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  1. Everything works with the last Chrome update (57.0.2987.98 (64-bit)) ! Thanks everyone for your help.
  2. Thanks Tom. Here is the result of setting a tint : When I set a tint, the first "NaN" disappear from the bufferSubData function but there is still "NaN" in the last parameters. Do you know where they come from? Also I always have a "Texture 27" rendered at the end of the frame (but it seems to be transparent).
  3. Chrome experiments are working. Only the Phaser exemples are not. I am on an iMac 21.5' mi-2011. I'll try to contact Chrome nonetheless.
  4. Here is the capture of the page with the WebGL Inspector Chrome extension. The bottom right image is the frame that should be rendered in the browser. So it seems that WebGL is working fine but just not displays the image .
  5. I went back to 2.1.0 but i still have the blank sreen
  6. Unfortunately there is nothing in the console. Chrome on Android has not this problem. It is stranged because it works well with Chrome on some other iMacs with the same Chrome and macos version. Also WebGL works well when I test some other "WebGL only" website. So it seems to be phaser related. However if I inspect the WebGL processing with the "WebGL inspector" Chrome extension, I see that the frame buffer is correctly computed but it seems that it is not rendered in the Chrome browser.
  7. Hello! My game does not render in chrome when I use the AUTO mode. I have the same problem with the Phaser examples that are in AUTO mode. Everything goes well when I test my game on Safari or on mobile browsers. Here is my configuration : macOS Sierra 10.12 chrome 56.0.2924.87 (64-bit) Does anyone has had the same issue? Any solution (other than configuring the game in CANVAS mode)? Thank you. Regis.
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