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Capitaine Herlock

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  1. AFAIK, there are many ways to code in PhaserJS, because javascript it self have many different versions like ES6, but for typescript and coffeescript I let you read this article https://medium.com/@caspervonb/a-brief-totally-accurate-history-of-programming-languages-cd93ec806124
  2. gg thx, but i don't understand why the "-" doesn't work on my azerty keyboard, i just noticed that i have beaten the actual high score but it doesn't record my score https://youtu.be/wIjacfYjxwQ
  3. gg thx, it takes a little bit of time to understand how to buy ships and create a fleet, then it is really funny when the other players comes and destroy all your fleet while you try to escape https://youtu.be/7VNW2FQ44Z4
  4. Does the book Interphase1 explains how to manage pause in an #PhaserJS manner or it's from scratch, because the example of @samme answers the question of how to pause in an easy manner
  5. I have published games on itch.io but in the context of Game Jams
  6. Hi, I am actually using this tool for my spritesheet https://www.leshylabs.com/apps/sstool/
  7. Hi, i am new to babylonjs i find that it's better then threejs in term of the discussions here in the forum
  8. Hello, I just have submitted a basic game around Phaser in the actual game jam https://reneromain.itch.io/githubgameoff2017 Feel free to discuss it in itch.io
  9. Hi, Take a look at https://gitlab.com/lunafromthemoon/RenJS you'll like it
  10. This is probably because you have to allow HTTP connxion in you app to let it connect to the internet
  11. Nice to see that babylonjs was presented in the last Siggraph
  12. The first layer i use is a green background then i add a tree from Zelda light world spritesheet, right after i define the tiles which the sprite will collide, in this order it worked fine, then i create the player
  13. I've noticed that the order in which you declare the layers and the player are important
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