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  1. @poncle works nice on my desktop with firefox, I think you can add a power-up called umbrella , it will be active for some seconds and it will protect the kitty from those drops, it will be more fun, i just want some kind of power in that game too. This was just my view and suggestion.
  2. very nice shooting game , i love it, thanks for making and sharing:)
  3. I played it for an hour , man this is additive. very nice , simple and good game.
  4. Nice game working, check it on my computer on chrome , it's working like a charm. Which engine you use to make this , or did you program it . Just curious.
  5. I use GIMP , just learning it and it is really a very good software.
  6. Very nice and useful information , it really filled lots of excitment in me and I am really willing to work. Thanks for sharing your information with us. Congratz 1900 $ is a good start I think.
  7. Great Thanks Chris for the IRC Channel, it will be nice and good to chat with you guys. Thanks
  8. For 2D I am looking forward to C2 and Game Maker For 3D I will go for Unity3D and UDK Since I can never learn scripting so for me C2 and UDK are best.
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