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  1. hi Retri, depending on how you think, this is probably an error in Pixi (v 2.2.8). There are two possible places that might fix this. The first: PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.addChildAt = function(child, index){ if(index >= 0 && index <= this.children.length) { if(child.parent) { child.parent.removeChild(child); } child.parent = this; this.children.splice(index, 0, child); if(this.stage)child.setStageReference(this.stage);//INSERT THIS child.updateTransform();//END INSERT return child; } else { throw new Error(child + 'addChildAt: The index '+ index +' supplied is out of bounds ' + this.children.length); }}the above code makes sure added children have their transforms updated correctly. the other is in the computation of the actual size of the sprite (based on children). I have fixed it (I hope) for graphics, not for sprite, but the code should be the same: PIXI.Graphics.prototype.updateLocalBounds = function(){ var minX = Infinity; var maxX = -Infinity; var minY = Infinity; var maxY = -Infinity; if(this.graphicsData.length) { var shape, points, x, y, w, h; for (var i = 0; i < this.graphicsData.length; i++) { var data = this.graphicsData[i]; var type = data.type; var lineWidth = data.lineWidth; shape = data.shape; if(type === PIXI.Graphics.RECT || type === PIXI.Graphics.RREC) { x = shape.x - lineWidth/2; y = shape.y - lineWidth/2; w = shape.width + lineWidth; h = shape.height + lineWidth; minX = x < minX ? x : minX; maxX = x + w > maxX ? x + w : maxX; minY = y < minY ? y : minY; maxY = y + h > maxY ? y + h : maxY; } else if(type === PIXI.Graphics.CIRC) { x = shape.x; y = shape.y; w = shape.radius + lineWidth/2; h = shape.radius + lineWidth/2; minX = x - w < minX ? x - w : minX; maxX = x + w > maxX ? x + w : maxX; minY = y - h < minY ? y - h : minY; maxY = y + h > maxY ? y + h : maxY; } else if(type === PIXI.Graphics.ELIP) { x = shape.x; y = shape.y; w = shape.width + lineWidth/2; h = shape.height + lineWidth/2; minX = x - w < minX ? x - w : minX; maxX = x + w > maxX ? x + w : maxX; minY = y - h < minY ? y - h : minY; maxY = y + h > maxY ? y + h : maxY; } else { // POLY points = shape.points; for (var j = 0; j < points.length; j+=2) { x = points[j]; y = points[j+1]; minX = x-lineWidth < minX ? x-lineWidth : minX; maxX = x+lineWidth > maxX ? x+lineWidth : maxX; minY = y-lineWidth < minY ? y-lineWidth : minY; maxY = y+lineWidth > maxY ? y+lineWidth : maxY; } } } } else { minX = 0; maxX = 0; minY = 0; maxY = 0; } // INSERT HERE var my_bounds = PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.getBounds.call(this); // if there is some drawing, then consider it along with children if (this.graphicsData.length) { minX = Math.min(minX, my_bounds.left()); maxX = Math.max(maxX, my_bounds.right()); minY = Math.min(minY, my_bounds.top()); maxY = Math.max(maxY, my_bounds.bottom()); } else // just use children objects { minX = my_bounds.left(); maxX = my_bounds.right(); minY = my_bounds.top(); maxY = my_bounds.bottom(); } //END INSERT var padding = this.boundsPadding; this._localBounds.x = minX - padding; this._localBounds.width = (maxX - minX) + padding * 2; this._localBounds.y = minY - padding; this._localBounds.height = (maxY - minY) + padding * 2;};you will notice that I have updated retangle to have left,right,top,bottom helper functions: // INSERT/** * Sometimes it is useful to just ask for the top, bottom, left, right of a rectangle * so add these functions to the PIXI.Rectangle class */PIXI.Rectangle.prototype.left = function () { return this.x; };PIXI.Rectangle.prototype.right = function () { return this.x + this.width; };PIXI.Rectangle.prototype.top = function () { return this.y; };PIXI.Rectangle.prototype.bottom = function () { return this.y + this.height; };//END INSERTI am new to pixi (shoutout to the devs, as I have been very impressed with the ability to translate AS3 programs into pixi) so take my advice with a grain of salt. cheers
  2. Based on AS3 I would say yes. The abstraction was that sprites can contain children and be drawn upon and graphics can only be drawn upon. If this is no longer the abstraction you wish, I would suggestion updating the documentation to clearly express this to those devs coming from a Flash background (and once the docs let people know, it probably doesn't matter either way). (Just as a side note: in the current version of pixi (2.2.8), it appears that there are bugs in computing the bounds of graphics objects that contain children (code in: PIXI.Graphics.prototype.updateLocalBounds = function()). Additionally, it appears that the bounds/transform of a display object container is not updated when a child is added. This is probably because the development model is to use a DOC.) To balance the post from InsOp. I cast a vote for code maintainability and understandability over performance. cheers
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