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  1. Hey folks just updating. It's just technical and bug stuff due to game engine upgrade and a little announcement. I'll update the initial thread for the link of the game when it's available, and it will be available to play for free (play, not steal! ?) Update 19/1/2019 - "New ownership" to chewgako, haha! Apparently I do remember this account. The email has been deleted though, so I'll stick with my new account. - Upgraded the Cocos engine version from 1.? (already forgot) to 2.1. It's a freaking pain. - Fixed some background issues due to Cocos engine version incompatibility. - Fixed boundary screen issue where the ship can go beyond expected boundary on landscape, though the game is designed for only portrait. - The game can now work on both landscape and portrait, but the screen is default to portrait (it's a vertical shoot 'em up, duh!) - Changed main menu button font colors to be more visible. - Edited main menu's decoration cause the previous one looks so pale and flat. - Fixed the main menu cloud animation loop. - Fixed bug where one type of enemy ship aren't removed from the game after its wave is ended. - Fixed boot script error due to Cocos version being incompatible with the old boot file from custom build-templates. This will be my last post from this account, and the new ones will be followed with the new account. Cheers!
  2. Okay. In my experience, while I'm not really sure how small is "small" in your context, usually the big ones respond slower than the small ones, or sometimes just the same (even though the big ones barely respond within a week). I'd say you can expect an answer between a day to three or four weeks, then you can move on. This can vary from other dev's experience.
  3. I pretty much care less about the ECS as architecture (or any other architecture they would use), but whatever thing they do to reduce file size massively, load faster, and increase performance and scalability, I'll do it. If they use ECS just because it's "cool" in terms of engineering and become a mere, opinionated paradigm shift (which is super common in webdev field with all those silly MVC derivations), I wouldn't really take it. I also think this presentation of "small things" is just a fraction of the feature. According to this article, the aim is primarily also for big games. https://www.mcvuk.com/development/exclusive-unity-takes-a-principled-step-into-triple-a-performance-at-gdc And this video explains their approach in general. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwnb9Clh2Is Big engines like these barely able to reduce their file size to a few MBs, not to mention KBs, even though it strips most of its parts. But apple to apple example, Unreal Engine 4 barely even able to touch below 30 MB for its simple example game Tappy Chicken (a Flappy Bird clone), making it definitely not possible for super small games. Even a smaller one with editor like Cocos Creator's core HTML5 game engine is 1.5 MB by default, and still around 900 KB~ with their physics and skeleton exporter modules stripped. So far it's really amazing for me if they can scale down Unity to the point that I don't even need to make things from scratch for a super small games, as Unity is (potentially!) not really "overkill" anymore to do it. For it being stable for usage at production level? Well they just announced it officially, so let's see how this goes in a few years.
  4. I think someone has already addressed the same issue. Maybe this could follow-up your question:
  5. I like the idea of it to optimize the game size and performance rather than solving early architecture decisions. Definitely worth it for web as well. That Fastlane Ad, holy crap less than 1 MB including assets using Unity? Wow. I think this also answers the other topic found here http://www.html5gamedevs.com/topic/36498-html5-export-of-unity-flappy-bird-is-714kb/
  6. I'll be posting mostly about game development or at least related to. You can follow me @toraleca
  7. How about Patreon (http://patreon.com/)? Not really sure how it may work for you, but it's definitely an alternative.
  8. Can only wait until there's a fully working demo we can download..
  9. Wow, great news. I wish Unreal would do the same.. I hope they would after porting their Fortnite to mobile.
  10. My only other solution is you got to make some games now from whatever resources you have right now (which determines your scope) and start selling. This makes sure you have money to run your gamedev business without looking for investors, loans, or a job and keep on living. I mean, really right now. You just got to do something, really quick, else you are stuck in chicken and egg situation. "I want to make a game but I don't have funding, I need funding but I don't have any game/anything to sell yet." Let me tell you the truth about game business, or in fact, any business. Most often you may fail. Your plan may fail, your first or second game may fail, until you reach one success, that leads you enough money to reach another success. However, long before you reach one, you are already short in money, whether you got funding or not. So you need contingency plan to keep on surviving, even if it means you got to go back to your day job. For example if plan A fails what should I do? If I need funding, can this funding fill me to my first and second failure so I can have the third? etc.
  11. There may be no complete game engines that allow you to do this, so my recommendation is you extend the third party libraries to your own game engine, like wrapping pixi.js (2D graphics) or Three.js (3D), and Howler.js (sound) into your own. They are good enough to start off quickly for you to make a game by wrapping them to your factory functions style with it. The reason why I'm quite sure there is none is because JavaScript has many opinionated ways to make classes or objects derived from it (classic, prototypal, factory,... whatever I've grown tired of it, tbh). So of course, a complete game engine solution will use their own way too. One example, Cocos Creator uses John Resig's class inheritance as its base to make classes. Even Construct 2 has its own way that is barely even JavaScript when it comes to gameplay.
  12. You can try finding investors, but you need to already have some games and their potentials. They don't like prototypes unless you are one of the "graduates" from big, popular, reputable game developer/publisher. Usually it won't be just about games, but how your game development business can survive and worth money for investors to spend money for. Then again you said you are not a business man type, and with investors you got to deal with these folks more often than you think. You can try making a quick, good game and find publishers to buy it or publish on your own. But this only works if you already have enough funding in the first place, which you ask in this thread. Banks... in this type of business, don't or at least not yet, preferably no. My last, most realistic idea is simply find a job (or use some part your current job's salary) until there's good enough money to run your business!
  13. Same here. I'm done reaching out. Some people end up trying to make a deal with me though. I guess as long as I am around, they will find me (or make them find me). I just leave my game(s) site-locked on my website and let anyone pass by and keep making something new. This isn't my first time doing this. Back in 2014, even when these publishers were hot on HTML5 (news over millions of dollars poured over this potential), 2 of my games still take from a week to a month to reach out, and another month to make a deal just like mazoku said. Meanwhile I already have my plan B set up just like you. I am about to publish mine to Play Store (but I got stuck with my second game so I'll just focus on that first). Unrelated, but even my second game will be mobile native first, and web second (probably after WebAssembly and WebGL 2.0 is officially, widely available). Right now I'm focusing more on publishing on my own. Besides, I'm providing non-exclusive licensing so people can still try to make a deal even if the game is already in Play Store. Let's just say Play Store and App Store are actually one of those publishers to reach out.
  14. Thanks for the good words guys! I did plan to put some ambient environments on the sea, such as clouds, and drowned, abandoned buildings on level 2 and 3 to escalate the situation, but I forgot about it! Thanks for reminding me . My reason to push these back because I have performance issue back when using large images using accelerated Canvas. I forgot I already dropped that for WebGL . And yes Rockets and shields haha! I do want the big-freaking, mob-wiping laser too! Adding these gameplay-related things (rockets, lasers, bombs, shields, alternate weapons, etc.) are technically easy, but in terms of game design it can take a while that it might be better if I make a 2nd series if there's interest. This is because such changes require full re-design for almost all levels and waves including enemy hit points (HP), depending on when the Player gets the power ups or shield to keep balancing the difficulty. Meanwhile, the current resource (... me ) are onto the next game. Hopefully after that one is finished. I love all these feedback and suggestions, it encourages me a lot. Will definitely notify if there's anything new!
  15. Hi guys, need help on building a mini PC, or any good branded mini PC. I have a huge interest of it because I'm tired of moving my huge desktop PC. I want it on top of my table, behind or beside my monitor. Most probably like a console. The spec should be like: Intel i7 Geforce GTX 1080 Ti 16 GB RAM SSD (preferably m.2) Enough power supply to run those I honestly have no idea what motherboard, casing, and power supply I want to buy for these, as this is the first time I'm trying to build a mini PC. If there's a branded mini PC that has that much power it'd be great as well. Any idea? Cheers.
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