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  1. Hello AwesomeBilly, Heroku can be intimidating because of the command line usage. I don't know how their infrastructure works but it's the main goal of their service, you don't need to know. I don't think Heroku is overkill and should fit your needs. I would like to add that I am not affiliated with Heroku ^^' I'm just trying to help by sharing the experience I have
  2. Free version of Heroku provides a limited number of projects, but you can build one that hosts all of your packages. The downside of this approach is when you update one package because it will deploy all the project; potentially leaving players of other games/packages with an interruption of service. I hope it helps.
  3. Hi megamaster, I'm sorry I can't provide a good tutorial (except the ones on Heroku's documentation here) but you can look at my work on Dodjzem. In the branch "test", there is a file named "server.js" that can show you how a very simple webserver works with Nodejs and Heroku. I must warn you, the project is really not up to date ! Good luck and enjoy
  4. Hello! We are back Here is our entry : http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-31/?action=preview&uid=19347 You can play directly here : http://ladybugriders.com/games/WavyJumpsProject/WavyJumps/ We use LREditor (based on Phaser) to make our game. Enjoy and please, give us feedbacks
  5. Ok, I undestand. Thank you for the explanation.
  6. Ah ok, so what do you mean by "native loading of XML files" ? (sorry if it's a silly question)
  7. Hello, Thanks for the release! Can you tell me if "native loading of XML files" means that bitmap font loading in CocoonJs is working now ?
  8. Thank you ! The second video is on its way and the first example project will be revealed soon
  9. Hello, It seems pretty cool but can you tell us about technical details please (language, engine, etc...) ? Thank you
  10. In my opinion, it's not a matter of commercial product or not. Phaser is user friendly since the begining! But I agree with you, we should propose a fix to it because it is open source.
  11. Hello ! Fews days ago, I've presented you the LREditor, a Phaser Game Editor, here : http://www.html5gamedevs.com/topic/7890-lreditor-free-opensource-game-editor/ Now I want to present you the first tutorial video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsGIp_p90CE&index=2&list=PLJy6Xl1sflFqBKQ4Kun9jA24nDuugG6BE In this video, you will learn how to install LREditor and launch the example. You can try it here : http://lreditor.herokuapp.com/ And clone it from GitHub here : https://github.com/L...Riders/LREditor Or simply visit our website : http://ladybugriders.com Hope it helps. Please, give us feedback!
  12. Hi, You can check our LREditor on this post : http://www.html5gamedevs.com/topic/7890-lreditor-free-opensource-game-editor/
  13. I wish a better integration with CocoonJs, espacialy for BitmapFont loading (a JSON parser perhaps ?). Otherwise, keep going with this great work !!
  14. Great! I'm glad to hear it! You're right, the error occurs because the prefabs folder doesn't exist. I can't wait to see what you can do with LREditor Have Fun !
  15. Hi! Thank you for the feedback! You don't need a MAMP server, the script "www" does it for you You just has to open a terminal in the LREditor folder and execute : node bin/www Then, you just has to go to http://localhost:5000 Here is a video : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15979011/tmp/tuto-2014-07-17_16.11.22.mp4 We are working on Youtube tutorials, this video is a draft so please be indulgent with it Enjoy!
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