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About jinzo7

  • Birthday 01/18/1994

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  • Location
    Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Interests
    coding, UI, PIXI, Unity, multiplayer, online, new technologies, software architectures and design, quality code and many amazing things around that

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  1. Mostly problems related to the screens and performance on different divices.I read that on internet and it is old(2018,2019). So I guess the complexity of your game is big factor. Progressive web apps arent good option. React native is good alternative but it also comes with its problems. Try cordova since there is no shortcut. For myself I guess I wont do anything for native because I think there are reasons for being so unpopular.
  2. Thanks for the answer. I think it wont be cordova since it comes with many problems. Especially for game dev.
  3. Hello, everyone. We want to make a game for mobile native app on pixi. Everything on internet is so old. What is the modern way to build pixi for native ? Before years there was cocoonjs for games against cordova and phonegap. As I see cocoonjs is abandoned. We want to make very simple, non-physics game at early. So we don't need phaser or some game engines. Just pure PIXI. As details we prefer PIXI v.5 and typescript.
  4. Hello, everyone! Im interested in creating instant games for facebook. There are a lot of content in facebook sites. Really a lot of. Im confused a bit. Substantially I have an idea about a card game from my childhood and I want to implented it for facebook. For me - I am pixi game developer and I know how to "backending". LOL! I have few questions before step in to the deeper facebook documentation. The questions are the basics so it can be helpful for everybody. The questions: Can I use pixi? Yes! But is it a good idea ? Is there anyone that earn from the instant game and how ? I want to make it multiplayer. What facebook offers for multiplayer gaming ? Are there any tutorials, examples and so on ? What I have to focus? I mean I will create the gameplay easy and then what? Sure Ill follow the best practices given from facebook but are they hard - the all in-game games,bonuses and so on? Can I release firstly a poorer game and than release next versions ? What you are going to advice me before start learning the apis, creating the game and etc ? For now Im not sure how the end looks like but Im going to try. Also I think the post will be helpfull for every beginner in the area. I will follow, update and comment the post often as possible. So lets do it, guys! Thanks !
  5. Thanks for the answer ! I will continue to try tomorrow and will post some demo next days regardless of the success/fail.
  6. Hello, nerds ! Happy v.5 release also ! So I`m making pinch to resize(zoom like), stretch and shrink(which is basicly resizing to constant values) over class that extends Sprite or Container. I`m not defently sure what I should extend. My class has methods resize(newWidth, newHeight), stretch() and shrink() . For ease I will call the class Player which extends Sprite or Container with the 3 additional methods. Everything was okay when the parent was Sprite with texture. Then I had to add as child different sprites. So the composition went complex and the algorithm went to the trash. The composition is: Player - extends Sprite or Container, methods resize(newW, newH), reposition(newX, newY), stretch(), shrink(); Background1 - extends Sprite, has texture; visible only when stretch() is called; size - 50x50 Background2 - extends Sprite, has texture; visible only when shrink() is called; size - 100x100 Video - extends Sprite, has texture; always visible; initial size - 500x500 Label - extends Sprite, has texture; visible some times only; size - 70x70 Text 1. At the begining the Player instance has to be shrinked. So the size has to be 50x50. If user tab it, it has to stretch with size 100x100. 2. If user use pinch when it is stretched it has to resize. The question is: In my methods resize(newWidth, newHeight), stretch() and shrink() which children I have to scale, change width and height and so on. Where the factors are - the Background sprites are with different sizes and changing its visibility and the Video sprite is with bigger size than the need. Additional(useless): I tried a lot of things but there is no success. And maybe I`m wrong with something small. If the problem is not clearly defined I`ll make changes! Thank you very much !
  7. Said in that way sounds very trustworthy. Okay I will make more research around. Think the Firefox forum will be affected too. Thank you very much! I will write when something new emerges on the horizon !
  8. The only headers I can access is the updgrading protocol request/response (from http to ws) wich does not contains any valuable information. After this the connection is opened between my client and the server. The client receives only socket messages like stream events - PLAY, FAIL and etc. I cannot inspect the WebRTC headers and messages at whole. Also cannot find any tool that can do this. The problem is happening very rarely and it is in Firefox only. So in one moment I decided to stop believing it is CORS problem for that reason. And only WebGl has problem. The stream(video element) is not failed or something.
  9. Hello! The project is old so PIXI v.3.0.11 is used. For streaming - Flashphoner via WebRTC Steps to reproduce 1. Start video stream in html video element - stream.start(myDiv) which creates streamVideoElement in myDiv 2. When stream fires STREAM_PLAYING event the method PIXI.Texture.fromVideo(streamHtmlVideoElement) is called and the returned texture is set to the specific PIXI.Sprite instance. 3. Somewhere after this the Firefox browser receives error thrown by WebGl: Additional information The problem is happened very rerely Only Firefox Stream(video element) is not failed after the error In the PIXI source code that means: gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, texture.source); What we tried tried to set video.crossOrigin = "anonymos" to the video element but no success. tried to dispose video like video.src = "" and etc according some advices related to the localStorage caching I know it's not directly linked by PIXI but still I need help. And the image of the current block when exception was thrown.
  10. I used mocha. But with namespaces, not with modules in typescript. Yes the problem is in your tsconfig. There are tutorials for that in the net, Im sure. And when you are in the browser why using typescript modules ? Next week maybe I will ask friend that played on webpack, ts modules, unit tests and etc over PIXI and typescript and we will post some answer here.
  11. Amazing answer! Thanks! After we form our end solution we will put ourselves here I hope! For the protocol - before 2 years we chose Webstorm cuz that was the only IDE that can debug in browser with the JetBrains chrome extension. It works very beautiful in this way. Now VSCode has plugin for chrome debugging.
  12. jinzo7

    PIXI version 5?

    Hello, PIXI friends! Still PIXI on the top ofcourse, our team is going to migreate the apps from 3 to 4. And we like very much PIXI. The exploring(chill) time comming for us and it is it time to form everything better. When version 5 will be stable? Why it is better ? It has better performance? We need to know everything, I need! LOL! Is version 5 is going to have good support of PIXI-Animate(Adobe animate) ? Tell me everything, please!
  13. Hello,guys! In the old days you remember Flash/AS3. There were free Flashdevelop IDE. It was perfect. You use all libraries in flash with perfect auto-completion, perfect debuging and so on. When flash is old and grumpy now every work with it is stopped of course. The perfect substituent of AS3 + Flashdevelop IDE we explored is Typescript + PIXI + Webstorm + Typescript namespaces - okay. But typescript + webstorm are made for angular applications so you understand there is bunch of problems. We were under pressure and had to create everything fast. Now we have time to explore for the best solution. Big games/applications can be made of pure javascript and it is trash - our opinion and experience. Can you tell your opinions, your experience, best practices and so on on Typescript, PIXI , IDE, other libraries and so on ? Lets make better code!
  14. Hello, developers! I am wondering about PIXI v.3 or v.4, how much they can live and work on the internet. Imagine now I start big project on v.3 or v.4. This project should be licensed with little exceptions. Should I extract the whole code related to PIXI(my view) to be specially maintained over the time? What is the experience on similar cases? What is the risk?
  15. I appreciate it. I will make topic with example of PIXI and mvc soon(the weekend maybe). This is good tech and we can share it by simplicity.
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