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Everything posted by spoboyle

  1. the modeller is 3ds max 2017. thanks Adam that looks like this will solve all my issue
  2. I believe my pivot is correct but I'll double check. The issue remains on why rotation.y seems to have the same effect as rotation.z
  3. http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#18OA3I#6 I seem to be having a problem understanding rotations. I have imported a model and am attempting a couple of things but first problem scene.getMeshByName("Cylinder002").rotation.y += 0.01; and scene.getMeshByName("Cylinder002").rotation.z += 0.01; seem to rotate the model about the same axis. can anyone explain whats going on? Also the rotation doesn't seem to occur around the centre on the object. this does seem to do what I want to do (even if i can't get my camera in the correct position for the moment) scene.getMeshByName("Cylinder002").rotate(new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 1, 0), 0.01, BABYLON.Space.LOCAL);
  4. Thanks again, I am looking into a few things and making slow but steady progress, I don't necessarily need the import but it was the easiest way for me to skin something. your latest link may solve that problem for me I'll take a look
  5. Thanks iiceman I have managed to get a simplified version of my project into playground http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#18OA3I if you removed the material (with the DynamicTexture added) you can see the effect I'm after. I want to be able to remove the text that is currently on the imported texture and replace it on creation for translation purposes. http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#18OA3I#2 initially I am replacing the imported texture with a simple DynamicTexture with just text; which gives odd results. I have added "CCCCC" and get 5 straight lines. If i use "Hello" I get 2 single straight lines. Ultimately I want to create a context to draw my image texture onto and then draw some text over this. I'll then use the context as my DynamicTexture. I think I am on the right lines, but before I process can anyone explain why I am not seeing the text I am drawing?
  6. I currently have a loaded .babylon file which is textured with a .png. I would like to be able to add text to this and do not understand if this is possible or where to start. DynamicTextures seem to be able to add Text to materials but I can't see a way to add the text on top of a image texture. Maybe MultiMaterial is a way to go somehow? I have added this playground as a starting point even if its not a loaded mesh. I would like to add different text to each of the 10 "sides" going around the circumference of the cylinder http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#2GZZLD#1
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