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Everything posted by karhu

  1. I've been building little browser game, but for the sake of learning new stuff I've tried to make my game run in desktop using Electron. The game loads up well, doesn't show any errors but the whole canvas is white, BUT if I use variable forceCanvas = true, it works! So there has to be some kind of issue with the WebGL. Does the WebGL or pixi even work in electron or does my computer have some kind of weird issue with graphics? (Debian with AMD so it is possible... :D)
  2. Thanks! I was thinking about calculating it like this. I just gotta find the "typical aspect ratio" and if the screen doesn't fit i will add black letterbox -thingy. Just gotta find the best way to do it.
  3. Just going to ask what is the best way to scale the stage? Or is there some kind of function inside the stage object?
  4. Thanks! I was looking for mistakes from the wrong place.
  5. So it's been a while since i played with pixi.js, there has been new version etc. I have used version 4.4.0 last time. Has lots of things changed? Anyhow, here is my jsfiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/hp4yn6kz/2/ As you can see, you cant see any text in the canvas. I also tried with texture atlas, but it renders nothing. Did i do something wrong? This worked before.
  6. Hello! I have been making this small puzzle prototype-game on my free time. It is called Numeropeli online. (Numeropeli means numbergame in Finnish.) I'm pretty sure there are real name for this type of game, (like chess, GO, backgammon) but i haven't found the one using google, so that's why the name of the game is kinda dumb. It is using node.js on backend, and it's using socket.io to connect to the server. It currently supports playing against random people, invite/host -game and playing against AI. I have been having fun playing with friends, it is kinda addicting too. The idea is, that players play in turns. The first player chooses the tile where the game begins. At each round, the players has to choose a tile from the line that the opponent has chosen. When you select a tile on your turn, the opponent must choose the next tile from the same column where the last picked tile were. The player with the most points wins. The next version contains: UX and UI updates, maybe whole rework (It feels bit wrong still) bug fixes (I'm pretty sure there are still bugs :D) Sounds (maybe) Stats system (wins, losses, avg, best points, game history, etc.) Leave button for games, if you dont want to play. Support for 5x5 tile games. Translations for other languages. Maybe make this an Windows Phone/Android application I would like to know what you guys think about it, are there some bad things, what should i change in the web design? Can you see any bugs? It looks like this on mobile Try it!
  7. thanks! It seems that it works! http://roitto.info/helpme2/ (even though the player sprites position looks a bit weird)
  8. How do i change the scalemode for textures manually? I found the scalemode variable from texture -> basetexture -variable, is it the right one to change? E: Yeah it worked manually. Guess i have to make function which changes them manually then.
  9. Yeah i tried both ways. Yeah it didn't work. It's weird that the canvas rendering works fine, there is no smoothing. But if it uses webgl, it goes smooth.
  10. I tried to scratch something up fast. Here it is: http://roitto.info/helpme/ Does it have something to do with the way i load the sprites?
  11. Nope, that didn't work. Is there any other versions to try?
  12. Hello all! I'm currently playing around with pixi.js and i have used to these things with normal canvas. I think this might have been asked many times, but how do i disable that image anti-aliasing from pixi.js? In normal canvas i could use context.imageSmoothingEnabled= false, but i think that this doesn't help here? - I have tried to set canvas css to image-rendering: pixelated; - i tried PIXI.settings.SCALE_MODE = PIXI.SCALE_MODES.NEAREST; but it doesn't help. - I also used antialising: disabled at the autoDetectRender -function. Anybody have any idea how to make it work? Or can you even disable it?
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