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  1. We are available again! Feel free to contact us if you are interested by our services Cheers
  2. Hello, We are Clean Cut Games, an indie game development studio based in Paris and are working on releasing our own game, Hair Dash. Since we are nearing the end of our development cycle and getting close to release, money is becoming tight so we are looking for contract work. Skills Web Development : We have extensive experience in Javascript (+HTML5 obviously) especially for game development. We have successfully built an efficient development pipeline using Javascript (with Typescript for a saner code base) and webpack for deployment and development. Server Development : Thanks to our CS cursus and our past experience, especially completing our previous contract work developing a .io game supporting up to 40 simultaneous players, we are proficient at developing network architectures for games. Our latest work in this field was using Nginx for load balancing with Nodejs on a server. Software and Game Development : Less relevant for web development but we still feel it is relevant. We are highly proficient in Java and C#, thanks to years of experience coding in both. We are also proficient in C++ and Python. Engines : We are very proficient with Phaser 3 for web dev as well as the LibGDX framework for mobile development, as it's the engine we are using for our game Hair Dash. We also have good experience with Unreal Engine 4 and Unity. General Development : We put a huge emphasis on good code practice, proper use of design patterns and respecting OOP principles. Having a clean and well-designed codebase is key for maintability and quality. Game Design : Thanks to our game development experience, we have extensive knowledge of game design and can assist with providing constructive criticism and analysis of game design documents and ideas. Design and Visuals : While we are no artists ourselves, our work on game development and past experience in drawing and general artistic endeavours allows us to have a fairly experienced eye on visuals and choices of colours, to create pleasing and attractive compositions and scenes. --- Our rate and prices are negociable and we can adapt to budgets and projects. Depending on your needs and budget, we can deploy a bigger workforce to achieve results faster or can limit the workforce to match lower prices (but also have longer production delays obviously). You can contact me either by answering this thread or PMing me and we are open to discussion and offers! Looking forward to working with you!
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