with the title. Play here: Fish Whatever
  3. Klondike Solitaire play Klondike is popular solitaire game, this is the generic game made with pixi.js
  4. Simple puzzle game with pixi https://quarkstargames.com/relax-blocks/
  5. Trying to learn Three.js, making few games. Dungeon 3d (work title) is point and click rpg game. Link: https://quarkstargames.com/dungeon-3d/ Its work in progress in my free time and I get distracted a lot so its in early stage. Space to attack
  6. mazoku

    Strange warning

    Strange but pixi-spine3.x is forcing @pixi 6.5.9 to be installed
  7. mazoku

    Strange warning

    I am using Pixi 5.3, pixi-spine and I am having very strange warning: "utils.js:1373 PixiJS Deprecation Warning: Loader.registerPlugin() is deprecated, use extensions.add() instead.Deprecated since v6.5.0" There is no other version of pixi in node modules or at least I think so
  8. There are many. You can check: https://www.facebook.com/groups/IndieGameDevs and search for similar names. Also Unity and Unreal groups are not bad too.
  9. There are some pretty interesting general game development groups on facebook.
  10. mazoku

    i'm confuse

    Phaser is good place to start. https://phaser.io/examples
  11. I need feedback on colyseus or lance from anyone who used any of them. Performance, issues, problems?
  12. Question in topic. I think this is pretty useful, its overhead to make a container to have image + text functionality (Button) for example. Or am I missing something?
  13. Thank you, thats nice info.
  14. I have two questions about implementing game servers for simple html5 games. First question Node(eventually colyseus) vs C++ server? What are your reasons for one or the other? Second - any free hosting (vm or whatever) for testing purposes?
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