As i know from my partners, the reason is not audio. The reason is disable click by button:Below is a code:1) object - simple js object2) object.layer - link to created buton3) If game starts i have two console.log messages: "set cursor" and "add event"4) Then i try to click the button and i have no any messages. There are no pointer cursor when i hover the button and it is not clickable. After refresh the page - it became ok Anybody can help me? Thanks define(['phaser_layer', 'models/seat'], function(phaser_layer, seat_model) { var public = function(context) { this.phaser_layer = phaser_layer; var that = this; this.create = function(seat_number, position, click) { var object = new seat_model(seat_number, position, click); object.layer = this.phaser_layer.layer.add.button(position.x, position.y, this.phaser_layer.asset_definitions.player_open_seat); object.layer.inputEnabled = true; object.layer.input.useHandCursor = true; console.log('set cursor'); { console.log('click'); object.onClick(object, click); }, this); console.log('add event'); return object; } } return new public(this);})