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Everything posted by Ptitclem

  1. I agree with the article. OO is to make objects, and that why I'll use it. Thanks for the links. So no one uses engines here?
  2. Level 13 - 23 000 I guess I had some fun This is a good start. The tutorial could be more complete, particularly the remote explosive is not explained at all although it is very effective in the air (but nor really easy to use). On the "dont kill wild life" thing, I killed animals just to have the PETA submarine and have more points I don't know if that was the point
  3. Quick answer, Thanks! (Je pourrais parler en français mais on va rester international ) I've read an article telling that OO in javascript makes a slower code. Anyway, I will use OO for the game logic as I feel more comfortable with it. That could be one good reason to use Typescript. I know I could start an engine from scratch, and I wish I could have more time to code my game but that's unfortunately not the case. As a beginner I will also do too many mistakes and have crappy performances. That's why I'd prefer a game engine, but I don't know enough to pick one among others.
  4. Hello everybody, I am new on this forum, but I think I'll stay around a while Short presentation: I am a French developer, fond of games like everybody here I guess, and I just started the html5 adventure. I have some background in oo coding (java, c++), I like clean, reusable code with a good ratio between performance and clarity. I want to make a cross-platform 2D game, html5 games feel right to me but I feel overwhelmed by this new world. Too much information, too much choices to make, not enough time, help . My project: Make a cross-platform 2D game. I will start by a top-view-world-exploration-type-of-game. At start I will make it really simple with no animations. Then I'll add layers of complexity, game logic (a lot), and at last (but not least) online multi-player capabilities. My need: Your feeling about what environment I should use. What I already did: I read the "Learning to write javascript post". Really helpful. I already tested few things. First I do not really like every aspect of the javascript language, it feel like I'm trying to build a bridge with bamboos and duct tape. I am potentially interested by Typescript but that's just a feeling. I used Cocos2d HTML5. It's OK to use, but I am not 100% satisfied. I just tried Pixi.js and I like the really simple syntax. But it is really new (maturity ?) and I feel that I'll need more tools. I got a glimpse of Turbulenz. Seems amazing, but maybe overkill for what I need. That said, if the performances are OK and the syntax simple I'm not against it. Don't hesitate to ask more precisions. Thank you for your answers. Clément
  5. Great, got it working without any problem. Here is my code (using the Draw function by Ezelia). Thanks. //drawing procedural texture and use it as a PIXI sprite var sprite = new PIXI.Sprite(PIXI.Texture.Draw(function (canvas) { //we are now in a 2D context //you need to specify your canvas width and height otherwise it'll have a size of 0x0 and you'll get an empty sprite canvas.width = 800; canvas.height = 600; var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); //get canvas 2D context ctx.fillStyle = "black"; ctx.fillRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height); var pix = ctx.createImageData(canvas.width, canvas.height); for (var y = 0; y < canvas.height; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < canvas.width; x++) { var colorRGBA = getColor(x,y); pix.data[inc++] = colorRGBA.r; pix.data[inc++] = colorRGBA.g; pix.data[inc++] = colorRGBA.b; pix.data[inc++] = colorRGBA.a; } } ctx.putImageData(pix, 0, 0); }));
  6. Hi, First, great work with Pixi.js, I really like the simplicity of it so far. I have a new need : render a 2D array of colors (RGBA or RGB at least). The goal is to render procedural 2D textures like Perlin noise. Is this feasible with Pixi.js ? If yes how to do it efficiently ? If no is this in the roadmap ? Thanks in advance for your answers. _______________ Clement
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