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About nikolayku

  • Birthday 07/19/1984

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  • Location
    Minsk, Belarus

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  1. Here is my game "Cake connect" http://www.html5gamedevs.com/topic/17010-pixijscake-connect/
  2. Hi to all, here my latest puzzle game "Cake connect" Demo here Engine: PixiJs + box2d js + SoundJS Screenshots:
  3. Cool game !!!! But enemy bullets goes through walls
  4. -- editor - vim !!! -- build system - bash script + python scripts -- operating system - linux mint 14/ linux mint 16 -- gimp for graphics -- inkscape for vector graphics -- blender for 3d graphics -- audacity for sound/music
  5. hi, some times android performance very bad. For example - in my game i use background image(as html background) with resolution 2048x1024 game work fine on desktop (FF, chrome, opera, IE) and my IPad 3 and Iphone 4s/ 5s but on android (with native browser) max fps was 15 on top devices(if use chrome on android all was done). when i remove this background image fps on android increase to 35-40 fps
  6. Hi Probably this can help
  7. hi, i don't try by myself but hear that fast canvas plugin can help you. look at here
  8. Great work !!! This tool is what I find. Please provide link to git.
  9. Not work on firefox (backgroud image only + music) About music - where you take this beautiful track ?
  10. Probably I found a bug. Steps to reproduce 1) I start firefox in fullscreen 2) Game says to rotate it into portrait 3) scale brouser window while this message not changed into game 4) play some level and win it - wait whale "Gold found" dialog appeared 5) do to touch/click game window , just maximize firefox window 6) Rotate device back to portrait dialog appeared BUT game level start over it.
  11. View Game - Access Denied Sorry, but you cannot view this game. The reason is: Developers are not allowed to view this game.
  12. Can you share source code of 1-3 scrolling methods ?
  13. I found solution. First of all problem is not in pixi or code above - problem in ..... and problem in .... PROBLEM IN GPU ACCELERATION which disabled on Linux in all browsers by default(for my ATI video card I install additionally proprietary driver and enable acceleration in browser settings).
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