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  1. ok, so, full disclosure, I'm the artist on @bobonthenet's project, so this thing is tailored to my specific brand of laziness. I've been using it for about a week and it makes things easy on my end. I create the animations in Krita, export all the frames as PNGs, and Spritility takes care of the bit that I used to use TexturePacker for. I've been using the command line, but it occurred to me tonight that I could make a batch file to save myself typing a handful of characters every time I added or updated a sprite, so I can be even lazier now. bob will have to weigh in on what it's like to work with the files that are generated, as I've managed to avoid doing any actual coding thus far, but I do think that if you're working with an artist who doesn't know how (or just doesn't like to) code, this is the sort of thing that will let them spend more time thinking about the art and less time doing fiddly stuff.
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