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Everything posted by TijmenH

  1. Ah, I see. Too bad, I fixed it another way using a switch statement. Maybe not the best option but it would be too much reworking to have your solution working. I already did a switch statement for all the groups (so if groupName is 'hunters' it already had some group specific code to scale, set animations etc) I just create the objects for the groups in there now. Thanks for helping me!
  2. Hello, I've got a function where I pass groupName as parameter. Now I want to create a sprite like this: object = groupName.create( x, y,objectImage);but it doesn't read the groupName as parameter/variable. It just looks for a function called groupName.create. How can I make sure javascript replaces the groupName with the string that's passed as parameter? Thanks in advance!
  3. Ahh, thanks a lot! This did the trick.
  4. Hello, I'm working on storing the locations of objects in a JSON file, and then place objects in the create function. But I'm noticing a weird bug. The JSON looks like this: { "bigRocks":[ {"x":"420", "y":"200"}, {"x":"699", "y":"1350"} ], "treeLogs":[ {"x":"250", "y":"500"}, {"x":"856", "y":"400"} ], "hunters":[ {"x":"50", "y":"140"}, {"x":"1150", "y":"2885"} ] }I load in this JSON like this: game.load.text('locations', 'assets/locations.json');in preload and then I use this in create: game.cache._text.locations.data = JSON.parse(game.cache.getText('locations'));and for creating objects: //Enemy hunters hunters = game.add.group(); hunters.enableBody = true; hunters.physicsBodyType = Phaser.Physics.ARCADE; var hunterLocations = game.cache.getText('locations').hunters; objectQuantity = Object.keys(hunterLocations).length; hunters.createMultiple(objectQuantity, 'zookeeper'); var i = 0; hunters.forEach(function(item){ item.reset(hunterLocations[i]['x'], hunterLocations[i]['y']); item.body.static = true; i++; });I'm using the same method for P2 physics objects, but when I do this for arcade physics objects I notice something weird; when I console.log the hunterLocations or item.x or item.y in the function above the positions are right. But when I console.log them in the update function like this: hunters.forEach(function(item){ console.log("hunter x: "+ item.x); console.log("hunter y: "+ item.y);});every update a 0 is added to the item.x and item.y. So it starts at 1150,800, then 11500,8000, then 115000,80000 etc. I've tried lots of things including storing the x and y in a variable first before using item.reset but all with the same result. The only time it works is when I just use numbers or variables defined in the game file. I'm really lost and thinking this is a bug, but I'm not sure. Help would be appreciated! Thanks
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